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This report summarizes the Secretary General's report, financial statement, and activities of the International Association of Seismology and Physics of the Earth's Interior (IASPEI) for the years 2005-2007. It provides an overview of the assembly statistics, participation by country, and the IASPEI's initiatives during this period.
Agenda 1)President’s Welcome 2)Secretary General’s Report 3)Financial statement and Discharge of Accounts 4)Union Activities 5)Election of IASPEI Officers for 2003-2007 6)Association Activities 7)Appointment of Representatives 8)Future Activities and Assemblies 9)2013 IASPEI GA Invitations 10)Resolutions 11)Close of Plenary
Secretary General’s Report 2005-2007 • Bureau meetings: 2004 Florence 2005 Santiago 2006 Potsdam 2007 Perugia • ExecutiveCommittee meetings: 2005 Santiago 2007 Perugia
Business meetings during the assembly Sunday Bureau and Executive meetings Monday Opening plenary Tuesday Executive meeting Thursday Executive meeting with Commission chairs Friday Closing plenary IASPEI Commissions and IASPEI sponsored bodies also have conducted business meetings during the Assembly
Report on Assembly statistics • Number of sessions: 240 • Number of oral talks: 4247 • Number of posters: 2743 • Number of countries: 91 • Number of participants: 4067 417 IASPEI • People supported: 510 78
Report on Assembly statistics Participation by country (>100) USA 665 Italy 512 Japan 458 Germany 268 UK 244 France 201 Russia 169 Canada 139 China 129 Australia 101
Secretary General’s Report 30th European Seismological Commission General Assembly, September, 3-8, 2006, Geneva, Switzerland 6th Asian Seismological Commission General Assembly, November, 7-10, 2006, Bangkok, Thailand
Short activity report 2005-2007 • IASPEI Bulk E-Mail System - IASPEI uses this system to broadcast announcements about forthcoming meetings and other information of interest to IASPEI members. • IASPEI Home Page - IASPEI continues development of its Home Page on the WorldWideWeb which contains organizational information, a publications list, meeting announcements and Internet connections and other information of interest to IASPEI scientists. http://www.iaspei.org/ Wide distribution of IASPEI publications to institutions in developing countries has been made: - International Handbook of Earthquake and Engineering Seismology - IASPEI Manual of Seismological Observatory Practice
Financial statement 2003-2007 • INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF SEISMOLOGY AND PHYSICS OF THE EARTH’S INTERIOR • Financial Report for the Years 2003-2006 • Amounts in USA Dollars • RECEIPTS IUGG GRANTS & EXPENDITURES IUGG GRANTS & • CONTRACTS CONTRACTS • 1 IUGG ALLOCATION ........... 115 462.00 x 11 ADMINISTRATION .................. 51 659.52 x • 2 UNESCO GRANTS ............. x x 12 PUBLICATIONS .................... 4 480.27 7 500.00 • 3 OTHER GRANTS .............. 23 975.00 69 968.00 13 ASSEMBLIES ...................... 16 973.00 46 407.64 • 4 CONTRACTS WITH UNESCO, etc. x 2 000.00 14 SYMPOSIA & SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS .. 101 011.64 16 060.36 • 5 SALES OF PUBLICATIONS ..... 20.00 x 16 GRANTS (Permanent Services, etc.) x x • 6 MISCELLANEOUS ............. 48 663.75 x 17 CONTRACTS WITH UNESCO, etc. ..... x 2 000.00 • 18 MISCELLANEOUS -1 200.00* x • 7 TOTAL RECEIPTS ............ 188 120.75 71 968.00 19 TOTAL EXPENDITURES .............. 172 924.4371 968.00 • IDEA RECEIPTS ............ 21 155.69 IDEA EXPENDITURES .............. 13 842.92 • DOORNBOS FUND RECEIPTS .... 1 398.44 DOORNBOS FUND EXPENDITURES ...... 1 956.80 • 8 CASH ON HAND AND IN BANK 20 CASH ON HAND AND IN BANKS • Jan. 1, 2003 ...... 2 227.72 x Dec. 31, 2006 ........... 15 926.23 • 9 INVESTMENTS & RESERVES 21 INVESTMENTS & RESERVES • Jan. 1, 2003 ...... 54 178.64 x Dec. 31, 2006 ........... 55 676.45 • DOORNBOS FUND DOORNBOS FUND • Jan. 1, 2003 ...... 21 804.42 x Dec. 31, 2006 ........... 21 246.06 • IDEA ACCOUNT IDEA ACCOUNT • Jan. 1, 2003 ...... 0.00 x Dec. 31, 2006 ........... 7 312.77 • 10 TOTAL ..................... 288 885.6671 968.00 22 TOTAL ........................... 288 885.6671 968.00 • Jan. 1, 2003 Dec. 31, 2006 • 23 ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE ...... 0.00 0.00 • 24 ACCOUNTS PAYABLE ......... 0.00 0.00 • * These less expenditure derives from: 1200 transfer (2004) from Doornbos funds to IASPEI accounts and now computed separately • within Doornbos fund expenditures.
