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KEYBOARD SHORT COURSE Part 1: Teacher Manager (Screen-Based Version—No Textbook Needed). 20-minute, Self-Paced, Step-by-step Directions For setting up the course online. MACUL 2010 Contact Info: Barbara@EllsworthPublishing.com
KEYBOARD SHORT COURSE Part 1: Teacher Manager(Screen-Based Version—No Textbook Needed) 20-minute, Self-Paced, Step-by-step Directions For setting up the course online MACUL 2010 Contact Info: Barbara@EllsworthPublishing.com Session: Paperless, Cutting Edge, Web-Based Keyboarding (Grades 1-College) Thursday, March 11, 3:30 – 5:30 pm Hands-on Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Course Features • Paperless, Cutting Edge Web Based Keyboarding: No textbooks needed; Absolutely no course software to install or maintain on school equipment; No papers to grade, print, handle or turn in—scores, progress, and mid-term/final grades are recorded and viewed in the Teacher Manager; Individualize to fast/slow learners; Unique software feature keeps students eyes on the copy--not fingers or keys (no keyboard covers needed). FREE Formatting downloadable textbook to users. Reasonably priced. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Keyboard Short CourseCourse Description • Keyboard Short Course is used for very beginning keyboarding students and experienced students with lower keyboarding skills. It is used successfully in middle school – college. Standards can be individualized to each type of student so each is challenged—the Special Needs students, Beginners, or Experienced. There are 15-, 30-second, 1-, to 2-minute practice timings, plus an Open Screen for longer timings. Keyboard Short Course takes approximately 28-30 hours to complete for the average student. It is designed to be short, often as part of another class. Practice timings reflect competency-based instruction—on very easy timings at first, students establish their speed/accuracy rate from Lesson 1. Lessons contain only alpha drills (no numbers or symbols). Formatting (letters, memos, tables, reports, etc.) is separate and a free download on our web site for our customers. (Cont. on slide 3.) Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Keyboard Short CourseCourse Description • For those few instances in which a teacher desires 3-min. practice timings (or longer), Free Form allows the teacher to distribute a longer timing to students to practice. Since it is an Open Screen, and the course doesn’t know what data will be entered, it doesn’t check for errors—it does time students. This is an opportunity for students to practice longer timings and proofreading skills. Main Menu 3-minute timing Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817 Timing Screen
Printing slides for Step-by-Step Instructions(Optional) • Ctrl/P to bring up Print Dialog box. • Refer to the picture for selections to print 2 slides per page. (Useful to refer to and share with other keyboarding teachers in your school) Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Launch your browser • In the URL type: • keyboardingonline.com (www in front not necessary). • Press Enter. READ EVERYTHING AND FOLLOW DIRECTIONS CAREFULLY TO GET THE MOST FROM THIS TOUR! Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Login with Teacher Login • On both lines, type the Teacher Login that has been assigned to your school (lower case). If you don’t have a Login assigned, type “demo” on both lines. The Teacher Login gives Teacher Manager privileges; If students should find out your Teacher Login, we are happy to change it for you. • School Login: demo • School Password: demo • Click on “Sign in” or press the Enter key. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Select Teacher Managerfor Keyboard Short Course • Demos are Screen-Based; Textbooks are also available. • Click to select Teacher Manager. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Profile Manager is where you set up your course standards • Click on Profile Manager. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Creating Course Standards • Tab 1-Profile List shows all the course standards created so far. They are available for all teachers in this school to use—each teacher does NOT need to create profiles. Be sure to have descriptive names like “35 wpm” not “Harris Period 3”. • It is desirable to have several profiles so you can individualize to slow and fast students. • Click on the “Create Setup Profile” button. Special Needs Profile Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Creating Course Standards • Errors allowed as shown are standard; they can be changed. • Block Correction if you wish to disable the Backspace/Delete keys Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Creating Course Standards • For now, click all the boxes for Blackout Timing View. This will keep students’ eyes on the copy, not their fingers or the keys. • Select One Space or Two Spaces after punctuation at the end of a sentence and before the next one in a paragraph. Blackout Timing View in the beginning so students learn the keys. If you turn it off later, when they are used to looking at the keyboard, they can be very unhappy (mild statement). Omit for now. Advanced Options is where you can lock a student password from being changed. