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This essay compares and contrasts the methods employed by two different authoritarian states from different regions to maintain political control. It examines the similarities and differences in their rise to power, the priority given to consolidating and maintaining power, and the challenges they faced from internal and external opponents. The essay also analyzes the use of legal methods, force, and media control in maintaining political control.
Compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a different region.
Compare and contrast • Make direct statements of comparison (compare like for like: etc.) • Support your comparisons with specific evidence that proves that the similarity or difference you highlight is accurate. • A running comparison is better than simply dealing with each element in turn. • The structure of your response is key for comparative essays: you can NOT score more than 4-6 if you do not make ‘comparisons (as appropriate)
Planning How will you approach the essay? A thematic approach is a straightforward way to get started. What does political control mean?
Compare and contrast the methods used to maintain power in two authoritarian states, each from a different region.
Thesis Intro context: • Rise to power: revolution/coup • Priority to consolidate and maintain power • Both faced serious external opposition I’m going to argue: more similar than different While Castro faced more challenges from internal and external opponents than Nasser, both leaders maintained their political control in largely similar ways, using legal methods, force and media control. In order to maintain power Nasser relied less on mass organizational movements to maintain power than Castro, both leaders used legal methods, their personal charisma and force to a large extent, with Castro using a wider variety of repressive methods than Nasser.
Writing comparative statements The two/three sentence approach is ideal...General claim, then specific supporting evidence Both Castro and Nasser maintained their power through the establishment of single party states upon securing power. In Egypt Nasser claimed that banning other political parties would enable the Free Officers to focus on the revolution without being distracted by the parliamentary system. In Cuba Castro merged M-26-7 with the Communist Party and banned all the others. ...but there is also the one sentence approach: less supporting evidence needed Castro and Nasser took control of state media in the same way, by taking over radio stations and carefully controlling cinematic output.
Comparison/extension linking words Extension words Comparison words (show similarities) • Again • Moreover • Together • Likewise • As well • Furthermore • Additionally • Along with • In the same manner • In the same way • Also • Likewise • Both • similarly
Contrasting words • But • Otherwise • Even though • Conversely • even so • Yet • However • Counter to • Nevertheless • Whereas