Report of the IASPEI Audity Committee for the period 2003-2007 • We have examined the accounts presented by the treasurer for the period 2003 to 2006. We have established that the accounts represent fairly the transactions of IASPEI and its financial status. • We have interviewed the treasurer about the oscillations in expenses following the 2-year cycle of IASPEI meetings, about the IDEA-Seismoarchives funds, and about the Doornbos Fund. And we have found all the explanations fully satisfactory. • We note that the operation of IASPEI is managed with a small percentage of the available funds, and that the dominating expenses are for assemblies and other scientific meetings with a large emphasis on travel grants. • We consider the finances of IASPEI to be in a healthy state with a level of reserves of the order of one-year expenses being satisfactory. • We give the treasurer discharge for the accounts for the period 2003-2006. David D. Jackson Kiyoshi Suyehiro Perugia, July 12, 2007
Union Activities • New association added - International Association for Cryospheric Sciences • Changes made to the IUGG statutes and bylaws - mainly for clarification • Melbourne will be the next venue (2011) for the IUGG GA
Union Activities Newly elected IUGG officers • President: Tom Beer (Australia) • Vice-President: Harsh K Gupta (India) • Treasurer: Aksel W Hansen (Denmark) • Secretary General: Alik Ismail-Zadeh (Germany) • Bureau members: Chen, Yun-Tai (China), Ali Teleab (Egypt), David Jackson (USA) • Finance Committee: Kyoshi Suyehiro (Japan), Juan Francisco Vilas (Argentina), David Collins (UK), Jan Krynski (Poland)
ELECTION OF NEW IASPEI OFFICERS • President: Wu, Zhongliang (China) • Vice-Presidents: Greg Houseman (UK) Ian Jackson (Australia) • Secretary General & Treasurer: Peter Suhadolc (Italy) Executive Committee Members: T Lay (USA) I Kukkonen (Finland) K Satake (Japan), M Assumpçao (Brazil) Past-President: E R Engdahl (USA)
ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES • Commission on Education and Outreach Co-Chairs: John Taber (USA) & Matthias Ohrnberger (Germany) • Commission on Seismological Observation and Interpretation (CoSOI) Chair: Dmitry Storchak (UK) • Commission on Tectonophysics and Crustal Structure Chair: Kevin Furlong (USA) • Commission on Earthquake Sources - Modelling and Prediction Chair: Alexey Zavyalov (Russia) • Commission on Earth Structure and Geodynamics Co-Chairs: Greg Houseman (UK) & Thorne Lay (USA)
ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES • Commission on Earthquake Hazard, Risk and Strong Ground Motion (SHR) Chair: Mohsen Ghafory-Ashtiany (Iran) • Federation of Digital broadband Seismograph Network (FDSN) Chair: Gerardo Suarez (Mexico) • European Seismological Commission (ESC) Chair: Domenico Giardini (Switzerland) • Asian Seismological Commission (ASC) Chair: Zhu Chuanzhen (China)
ASSOCIATION ACTIVITIES • IASPEI/IAVCEI Commission on Physics and Chemistry of Earth Materials Chair and IASPEI representative: Ian Jackson (Australia) • IAVCEI/IASPEI Committee on Volcano Geophysics Chair and IASPEI Representative: Jurgen Neuberg (UK) • IAGA/IASPEI/IAVCEI WG on Electromagnetic Studies of Earthquakes and Volcanoes (EMSEV) IASPEI/IAVCEI Representative: Malcolm J S Johnston (USA) • International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC) Chair: Christoph Clauser (Germany) • International Ocean Network (ION) Chair: Ralph A Stephen (USA) • International Commission on Earth Sciences in Africa Chair: Evelyne Mbede (Tanzania)
