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Eric’s Sharing. 12 MAY 07 - Spoke at the HKIED 30 APR 07 - Spoke at the HKIED 29 APR 07 - Spoke at Hong Kong sharing with some performers, artists and parents 24 JAN 07 - Spoke at Guangdong YangAi Special Children Parent Club (广东省扬爱特殊孩子家长俱乐部)
Eric’s Sharing 12 MAY 07 - Spoke at the HKIED 30 APR 07 - Spoke at the HKIED 29 APR 07 - Spoke at Hong Kong sharing with some performers, artists and parents 24 JAN 07 - Spoke at Guangdong YangAi Special Children Parent Club (广东省扬爱特殊孩子家长俱乐部) 23 JAN 07 - 2 Autism Talks at Shenzhen Autism Society (深圳市自闭症研究会) 19, 20 JAN 07 - 3 Autism Talks at the HKIED (Hong Kong Institute of Education) 19 JAN 07 - Spoke at Watchdog Early Learning & Development Centre in Hong Kong 22 NOV 06 - Spoke at Ricci School in Macau 08 NOV 06 - Workshop at West Island School in HK 01 NOV 06 - Spoke to the Filipino community in Macau 25 OCT 06 - Spoke at MCDA Kids in Macau 05 OCT 06 - Spoke at West Island School in Hong Kong 04 OCT 06 - HeartBeat Media made an autism documentary featuring myself 17 APR 06 - Launched my own autism awareness campaign, the "Zong Campaign" 19 MAR 06 - Spoke at Kampung Senang about the experience of autism 11 MAR 06 - Spoke informally to volunteers at MINDS Youth Wing in Bowen Secondary School 02 FEB 06 - Officially invited to share again at SubTEXT 05 JAN 06 - Shared one of my poems at SubTEXT 22 NOV 05 - Launched my first book, Mirror Mind, at the WeCAN conference 2005 19 AUG 05 - Pathlight School Talk: A quick guide to friends (for ASD youth) 27 MAY 03 - Rainbow Centre Talk: A young adult with ASD speaks 19 NOV 02 - Spoke at the 3rd WeCAN conference on Mainstream Education: School Readiness 26 JUL 02 - Spoke at the Autism Resource Centre about (my experiences of) Life in School