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Creating Course Standards • Click on Tab “3-Sections”. • This is a very common grade distribution, i.e., Lessons 1-6 will be 20% of the grade, etc. All the scoring, recording and grading will be done for you. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Creating Course Standards • Click on Tab “4-Grading Scale”. • Enter the grading scale that you want your students to achieve by the end of the term/block/quarter/semester. The beginning lessons are designed to be very easy to encourage fast and accurate keyboarding from the start. If 32 wpm is the desired speed with accuracy at the end of the course, be sure students start out with 32 wpm on each exercise from Lesson 1. If students move on with low scores, they most often end up with low scores. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Creating Course Standards • Click on the “Save Profile” tab. • In the Profile Name: enter the wpm for an A (32 wpm). All the teachers in a school can use the same profiles; be sure they are descriptive like “32 wpm” or “Sp Ed 20 wpm”—not “Jones Period 1”. • After entering the Profile Name, click the “Save Profile” button. • Click on 1-Profile List and follow the same procedures to create a Special Needs profile for 18 wpm. You will use it later to individualize to a special needs student. When a name is used with a profile, it usually means there is something different from the regular 32 wpm profile that everyone uses. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Creating Your Classes • Click on Class Manager in the main menu. • Click on the Create Class button. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Creating Your Classes • Begin with the teacher’s last name. Enter a descriptive name for your class with a date. (When the time comes to delete a class, you don’t want to have to open them all up to find the old ones!) Begin with the teacher’s last name, then Period, etc. Click OK. • Create two classes. (Period 3 and Period 5 were created here) Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Creating Student Data Files • Select “Create Student Files” in the main menu. • Select a class under “Choose a Class” to put students in it. • Be sure your “Choose Setup Profile” shows the correct profile for an “A” grade, 32 wpm in this example. Click the arrow to change it if necessary. • Enter a student’s last name, first name—be sure to include your name so you can practice later as a student. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Creating Student Data Files • For this demo, give all the students in your class a Student ID/Password of “1” just to make it easy; they can change it later in their data file. (Teachers can lock passwords so students can’t change them—Profile Manager, Select Profile to change, Edit Profile, Tab 2—Options, Advanced Options.) • Click the “Create Student File” button. • Create three student files (and assign “1” as the Password for each). Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Viewing Student ProgressFirst Report—Simple Report • Select “View Student Progress” in main menu. • Select a class that has students in it. • Select a Student. • Select “Simple Report” (bottom left). • Click on “Get Report” to see the student’s individual scores. You might want to print this for a parent/teacher conference. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Viewing Student ProgressFirst Report—Simple Report • The Simple Report is shown below. • If you would like to see another student’s scores while you are at it, click on the arrow to “Choose another student”, click on the next student. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Viewing Student ProgressSecond Report—Class Progress Report • Select “View Student Progress” again from the main menu. • Select a Class. • Select “Class Progress Report” on bottom center. • Click “Get Report”. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Viewing Student ProgressSecond Report—Class Progress Report • First column has the Student Names. • Second column has the students’ personal passwords. If they change their password from a “1” to something else and forget it, you can check here to see what it is. • L1, L2, etc., columns are the Lesson Averages. This is just a temperature gauge of how your class is doing—are they keeping up with assignments, who is behind, are they meeting their goals, etc. Teaching hint: Students should practice each drill until they reach their goal. Students who move on to new keys and new lessons, and have low scores, tend to finish with low scores. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Viewing Student ProgressThird Report—Class Summary Report • Select “View Student Progress” again from the main menu. • Select a class. • Select “Class Summary Report”. • Click on “Get Report”. