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Britain Becomes More Democratic

Explore the transformation of British democracy from constitutional monarchy to suffrage movements, reforms, and the Great Hunger, shaping the nation's political landscape.

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Britain Becomes More Democratic

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  1. Britain Becomes More Democratic

  2. Reforming Parliament: Pressure for Change • 1815- Britain was a constitutional monarchy with a Parliament + 2 political parties • House of lords (hereditary) could veto any bill passed by House of Commons • Non-Protestants could not vote or serve in Parliament- After 1820s they were granted equal political rights • Populous new cities had no seats b/c they had not existed in earlier times- unfair system • Parliament passed the Great Reform Act in 1832 which redistributed seats in the House of Commons giving representation to large towns + cities • Enlarged electorate- body of people allowed to vote • Rural + urban workers wanted more change • 1830s drew up Peoples Charter- demanded universal male suffrage, annual parliamentary elections + salaries for Parliament members, secret ballot

  3. The Victorian Age- Symbol of a Nation’s values and New Era in British Politics • Victoria ruled 1837 to 1901, reign was longest in British history • Victorian ideals= duty, honesty, hard work and respectability • 1860s: Benjamin Disraeli forged Tories into modern Conservative Party • Whigs led by William Gladstone evolved into Liberal Party • House of Lords used veto power to block house of Commons attempt to increase taxes on the wealthy • After 1911 Liberals passed many bills trying to restrict power of the Lords, with time House of Lords lost power and became a ceremonial body

  4. Queen Victoria

  5. Prince Albert

  6. Albert Memorial and Royal Albert Hall

  7. William Gladstone & Benjamin Disraeli

  8. A Century of Reform • 1807 Britain became first leading European power to abolish the slave trade • 1833 Parliament passed a law banning slavery in all British colonies • Laws passed to regulate conditions in factories + mines • Inspectors sent to check conditions • Minimum wage set + maximum hours of work set • Unions made legal in 1825, strikes still illegal • 1900 new Labor Party • Earlier 1900s- social welfare laws passed to protect poor and disadvantaged, insurance + old age pensions • Women wanted right to vote-organized public demonstrations=many arrested and jailed • 1918 Parliament finally granted suffrage to women over 30

  9. Slave Trade

  10. Slave Trade

  11. Women’s Suffrage

  12. The Great Hunger • Potato was main source of food for the Irish • 1845 disease destroyed the potato crop • In 4 years at least 1 million Irish men, women + children died of starvation or disease • 1 million emigrated to the US/Canada • 1850s – 1870s Irish still fought to liberate Ireland from British rule • 1921 Ireland became independent

  13. Potato Famine

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