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Noun Phrase

Noun Phrase. Kelompok kata benda yang terdiri atas modifier (kata keterangan) dan headword (kata inti) dan bisa juga diawali dengan artikel. Pada kalimat, noun phrase dapat berkedudukan sebagai subject maupun object . Anita is smart. My close friend is smart. Noun. Noun.

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Noun Phrase

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Noun Phrase Kelompok kata benda yang terdiri atas modifier (kata keterangan) dan headword (kata inti) dan bisa juga diawali dengan artikel. Pada kalimat, noun phrase dapat berkedudukan sebagai subject maupun object. Anita is smart. My close friend is smart. Noun Noun I have something V Object S V Complement S I have a book Noun Phrase Noun Phrase

  2. How is a noun phrase formed?

  3. How is a noun phrase formed?(Continued..)

  4. Prepositional Phrase Prepositional Phrase : Preposition + Noun / NE Prepositional Phrase adalah kumpulan kata (preposisi) yang diikuti Noun (Kata benda / Gerund) Examples: In At On With By … etc. + NOUN / Noun Equivalent (gerund)

  5. Contoh penggunaan Prepositional Phrase With Tony, Ifoundthe movie theatre The caris drivenby my uncle S Adverb Verb Object Prep. Phrase S Verb Adverb Prep. Phrase

  6. Verb phrase Verb phrasedapat terdiri dari kelompok main verb atau pun gabungan dari main verbdan auxiliary verb. Verb phrase seperti halnya verb menduduki jabatan predicate (verb). Examples: She is working They will arrive tomorrow. Verb Phrase ( Auxiliary + Main verb) Verb Phrase ( Auxiliary + Main verb)

  7. Bentuk Umum Verb Phrase

  8. Participles • Present Participle (Ving) Bagian dari Kata Kerja (Verb) (The man is talking to his friends.) VERB Kata Sifat (Adjective) The man who is talking to his friend is my friend (The man talking to his friend is my friend.) Adjective

  9. Participles • Past Participle (V3) Bagian dari Kata Kerja (Verb) (The family haspurchaseda television.) VERB Kata Sifat (Adjective) The television which was purchasedyesterday was very expensive The television purchasedyesterday was very expensive Adjective

  10. Parallel Structure • Parallel Structure yang dihubungkan oleh Coordinate Conjunctions.

  11. Beberapa contoh Parallel Structures yang dihubungkan oleh Coordinate Conjunctions. • He discussed the problem with the nurseandthe doctor. • The professor was knowledgeablebutboring • I am good at singing, to dance, and praying. • I said (that) I love you but I lied. • Clause clause Noun phrase Noun phrase Adjective Adjectives

  12. Derian is handsome but lazy. • Wayan admire the beautiful girl and her friends.

  13. Parallel Structure • Parallel Structure yang dihubungkan oleh Paired Conjunctions.

  14. Beberapa contoh Parallel Structures yang dihubungkan oleh Paired Conjunctions. • The lecturer was both informativeandenjoyable. • Either the history examor the physics exam is on Tuesday. Adjective Adjective Noun Phrase Noun Phrase

  15. Neither Jane nor James will come today. • English not only gives you knowledge, but also skill. • English does not only give you knowledge, but also skill. • The class is not only interesting, but also enjoyable.

  16. Make sentences using parallel structure about: • Your close friend • Your teacher • A facility in Solo • Your motorcycle • Your hobby

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