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Viewing Student ProgressThird Report—Class Summary Report • First column has student names. • Second column is the number of Lessons Completed. • Third column is Student Effort—how much time they have spent in actual practice. It records the amount of time the timer is going—but they can’t start a timing and walk off because if they don’t get a certain percentage of the timing correct it assumes they are playing around and doesn’t record the time. • Last Date Worked column. • WPM so far--useful in determining Mid-Term grades. • Grade/Weighted column. When finished with all assigned lessons (18), student grades based upon your grading scale in Profile Manager will automatically appear. You record your grades from this column. • Profile Name—useful in individualizing standards to special students. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Individualizing to Students(Identifying the skills of students) • There is a Course Entry timing in the student data files. • Any students that look at the keys to type is a beginner and doesn’t need to take the Course Entry timing. • For students who take the Course Entry timing, and the Course Exit timing after completing the course, their improvement from taking the course will show on the Grade Report. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Individualizing to Students(Sarah Smith was found out to be a special needs student) • Select “Class Manager” on the main menu. • Select the class your special needs student is in. • Select the student (Smith, Sarah in this case). • Find the Change Profile box (lower right), click on the arrow and select the profile you want to assign to her—18 wpm in this case. • Click “Update Profile” button. Click OK to dialog box question. Have several profiles to individualize to fast or slow learners. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Individualizing to Students • Select “View Student Progress” from the main menu. • Select your class. • Select “Class Summary Report”. • Click on “Get Report”. • Notice in the Profile Name that Smith, Sarah has a different goal than the rest of the students in the class. She will feel a sense of accomplishment because she can meet this goal, won’t feel like a failure and will less likely be a discipline problem in the class. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Moving Students(Usually due to a schedule change) • Select “Move Students” in the main menu. • Select the “Current Class” and select a student. • Select the “New Class” the student will be going into. • Click “Move Student” button. The student data file with all the scores will appear in new class. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Moving Student Back(wrong student was moved?) • Select the new “Current Class” student is now in. • In “Students” column, select the student you want to move back. • Select the “New Class” you want to put student back into. • Click “Move Student” button. Student is now back into original class. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Using Message Center • Select “Message Center” in the main menu • Click arrow to “Select Your Class”. A drop-down menu of classes will appear. • Click on your class. The students will appear. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Using the Message Center • Hold down the Ctrl key and click to select two students—one being your name. • Click on the first arrow. They appear in the “Send To” column. • Enter the Subject: • Enter the Message. • Click the “Send” button. • Close “Message Center” By clicking on the red [x]. (When you go to the student side, you will see the message.)
Trying to cheat? • All data must come from the keys on a keyboard. Students who try to “cut and paste” or “copy and paste” or whatever during a practice timing will see this message: Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Assigning a Schedule(used mainly to prevent cheating) • Assigning a schedule permits opening the data file only during stated times. In the example below, this schedule is Daily from 8:30 – 9:20 am. By assigning this schedule in Class Manager on the main menu, the student’s data file will open only during these times. (Friends outside of class can’t help your student!) Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Deleting a Student • Click on Class Manager. • Select the class. • Select the student. • Notice the options available on the right. • Instead of clicking on “Delete Student”, click on “Delete Class” (pretend by accident). • Click OK. Notice class is gone! • Click on “Restore Files” button. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Restoring a Class • Select “Deleted Classes”. • Click on the class you want restored. • Click the Restore button. • Close the Restore window. • Click on your restored class--notice class and students are restored. Your class and students are restored. