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EuroWaterNet Slovenia: Enhancing National Water Information System

Learn about the development, challenges, and future steps of the national water information system in Slovenia. Explore the initiatives, data collection methods, and plans for further enhancement.

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EuroWaterNet Slovenia: Enhancing National Water Information System

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  2. BACKGROUND 1. 1997-1998: assessment of water quality monitoring system in Phare countries (by PTL/IW ) 2. 1998-1999: (by ETC/IW & PTL/IW) ‘EUROWATERNET Technical Guidance (EEA-ETC/IW, 1998)’ used for collection of data (and TESTING) in 4 Phare countries (H, CZ, P & Slovenia): rivers: 1 station per 1000 km2; groundwater, lakes; period 1992-1997; yearly statistics of N, P, oxygen; land use, population, yearly average discharge; 3. 2000:intensive EEA activities - ETC/IW, PTL/IW, NFP: - PTL/IW experts visited Phare countries (national reference centers for minitoring), analysis of EWN implementation needs, possibilites (Slovenia: had an expert in PTL/IW team: higher activities in the country, closer collaboration with NFP possible) - EEA representatives visited Phare countries to promote EWN - through NFP and PTL/IW: data updating for EWN, period 1998-1999 (Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning supported!)

  3. ASSESSMENT OF DATA COLLECTION FOR EWN IN SLOVENIA, 1999: a) N,P data in ORACLE at HMZ (HydroMeteoInst): not enough ‘practical’ for our the purpose (DOS, data base ownership, time and financial drawbacks): N, P, Oxy. data manually into Excel ( on two thirds of the stations no information of N in winter) b) modeling: land use and population density: data referenced to administrative units: collection (4 categories), overlay (admini.units/catchment) - pondering c) It has been concluded, that implementation of EWN is possible (data available), but specially designed work needed: retrieval and collection of data, transformation to appropriate digital form and aggregation; Extra work needed for data on pressures.

  4. FURTHER DEVELOPMENT OF EWN IN SLOVENIA, 2000/2001 1 Summer 2000: - at Ministry of Environment and Physical Planning activities on informational needs for reporting to EEA, national needs for preparation of reports, .... 2 QUESTIONS RAISED: - what are legal possibilities to open flow of data - systematic overeview needed for ‘who/how/what collects (what parameters/data)’, ‘for which location (area)’, - ‘what form’, ‘how frequently’, ‘for whom’ INFORMATION IS NEEDED CONCEPTUAL BACKGROUND FORMED for information system:

  5. 2000:The concept of EWN should be extened for national needs (strong technical background, high momentum due to Eionet and PTL/IW activities, EIONET expert group support): INTERNATIONAL NEEDS:: REPORTING EEA, EU, DIRECTIVES, CONVENTIONS, EUROSTAT, OECD... EuroWaterNet-SlovenIa EWN-SI NATIONAL NEEDS: STATE OF ENV. REPORTS, PROGRAMMES, PLANS... PUBLIC ACCESS TO INFORMATION

  6. The hierarchical structure of information on water (air, land, nature) (in 2000): NAT. PROGR. FOR WATER PROTECTION, MASTER PLANS STATE PLANS, PROGRAMMES, UNEP TESTING.. REPORTS TO EEA, EC, OECD, EUROSTAT, REPORTS FOR CONVENTIONS, STATE OF ENVIRONMENT REPORT, CATCHMENT ACTION PLANS Nat. Agencies, Institutions Nat. Agencies, Institutions Rep. Units, locations

  7. Project: IMPLEMENTATION OF EWN SLOVENIA, I. Phase (2000/2001) GOALS: 1 determination of EWN stations, preparation of water quality/quantity data 2 relational data base (river, lakes, groundwater) concepts and protocols determination for data exchange 3 relational data base development for 1/3 of stations (data input, logical consolidation, verification, testing) 4 analysis of water quality monitoring in regard to EWN needs and suggestions 5 methodological bases for indicators

  8. Project: IMPLEMENTATION OF EWN SLOVENIA, I. Phase (2000/2001) • STEPS: • 1 we extended EWN with DPSIR inf. framework • we prepared a list of possible info.thematic areas: • (DP): population, area of industrial, agricultural activities, water energy production, tourist activities, recreation, fish farms • (SI): water quantity/quality, erosion, land use, eutrofication areas, dangerous substances existence, bio diversity.. • (R): nature protected areas, drinking water protection regimes, action plans, programmes, water taxes… • general: geographical picture of RIVERS, LAKES, GROUNDWATER, CATCHMENT CHARACTERISTICS (WATERSHEDS, GEOLOGY, HYDROGEOLOGY, VEGETATION COVER, CLIMATE, RELIEF)