IASPEI REPRESENTATIVES 2007-2001 • IAGA/IASPEI WG on the Re-use of Submarine Telephone Cables Hisashi Utada (Japan) • IAPSO/IASPEI/IAVCEI Joint Tsunami Commission Kenji Satake (Japan) • IAU/IUGG WG on Non-rigid Earth Nutations Bruce A Buffett (Canada) • ICSU Panel on World Data Centers Timothy K Ahern (USA) • ISC Executive Committee Oleg Starovoit (Russia) • IUGG Committee for Mathematical Geophysics Yehuda Ben-Zion (USA) • IUGG/IUGS Commission on the Lithosphere E Robert Engdahl (USA) • SCAR (Solid Earth Geophysical Working Group) Saurabh K Verma (India) • EMSEV Malcolm Johnson (USA) * Union GEORISK Commission David Jackson (USA)
FUTURE IASPEI ACTIVITIES and ASSEMBLIES • 2008 ASC GA in Tsukuba (Japan) • 2008 ESC GA in Crete (Greece) • 2009 IASPEI GA in Capetown (South Africa) • 2011 IUGG/IASPEI GA in Melbourne (Australia)
FUTURE IASPEI ACTIVITIES and ASSEMBLIES • 2008 ASC GA in Tsukuba (Japan) • 2008 ESC GA in Crete (Greece) • 2009 IASPEI GA in Capetown (South Africa) • 2011 IUGG/IASPEI GA in Melbourne (Australia) • 2013 IASPEI GA INVITATIONS
IASPEI Closing Plenary • Friday 13 July Perugia, Italy • Resolution 1: Use of model ak135 for • earthquake location • RECOGNIZING that the workshops on ‘Modernizing ISC location procedures’ have demonstrated that the ak135 traveltime tables provide a better fit than the Jeffreys-Bullen (JB) tables to observed seismic phases, • IASPEI • RECOMMENDS that the International Seismological Centre replace the JB model by ak135 for the routine location of seismic events.
IASPEI Closing Plenary • Friday 13 July 2007, Perugia, Italy • Resolution 2:Consistent determination & reporting of earthquake source parameters • RECOGNISING the long-term need for a broader set of standardized seismological phase and parameter data in seismological research and practice, especially amplitude, period, magnitude, moment and energy, • IASPEI • RECOMMENDS that steps be taken to develop common standards for the reporting of earthquake source parameters for use by national, regional and global data centers.
IASPEI Closing Plenary • Friday 13 July 2007, Perugia, Italy • Resolution 3:Timely reporting to ISC • RECOGNIZING that the ISC provides an on-line compilation of parametric data contributed by observatories and data centres, available to all soon after they are contributed, • IASPEI • URGES all ISC contributors to report epicentres, magnitudes, phases and focal mechanisms to the ISC as quickly as possible.
IASPEI Closing Plenary • Friday 13 July Perugia, Italy • Resolution 4: Naming the unit of Seismic Moment • after Prof. Kei-iti Aki • RECOGNISING that seismic moment is widely used as a fundamental measure of the size of an earthquake, and • RECOGNISING that Prof. Kei-iti Aki was a pioneer in defining seismic moment and describing practical ways to measure it, • IASPEI • RECOMMENDS that 1 Aki (Ak) be defined as 1018 Nm, and further • RECOMMENDS that the Aki be recognized as a standard unit of earthquake size.
IASPEI Closing Plenary • Friday 13 July 2007, Perugia, Italy • Resolution 5: Appreciation • RECOGNISING the enormous effort required to organise the General Assembly, • IASPEI • THANKS the IUGG Local Organizing Committee and its Chair Professor Lucio UBERTINI for a memorable meeting in Perugia.
Thanks to all for participating in this IUGG/IASPEI General Assembly! We hope to see you again at the IASPEI2009 General Assembly in CAPETOWN, South Africa CLOSE OF PLENARY