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Technical University of Ko šice, Slovakia. Sub-Optimum MSF-MUD for CDMA Systems. Dušan Kocur, Jana Čížová, Stanislav Marchevský Department of Electronics and Multimedia Communications Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Sub-Optimum MSF-MUD for CDMA Systems Dušan Kocur, Jana Čížová, Stanislav Marchevský Department of Electronics and Multimedia Communications Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics Technical University of Košice, Park Komenského 13, 041 20 Košice Slovak Republic E-mail: Dusan.Kocur@tuke.sk, Jana.Cizova@tuke.sk, Stanislav.Marchevsky@tuke.sk
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia 1. Introduction • microstatistic multi-user receiver (MSF-MUD), • microstatistic filter (MSF), • threshold decomposer (TD)level estimation, • scanning method (SC-M), • genetic algorithm based method (GA-M), • method of cumulative distribution function (CDF-M), • computer experiments, • conclusions. COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 2 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia 2. MSF-MUDreceiver • MSF-MUD is the promising member of the nonlinear single–stage multi-user receivers' (NSS–MUD) family, • NSS-MUDs approximate the nonlinear boundary of the decision regions better than the linear receivers, • the output of the NSS-MUD is taken as the sign of the nonlinear transformation of the output of a bank of the matched filters (BMF), • the nonlinear transformation is done by multi-channel conventional microstatistic filter (M-CMF). COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 3 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia 2. MSF-MUDreceiver (cont.) Fig. 1: MSF-MUD receiver. COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 4 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 2: Blok diagram of the M-CMF. 3. M-CMF COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 5 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia l1=-0.5, l2=0.5 Fig. 3: TD input – output relations. 3.1 Threshold decomposer COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 6 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia M-CMF output: MSF-MUD output: , whereunbiased M-CMF output, impulse responses of the Wienner filter (WF), outputs of the TDi. 4.M-CMF and MSF-MUD COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 7 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia 5. The M-CMF design procedure • minimum mean–square errorcriterion: • where • threshold value vector, • desired signals. COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 8 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia 5. The M-CMF design procedure – basic principle Step 1 – threshold values estimation (SC-M, GA-M, CDF-M). Step 2 –optimum coefficients estimation: , ...cross–correlation vector of the desired signals and thesignals at the output of the TDi, ... cross–correlation function of the signals at the output of the TDi, Step 3 – evaluation of the cost function of MSF-MUD (minimum BER). COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 9 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia • optimum TD levels satisfy the condition: • where • assumptions: 6. TDlevel estimation COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 10 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 4: Histogram of the absolute values of the BMF outputs. J interval estimation. Fig. 3:BER vs. threshold level. 6. TDlevel estimation (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 11 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia • are taken from J by uniform sampling with step , • possible values can be find, • the huge number of M-CMF has to be designed (usually several thousands). Fig. 5:BER vs. Eb/No. 6.1Scanning method (SC-M) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 12 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia • multi–dimensional and stochastic search method for non-linear optimization task, • sophisticated scanning of intervalJ, • maximum number of M-CMF design is 200. Fig. 6: BER vs. Eb/No 6.2Genetic algorithm based method (GA-M) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 13 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia • application of CDF function of absolute values of outputs of BMF, • CDF: • only 1 M-CMF design. Fig. 7: BER vs. Eb/No 6.3Method of cumulative distribution function (CDF-M) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 14 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia 7. Computer experiments • synchronous DS–CDMA base-band transmission system in the AWGN channel, • first 3 experiments are deal with MSF-MUD design procedure, • next 9 experiments are deal with MSF-MUD properties. COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 15 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 8: MSF-MUD.BER vs. Eb/No vs. different values of PLEVEL. 7. Computer experiments (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 16 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 8: MSF-MUD. BER vs. Eb/No vs. different length of training sequences. 7. Computer experiments (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 17 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 9: BER vs. Eb/Nofor MSF-MUDs,BMF, D-MUD and MMSE-MUD. 7. Computer experiments (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 18 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 10: BER vs. Eb/Nofor MSF-MUD,BMF, D-MUD, MMSE-MUD and ML-MUD. 7. Computer experiments (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 19 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 11: BER vs. Eb/Nofor MSF-MUD,BMF, D-MUD and MMSE-MUD. 7. Computer experiments (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 20 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 12: BER vs. Eb/Nofor MSF-MUD,BMF, D-MUD and MMSE-MUD. 7. Computer experiments (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 21 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 13: BER vs. Eb/Nofor MSF-MUD,BMF, D-MUD and MMSE-MUD. 7. Computer experiments (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 22 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 14: BER vs. number of users for MSF-MUD,BMF, D-MUD and MMSE-MUD. 7. Computer experiments (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 23 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 15: BER vs. EbNo for MSF-MUD,BMF, D-MUD and MMSE-MUD. 7. Computer experiments (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 24 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 16: BER vs. EbNo for MSF-MUD,BMF, D-MUD and MMSE-MUD. 7. Computer experiments (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 25 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 17: BER vs. A1/A2 for MSF-MUD,BMF, D-MUD and MMSE-MUD. 7. Computer experiments (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 26 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia Fig. 18: BER vs. Eb/No for MSF-MUD in synchronous and asynchronous system. 7. Computer experiments (cont.) COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 27 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia 8. CONCLUSIONS • the design procedure of M-CMF and MSF-MUD wasdescribed. • Properties: • comparable or lower complexity than other non-linear MUD, • easily rearranged in adaptive or blind modifications, • attractive and promissing for CDMA and advanced transmission systems like MC-CDMA. COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 28 of 29
Technical University of Košice, Slovakia THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION COST 289:Antalya, July 6-8, 2004 29 of 29