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Dr. Stacy L. Smith Media, Diversity, & Social Change Initiative USC Annenberg

Gender Inequality in Film: Examining On-Screen Portrayals and Behind-the-Scenes Employment Patterns. Dr. Stacy L. Smith Media, Diversity, & Social Change Initiative USC Annenberg. #1 Females are Still Sidelined in Popular Top-Grossing Films. Females’ Employment Patterns On Screen.

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Dr. Stacy L. Smith Media, Diversity, & Social Change Initiative USC Annenberg

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  1. Gender Inequality in Film:Examining On-Screen Portrayals and Behind-the-Scenes Employment Patterns Dr. Stacy L. Smith Media, Diversity, & Social Change Initiative USC Annenberg

  2. #1 Females are Still Sidelined in Popular Top-Grossing Films

  3. Females’ Employment Patterns On Screen Note: ASCJ study examining character demographics and hypersexuality across 500 films from 2007 to 2012.

  4. Females’ Employment Patterns Behind the Camera Note: ASCJ study examining character demographics and hypersexuality across 500 films from 2007 to 2012.

  5. Reasons for the Infrequency of Females in Film Note: The percentages reflect the proportion of participants within reason giving a particular explanation for gender imbalance. Thus, the response column does not total 100%. Study funded by the Geena Davis Institute for Gender and Media.

  6. Females On-Screen and Behind-the-Scenes across 500 Top Grossing Films Note: ASCJ funded study examining directors and writers in 100 top-grossing films from 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012.

  7. #2 Females are Still Sexualized in Popular Top-Grossing Films

  8. Female Sexualization in Entertainment Note: ASCJ study examining character demographics and hypersexuality across 500 films from 2007 to 2012.

  9. Percentages of Females in Sexy Attire by Age: 2007-2012 Note: ASCJ study examining character demographics and hypersexuality across 500 films from 2007 to 2012.

  10. #3 The Independent Space is More Egalitarian than the Commercial Space

  11. Females in Key Creative Positions by Storytelling Platform Note: Study funded by Sundance Institute, Women In Film, Los Angeles, and the Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism.

  12. Barriers for Narrative Female Directors & Producers Note: The percentages reflect the proportion of participants within reason giving a particular barrier. Thus, the response column does not total 100%. Study funded by Sundance Institute, Women In Film, Los Angeles, and the Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism.

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