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Learn about the Meitzav National Test, its purpose, how to prepare for it, dynamic mapping, verb collocations, and assessment strategies. Helpful resources and practical tips included.
The MeitzavThe LOTS & HOTS OF IT A PPT by OraFreitzis edited by Judy Mutzari 2012
What is it really? • The Meitzav is a National Test • Developed by RAMA • Reflecting : • the Curriculum and the Standards • knowledge acquisition • thinking processes
The Meitzav An Achievement Test The Abbreviation: To heighten the responsibility and accountability of teachers and their schools regarding the achievements of their students in the following domains: Access to Information from spoken and written texts Presentation in writing : Objective: information Subjective: ideas מיצ"ב:מדדי יעילות וצמיחה בית ספרית הערכה מסכמת, "הערכה של למידה" :הש"ל The Purpose:
The Meitzav assesses student proficiency of skills in the following domains: • Access to written and oral Information • Presentation of information and personal responses
How can we prepare for it? • Diagnostic Testing: Administering an initial and a post test 2. Dynamic Mapping: Follow up - a continuous tracking of change and development by domains over time
Meitzav Folder: • The initial mapping • Intervention plans on a classroom level following the mapping • Intervention plans on a Partani level • Dynamic Mapping – tracking of individual differences over time • Dates of unit exams, practice Meitzav exams, and a pre-meitzav exam
Backward Design Begin with the end in mind and map out the steps to get you there: • Identify Learning Goals: • What do you want students to know? • What do you want students to be able to do? • Why is this difficult for them to know\ do on their own? • Determine acceptable evidence: • How will you know that they got there? • How will you assess that they got there? • How can we help students learn what is needed to be successful?
A good plan is like a road map: it shows the final destination and usually the best way to get there.
Worth having for practice: • Entire Meitzav – תשע"ב (pdf or Word format) • Audio Recording • Text for audio recording • Table of Specifications, 2012
High Frequency Words Dolch Word List: • consists of 220 “sight words” • Comprises 50-75% of all the words found in school books, library books, newspapers, and magazines • Vocabulary of pre-school – through grade 3 • Sight words are words that cannot be sounded out because they do not follow decoding rules • cannot be learned through the use of pictures
Teach Verb Collocations: suggestions • Talk to the class about • talk with a friend • wear a hat • start to cook • finished school • worked too fast • heard something funny • was very tired • have\has a surprise for • make food, make noise • wrote about, read about, speak about, • study for tests, study together • have a good time, have a lot of fun, had a great day • feed theanimals • came to visit • something happened • Seeyou tomorrow • getwet • play in the pool
Access to Information from spoken texts – 25% Possible Tasks: advertisement announcement conversation excerpt from a lesson instructions message news / weather report oral presentation story Vocabulary: high frequency words Level 1 up to 80 seconds, level 2 up to 120 seconds. carrying out instructions chart / table matching multiple-choice open-ended (e.g. wh-questions and sentence completion) sequencing Possible Text Types:
מיצ"ב 2012 • Listening task 1: Choose the five pictures of the areas the guide describes (map of the park) • Strategies to focus on: • Task 2: read the questions before you listen (elicit information, prediction) • Multiple choice: integrate, put pieces of information together. • Tony is talking to the class about his: son, work, favorite food, new restaurant
Strategy: Read the questions before you listen! • When did Tony start to cook? – • when he opened his restaurant • when he was 25 years old • when he finished school when he was a child • “When I was 11 years old…” • HOTS
Access to Information from Written Text 60% Possible Text Types Understand general meaning, main ideas, sequence of events Locate relevant information Identify different text types Identify explicit opinions and feelings Find out and follow short instructions Extract information from visual data Use simple information tools such as a glossary ad book cover comic strip diary entry, e-mail informative text letter Message news report, newspaper item, note, postcard Poster questionnaire Recipe Story timetable, schedule web page. Benchmarks:
Task 3, 4, 6 - reading • Match sentences about different books to their covers: Children write about the animals they have in their homes– “Kids and Pets” • Sara needs quiet to study for tests – “Next week, I have two tests and I can’t study when Dina makes noise” • Dina and Sara usually have a good time together “They have a lot of fun together.”
Strategies: • Find the main ideas • The sequence of events • Locate relevant information • Why do kids write to Eric? • Amira likes animals. How do we know? • What is the text about?
Access to information from written text: 3 tasks • Sentence structure: simple sentences and some compound ones • Vocabulary: familiar or personal themes • Verbs: past simple, present simple, future simple, present progressive, imperative • Length of text: 1st: up to 150 words 2nd: up to 170 words Possible item types: • chart • matching • multiple choice • open-ended including wh-questions • sentence completion
Possible Categories of Comprehension • Literal Comprehension: (LOTS) • Questions that can be answered directly from the text. • They can be questions that require either copying or rephrasing of information from the text: where, what, why, when, who, how
Higher –Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) • Integration - information from various parts of the text in order to answer question, how ideas or information in the passage relate to each other. • Inference: refers to an understanding of the implicit (expressed in an indirect way) meaning of a text. Combining the pupils’ literal understanding of the text with their own knowledge and experience in order to produce a response that is explicitly stated in the text.
Written Presentation – 15%4-5 sentences, 20-30 words Assessment criteria and Accuracy: Description Friendly letter Invitation List Note Questionnaire Report Speech bubble Story Comprehensibility relevance Accuracy: articles capitalization full stops Pronouns spelling verb form word order Possible Text Types:
Nothing Succeeds Like Success! “ It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves” William Shakespeare
Credits • Teaching and Learning Excellence – for backward design: https://tle.wisc.edu/solutions/lecturing/%E2%80%9Cbackward-design%E2%80%9D-process • Doltch Word List: http://www.kidzone.ws/dolch/index.htm