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This presentation template provides an overview and purpose of the TKT-2301/2307 Student Application, including motivation, target benefits, user interface requirements, WSN requirements, and more.
Use this slide template for your presentation for TKT-2301/2307 own application specification
Group number Student name Student name TKT-2301/2307 Student application[Your application name here]
Overview and purpose • Key idea • Purpose Note: It is expected that you present one application that can be implemented with “TKT-2301/2307 kind of WSN” but not limited to it – still try to keep your application requirements reasonable TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Motivation • Why this application? • What is its target benefit(s)? • Is it possible to measure benefits and how? • If there are some existing solution, comparison to it (use multiple slides if necessary) TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Users • What kind (experts, consumers, kids, real estate owners, …) • How many • As whole • At the same time TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
General user interface requirements (you can mention both what is available at the course and what could be used in principle) • What devices required for the end user • What end-user programs required • Is it required to have contiunous UI operation (”on” all the time?) • Several users? TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
General WSN requirements • What information is required from WSN? • Measurement / diagnostics data? • What basic principle(s) is applied • Monitoring • Positioning • Alarming TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Meaning of WSN Data (use additional slides to explain how these are to be handled) • Location (where data originated) • Period of use / of interest • User rights (who and at what time) • Interpretation of the data (as such or indirectly using multiple factors) • What is reported/displayed to end user TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Meaning of WSN Data Enduserapplication Occupationalsafety ”ok” based on averagelasthour roomtemperature Modify this slide to your application Meaning User Personnelmanager Period of interest Lasthour Location Hall B, floor 2 Plain data Temperature 25.67 celsius Coordinates x=123 y=456 z=789 Timestamp 12:06:23 TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
User interface design • (use multiple slides if necessary) • What kind of reports and views are given to the user • What user can select / configure • Sketch of UI ”screens” TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Architecture Gadget Web/ PHP Own PC Own Application RSS Feed YahooPipes Vista WSN gadget C++ WSNExerciseAPI Proffa Modify this slide for your own application XML TCP /IP DataBase WSN Installationapplication TKT-2301/2307 Exercise Server SMS email Data from WSN nodes TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Explanation of details • Interfaces, backbone networks • What kind of data processing is required (averages, ….) • Storage of WSN and/or UI data (how long..) TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Other things… TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Formal analysis TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Benefits analysis – why to use WSN? TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Requirements for WSN technology TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
WSN Application FeasibilityAnalysis Sheet TKT-2301/2307 Student Presentation
Conclusions • Can you implement your application with TKT-2301/2307 WSN and server? • If not, what is missing / should be different? • Estimation of person hours required to implement TKT-2300 Student Presentation