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Free Formatting to Customers(Downloaded from Web Site—Copy at School Copy Center) • Choose the chapters you want to teach; we’ll keep up with the version changes (no more outdated and expensive typing books). Version 2007 has 194 pages. If most/all of the chapters are used, bound textbooks are available at a reasonable cost. 1-Basic MS Word Overview 2-Faxes 3-Memorandums 4-Business Letters 5-Proofreading 6-Tables 7-Reports, Bound & Unbound 8-Mail Merge 9-Itineraries 10-Agendas, Minutes, News Releases 11-Outlines 12-Email 13-Job Search Skills: Resumes, Cover Letters, Interview Skills Follow-up Letters Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Free Introduction to Microsoft Applications to Customers (Downloaded from Web Site—Copy at School Copy Center) • You can choose the chapters you want to teach; we’ll keep up with the version changes. Version 2007 has 127 pages. Bound textbooks are available for those that want them at a reasonable cost. Windows or Vista OS Publisher Excel Access PowerPoint Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Tips for Getting Great Results • Good techniques are very important to achieving excellent keyboarding skills. The first day of keyboarding class be sure to show students the Technique Tutorial: • www.keyboardingonline.com • Demos tab • Teacher link • Correct Keyboarding Techniques Tutorial (Slide 8) (Slide 3) (Slide 1) Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Tips for Getting Great Results • Students should practice each exercise until they reach their goal before continuing to the next ones! Their goal should be the speed and accuracy for an “A” grade. • Praise goes a long way! Use the Message Manager! • You can individualize for the special needs student so he/she experiences success too. • You can individualize for the talented student that needs a little challenge. • Since students will be practicing at their own pace (within the limits set by the teacher of course), and will need little direction from the teacher, use this free time to “small talk” with the students. Small talk is talking to individual students about whatever interests them: “I saw you play ball at recess; you are good. Do you play other sports?” etc., etc. It will make your class their favorite class! Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
We Give Teachers What They Want • Students can work from anywhere—school or home. • Web based; no software to install or maintain on school computers. • Unique features not found elsewhere—liketurning off the timing screen so students have to keep their eyes on the textbook or lose their place. (Lose place, make error, take practice timing over.) • NO PAPERS TO GRADE, PRINT, OR TURN IN • Individualize to fast or slow students. • Accumulates time students spend practicing. • Teachers and students can message each other. • Online presentation of the Six Essential Techniques of Keyboarding. • Updates are free. • Formatting and Intro to MS Applications are free downloads to customers. • Company is run by certified Business teachers. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Technical Information • Designed for efficient use of bandwidth – • It is NOT streaming Internet • Once a student downloads the program, it is stored in the • computer’s cache • Scores go to Ellsworth’s server every 12 minutes • automatically, with no disruption noticed • If students select Save and Close File at the end of the • class, the program remains open to the next class without • logging in again. • Student data is backed up nightly at Ellsworth Publishing Company. • All you need is an internet connection and the Java plug-in (For PCs it is a free download from www.Java.com; Mac OS10+ already have it in their operating system.) Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
E-mail us at: Sales@EllsworthPublishing.comPhone us at: 888-963-4817 Teachers/Administrators Only: • For questions or comments. • To receive a free complimentary copy of a textbook. (Must be sent to a teacher at a school address.) • To receive a 60-Day FREE trial—Screen-based version. (Must have a verifiable school phone and email address.) • For current prices, www.EllsworthPublishing.com, Order tab, Education and Non Profit, Catalog or Order Form. When ordering, how many student data files are needed? Request as many as you need for one block, quarter, or semester. Example—If you need 300 students one semester, at the end grade them out, delete the names, you can add 300 new students, etc., for the duration of the site license. If you request 300 data files, you can’t add the 301st student. If a student moves, you have an extra slot to add another student. 25 data files is the minimum. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Parents and Students Only: • Order from www.EllsworthPublishing.com, Order tab, Retail, Select Grade Level or Course, click on Buy Now button, follow the prompts. Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817
Click on the back arrow of your browser to return to Ellsworth Publishing web site where you see your courses. Teachers can switch between the Teacher Manager and the student side without exiting and entering the student login. Go to Part 2 to continue as a student. To Continue As A Student Ellsworth Publishing Company (888) 963-4817