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Decimal Multiplication with Arrays and Partial Products Lesson

Engage students in using place value and distributive property to multiply decimals efficiently through arrays and partial products. Enhance language skills in math vocabulary and concepts. Collaborative stations for interactive learning.

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Decimal Multiplication with Arrays and Partial Products Lesson

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  1. ACTIVATOR • 1. Take out last night’s homework (take home quiz) and pg. 40. • 2. Calculate mentally, NO TALKING, no writing, no air writing. • 45-28

  2. Today’s Objective(s): I will be able to use place value and apply the distributive property So I can find the product of decimals through the use of arrays and partial products. I will be able to demonstrate my understanding when I successfully complete the stations with my partners with at least 80% accuracy. 6.NS.B.3

  3. Language Objective • By the end of the lesson, students will be able to use the language domains writing, listening and speaking to complete the assigned stations. • Through the discussion, they will be able to use the math words like arrays, partial products, decimals and distributive property to show their understanding of how to multiply partial products of decimals. • “Math language” Vocabulary • Arrays, product, partial product, distributive property, separate…

  4. In your packet (page 43), calculate the product: 200 x 32.6 500 x 22.12

  5. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7P9hrj9nnZM

  6. How do you feel? topic.

  7. Example 1- pg. 43 Use partial products and the distributive property to calculate the product. 200 x 32.6 Separate 32.6 into 32 and 0.6 200 (32) + 200 (0.6) = 6,400 + 120 = 6,520

  8. Example 2: (pg. S.43) Use partial product and the distributive property to calculate the area of the rectangle patio shown below. Area = L x W 500 x 22.12 500(22 + 0.12) 500(22) + 500(0.12) 11,000 + 60 = 11,060 square feet

  9. How do you feel? topic.

  10. Students will work in groups to complete stations. (25 minutes) Check in (5 minutes)

  11. Ticket-to-go Solve (on a sticky note) using partial products. 500 x 12.7 Problem Set on Page 45

  12. Accommodations • Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting • Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners

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