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Network Management Definition

Network Management Definition. "...deploying and coordinating resources in order to plan, operate, administer, analyze, evaluate, design and expand communication networks to meet service-level objectives at all times, at a reasonable cost, and with optimum capacity.".

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Network Management Definition

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  1. Network ManagementDefinition "...deploying and coordinating resources in order to plan, operate, administer, analyze, evaluate, design and expand communication networks to meet service-level objectives at all times, at a reasonable cost, and with optimum capacity."

  2. Network ManagementFunctional Areas • Fault Management detect -- diagnose -- repair •Configuration/Name Mgmt a database problem... •Performance Mgmt measure and predict •Accounting Mgmt look at individual usage •Security Mgmt access control and encryption

  3. Management Protocols • SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol • Internet • CMIP - Common Management Information Protocol • ISO • TMN - Telecommunications Management Network • ITU-T

  4. Management ProtocolsPhilosophy • SNMP - Simple Network Management Protocol • keep it simple! (cf the Internet toaster) • CMIP - Common Management Information Protocol • the bazaar: whatever you want • TMN - Telecommunications Management Network • actually a separate network specification

  5. SNMP vs CMIP {round 1} SNMP CMIP Requirements from various vendors and user communities

  6. Fault Management Configuration Management Performance Management Security Management Accounting Management ISO Management Overview System Management Functions Object Mgmt Alarm Mgmt Event Report Mgmt Workload Monitoring State Mgmt Log Control Security Alarm Security Reporting Measurement Summarization Bill Verification Billing Resource Utilization Test Mgmt Relation Mgmt CMISE Services Initialize Event Report Terminate Action Create Abort Set Get Delete Cancel Confirmed Event Report Confirmed Get

  7. SNMP Architecture • Keep the agent as simple as possible • Support remote management operations to the fullest extent possible • Plan for future additions & expansion • Be independent of specific hosts or devices • Operate at the Application level

  8. Internet Management Model Managed Entities Agent Network Management Proxy Agent Managed Entities

  9. SNMP • Intersection of vendor/user requirements • Few ‘verbs’: • get / get-next • get-bulk {SNMPv2} • set • trap • Polled, Master-Slave, Request-Response

  10. SNMP Format • <header><verb><value><variable>[<verb><value><variable>] • ASN.1 subset to describe value format • MIB-II{Management Information Base} to identify variables • UDP as a Transport layer • Now out! SNMPv2

  11. The MIB • Standard set of data for managing network devices • Variable names are part of the ISO/CCITT object identifier namespace • Provides globally unique identifiers • Variables governed by Structure of Management Information (SMI) specification

  12. Accessing MIB Data • SNMP Communities • SNMP Views • SNMP Authentication

  13. Abstract Syntax Notation 1 (ASN.1) • Data Structures • Abstract Syntax • Transfer Syntax • International Standard 8825 • Notation used to encode, transfer and decode data structures across a wide range of applications • Both connection-oriented and connectionless primitives

  14. Example SNMP PDU using ASN.1 SEQUENCE len=41 INTEGER len=1 vers=0 30 29 02 01 00 string len=6 p u b l i c 04 06 70 75 62 6C 69 63 getreq. len=28 INTEGER len=4 -------request ID---------------- A0 1c 02 04 05 AE 56 02 INTEGER len=1 status INTEGER len=1 error index 02 01 00 02 01 00 SEQ. len=14 SEQ len=12 objectid len=8 30 0E 30 0C 06 08 1.3 6 1 2 1 1 1 0 2B 06 01 02 01 01 01 00 null len=0 05 00

  15. SNMP vs SNMPv2 • History in Brief • More features (more complex) • BIG increase in security • authentication and integrity • access controls • security and privacy • Better access controls in Views • Trap confirmations • Knowledge of multiple managers

  16. Enterprise Architecture • SNMP is designed for simple, manager-to-agent communications • CMIP is complex and bulky, by complete • Most Enterprise networks can’t be managed directly from a single place

  17. Enterprise Management CMIP Managers Separate Organization SNMP Managers Local Networks

  18. Management Tools • Packet Analyzer • Media Analyzers (TDR, OTDR, BER Tester) • RMON devices • Hosts (?)

  19. Software Tools • Hosted on PCs • Hosted on Unix Workstations • Commercial Packages

  20. Decent Books • Network Management Standards 2d ed • Uyless Black • The Simple Book, 2d ed • Marshall T. Rose • Communication Networks Management, 2d ed • Kornel Terplan • Internetworking with TCP/IP, Vol I, 3d ed • Douglas E. Comer

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