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Programming for Geographical Information Analysis: Advanced Skills

Learn how to use ArcObjects Framework for advanced skills in Geographic Information Analysis, including add-in architecture, direct access to ArcObjects inside and outside Arc, GUI component customization, communication with external applications, and more.

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Programming for Geographical Information Analysis: Advanced Skills

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  1. Programming for Geographical Information Analysis:Advanced Skills Lecture 2: ArcObjects Framework Dr Andy Evans

  2. AddInArchitecture ArcObjects Framework

  3. Java Direct access to ArcObjects Framework inside and outside Arc. Ability to add components to the GUI. Ability to communicate with external applications.

  4. AddIns Button : Icon on toolbar. Tool : Changes mouse operations. Combo box : Dropdown list and editable box. Toolbar : For grouping AddIns. Menu : Dropdown and right-click. Tool palette : Floating container for other AddIns. Dockable window : Floating window that can be locked into the GUI. Application extension : Additional functionality within, e.g. Arc extensions.

  5. Form jar zip file, with a .esriaddin extension Contains: config.xml: metadata describing the addin Java class files Other resources needed : e.g. data, images

  6. Installing File is just dropped into M:\ArcGIS\AddIns\Desktop10.4\  or %USERPROFILE%\ Documents\ArcGIS\AddIns\Desktop10.4\ There are easy install options for users (double clicking on the addin will bring up a wizard to walk through installing it)

  7. Installing a sent AddIn AddIn Manger

  8. Installing a sent AddIn Choose “Add from file” and navigate to the file. Should then see it under the commands list in whatever Category you’ve created for it in the XML file. Drag and drop from here, onto the interface.

  9. Managing AddIns Admin Registry Keys (regedit.exe) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ESRI\Desktop10.2 \ Settings BlockAddIns 0 - Load all. 1 - Load signed only. 2 - Load ESRI only. 3 - Load from administrator folders only. 4 - Do not Load any Add-Ins. AddInFolders AdminAddInLock - stop tampering with these.

  10. Digital signing See: http://help.arcgis.com/en/sdk/10.0/Java_AO_ADF/conceptualhelp/engine/index.html#/Digitally_signed_add_ins/0001000004zq000000/

  11. Making an AddIn Rather than writing the config.xml ourselves, and zipping it up manually with the java files, there’s an Eclipse IDE plugin. This does all the basic class generation for us, and prepares the file. Details for installing the IDE and plugin on the website.

  12. Eclipse

  13. Eclipse Project area Editor area, currently showing config.xml, but shown as a form, not text. Show xml text source

  14. Config.xml

  15. Eclipse Should check code as you write. Will compile when you save the file. Errors reported in problems panel: Note that the javadoc panel displays the javadocs of known classes.

  16. Eclipse Will autocomplete as you type. Will also suggest potential quick fixes if you click on hover over an issue.

  17. Debugging No System.out.println(); Best bet is: JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, String); E.g. JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Hello World"); Or for exception checking… catch (Exception e){ JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, e.getStackTrace()); }

  18. Help coding Course Code Cookbook There’s no point in you struggling to find key bits of code on ESRI’s site. So, there are many useful code examples, stripped down to be a simple as possible, on the course website. The quid pro quo: Send us useful code you get working. Read and try and understand the code, don’t just cut- and-paste it. Ask questions!

  19. Help coding Intro to Eclipse: Help -> Welcome -> Overview / Tutorials Arc Programming pages: http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcobjects/latest/java/ Java ArcObjects Developer Guide -> Developing extensions -> ArcGIS Desktop customizations using add-ins

  20. Help coding API: http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/arcobjects/latest/java/api/arcobjects/index.html Note that the API docs are a re-write of the VB pages, and still contain some VB code: If it says “This parameter is optional”, it usually isn’t. If it says “If you don’t want this parameter, just pass in zero” or “Nothing”, then pass in null. If it gives Variant as a return type, it returns java.lang.Object.

  21. Select the AddIn

  22. If you are developing, you need to reboot Arc to get changes to appear, but you don’t need to re-add the addIn.

  23. Extensions Classes that extend Arc functionality Custom feature renderers Custom geoprocessing tools : can be added to ArcToolbox and ModelBuilder Class extensions : Change form of data Plug-in data sources Utility objects : Combine other tools

  24. Installing Jar file placed in <ArcGIS Install Dir>/java/lib/ext

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