  9. Project: IMPLEMENTATION OF EWN SLOVENIA, I. Phase (2000/2001) STEPS (cont.) 2 expert group meetings and exchange of information (4 Eionet seminars, 7 topic meetings, 8 bilateral meetings): explanation of ‘what/how/where for/..) 3 determination of EWN stations on rivers 4 we have included data, that have been shortly available (tabular, maped, textual or geographical formats), but with acceptable manipulation needs for integration, harmonisation, consolidation and verification). 5 Concept of the integral data base EWN-SI: system DPSIR and selection of information (thematic layers):

  10. Concept of the integral data base EWN-SI: system DPSIR:

  11. INFORMATION LAYERS - 1. Phase, development: - GENERAL (catchment area/name, river network/ name/ length/ category/ latitude, standing water bodies, wetlands, hydrogeology, relief, precipitation, flood areas, administrative borders, monitoring locations - 1.phase; ETP, T, groundwater bodies, torrent and surface erosion, sliding areas...- 2.phase) - driving forces, pressures (settlements with number of inhabitants, land use, water supply and sewerage systems, WWTP, ameliorated areas - 1. phase; WWTP, sewerage and industrial emissions, waste dumping sites, fish farming, irrigation, hydropower - 2. phase) - state (for selected locations annual & monthly discharge, N, P, oxygen - 1. phase; dangerous substances; (eco) morphological categories - 2.phase) - impact (water quality classes - 1.phase; river morphological classes, drinking water status, endangered and vulnerable areas - 2.phase) - response (nature and drinking water protected areas, eutrophication areas -1. Phase; CMP, runoff regime control system, drinking water price, water taxes, sanitation programmes. - 2. phase)

  12. RESULTS (1) od the project EWN-SI, 1. Phase: • logical organisation of data: • 31 information thematic layers (vectorised, rasterised, tabular, textual) • all have vectorised - geographical information in DWG (AutoCAD) • all have a raster picture • tabular data in XLS (MS Excel) for 14 inf. layers • 2 inf. layers have textual files (DOC format) • MDB relational data bases (MS Access) for 12 themes (with GIS program AutoCad MAP, spatial analysis possible). • access to information: • 1. level: Internet use/HTTP, spatial data reduced, WHIP IT program • 2. Level: INTRANET+GIS/access to all data (135 MB) the system is installed on Eionet-SI server protocols for updating data are not incorporated yet

  13. RESULTS (2) of the project EWN-SI, 1. Phase: EWN-SI = INTEGRATED INFORMATION DATA BASE : 1 data grouped into information thematic layers • 2 each thematic layer is independent data base: • harmonised with the others • integrated into ONE system the system is BASED on the coded hydro-geographical areas in Slovenia • 3 no redudance, the system is compact (one CD) • 4 Gauss Krüger coordinates, transformation to WGS84 • 5 modular extension of new thematic layers possible

  14. Monitoring locations on rivers and eutrophication areas in SLO

  15. Conclusions: ANALYSIS OF THE PROJECT DEVELOPMENT (2000/2001): GOALS: reached: not reached: 1 determination of EEA EWN stations 2 relational data base concepts and protocols for data exchange 3 relational data base development/modul for authomatic preparation of data and data for 1/3 of stations 4 analysis of water quality monitoring in regard to EWN needs 5 methodological bases for indicators By development by terms of reference 6: national data fond analysis and ‘information about information’ 7: INTEGRAL INFORMATION DATA BASE OF WATER (EWN-SI) (1.phase: RELATIONAL DATA BASE OF DPSIR MODULES, INTERNET) 8: concept of the integral information system: (EWN-SI )+(PROTOCOLS FOR DATA UPDATING)

  16. Conclusions: PROBLEMS 1. lack of trust by some data owners/ managers (we did not get SOME data) 2. different level of spatial and time accuracy of data 3. some data bases are not in form to be easily transformed to digital form 4. a lot of data have not been included, since they are not harmonised and geo-referenced (or geo-coded (three national data bases on water supply - same systems, but data with different methodological background) 5. water quality and quantity are not always monitored at the same locations 6. we have to build basic information structure first (general information, see slide 11)

  17. Conclusions: FUTURE STEPS 1 HARMONISATION NEEDED: a unique geographical identifier is needed for water supply, sewerage, irrigation, drainage systems; data on water use, sewage and waste water treatment could be geo-referenced and then integrated 2 NEW INFORMATION LAYERS NEEDED:with unique spatial identifiers, new data can be included (see slide 11); data on standards should be included; 3 PROTOCOLS SHOULD BE DEVELOPED: for regular data input and exchange 4 INDICATOR DEVELOPMENT: we should analyse what parameters or data sets we ‘need for which indicator’ and what parameters or data sets we really have in national data fond: for those we should develop protocols for regular input into one inf. system


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