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Delve into the prerequisites for achieving spiritual perfection based on Philippians 3:12-16. Discover the mindset, motivation, and consistency required to press on towards the prize with maximum effort and focused concentration.
Prerequisites to the PrizePhilippians 3:12-16 Mentality to Mature Maximum Effort Focused Concentration Motivation Mindset Consistency
Prerequisites to the Prize Mentality to Mature (3:12a) Paul recognizes he is NOT perfect! Already used twice Goal not reached – “not that” ; “obtained” Pursuing the prize of spiritual perfection begins with dissatisfaction of your present spiritual condition. 2 Cor. 7:1
Prerequisites to the Prize Maximum Effort (3:12b) “I press on” – follow after energetically Dependent on God working – 2 Cor. 12:9 Dependent on our labor too – Col.1:29 Paul’s goal was consistent with Christ’s goal for saving him. Romans 8:29 “lay hold of” – overtake, seize, catch
Prerequisites to the Prize Focused Concentration (3:13) Addresses them with intimate affection Repeats the disclaimer for the third time Sets the goal – “one thing” w/o I do Negative – forget what is behind Positive – reaching forward - stretching
Prerequisites to the Prize Motivation (3:14) “I press on” – continuous effort to pursue “toward” – down ; continually bear down “goal” – a mark on which to fix one’s eyes “prize” – our motivation “upward Call” – source and where it leads 1 John 3:2 ; 2 Timothy 4:7,8
Prerequisites to the Prize Mindset (3:15) “as many as are perfect” – positionally “have this attitude” – think this way or set your mind in this direction - 1Cor. 2:16 God’s perspective moves our behavior to become like Christ – Col. 3:16 God will correct us - 2 Peter 1:3
Prerequisites to the Prize Consistency (3:16) “however” – one more thing “keep living” – line up or follow in line Believers must keep plugging away on the spiritual path laid down by Scripture The Word of God – 1 Peter 2:2 Prayer - 2 Cor. 13:9 Following Godly examples – 1 Cor. 4:16 Trials – 1 Peter 5:10
Prerequisites to the Prize Application Are you in pursuit of the Prize? Will your epitaph be able to read “they died climbing”?