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PREFERENCE Subject + … + noun + … + noun

PREFERENCE Subject + … + noun + … + noun. Edi Sunjayanto. Like. Like Subject + like + noun + better than + noun Subject + like + V ing + better than + V ing Guroh likes car better than becak Lia likes reading novel better than reading auto biography. Prefer. Prefer

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PREFERENCE Subject + … + noun + … + noun

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PREFERENCESubject + … + noun + … + noun Edi Sunjayanto

  2. Like • Like • Subject + like + noun + better than + noun • Subject + like + V ing + better than + V ing • Guroh likes car better than becak • Lia likes reading novel better than reading auto biography

  3. Prefer • Prefer • Subject + prefer + noun + to + noun • Subject + prefer + V ing + to + V ing • Agung prefers newspaper to TV • Riky prefers singing to shoping

  4. Would rather • Would rather • Subject + would rather + V I +than V I • Subject + would (‘d) rather + V I + noun +than noun • Bobby would rather dance than sing • Rifky’d rather buy motorbike than food

  5. Would prefer • Would prefer • Subject + would (‘d) prefer + to V I + rather than + V I • Rather than + V I + Subject + would (‘d) prefer + to V I • Fajar would prefer to go home rather than go to mall • Rather than go for a walk Aang would prefer to play PS

  6. Negative • Negative • Owie would rather not swim

  7. Exercise 1 • Ashley / like / fishing/ better than / swimming. Ashley likes fishing better than swimming. • Jim / like / watching movie/ better than/ reading a book. 2. Tom / like / eating sandwich /better than eating pizza. 3. Bill / like / drawing /better than/ writing.

  8. Exercise 2 • Fanny/ like/ motorcycle/ better than/ bicycle. • Ken/ like / ice cream / better than/ ice tea. • Lya/ like / diamond / better than / gold.

  9. Exercise 3

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