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Miscellaneous. Do’s and Don’ts. DO FINISH RINGOUT before starting recharter. If all applications are turned in for all new members/position changes, then 90% of the work for recharter will already be done.
Miscellaneous Do’s and Don’ts • DO FINISH RINGOUT before starting recharter. If all applications are turned in for all new members/position changes, then 90% of the work for recharter will already be done. • DO remember all Unit Numbers need to be FOUR digits in the internet recharter system, so add a zero to the front end if need be (e.g., Pack 123 would be Pack 0123). • DO UPDATE ALL MEMBER INFORMATION on the recharter system, including position, address, phone, e-mail, etc. This is the way the way the system is updated. IT IS UP TO YOU to make sure all information is current. You can update profile information (except for Position) in advance by using MEMBER MANAGER. • DO VERIFY YPT STATUS on all adults using TRAINING MANAGER and work to have every-one current BEFORE entering the Recharter System. Adults will NOT be rechartered without current YPT. Non-current adults will appear on a list at the end of the recharter paperwork, and will need to have YPT certificate submitted with recharter to be reregistered. • DO attend Roundtable on January 9 to get help, turn in paperwork, etc. Commissioners will be on hand to assist. • DO ENSURE all applications have ALL proper signatures, including the background check authorization on the adult app. • DON’T FORGET to have your Recharter paperwork SIGNED by the UNIT LEADER and INSTITUTIONAL HEAD/EXECUTIVE OFFICER. • DON’T FORGET YOUR CHECKBOOK – remember to have the proper amount for payment with your paperwork. Be forewarned, sometimes – for a variety of reasons the amount is different than what you’ve got on the check … so you might consider bringing two … or otherwise be prepared! • USEFUL FEATURE: In stage 2, UPDATE ROSTER, there is a box labeled “UPDATE UNIT ROSTER”. Clicking this will allow you to update your roster for any applications processed by Council after you’ve loaded your roster in Stage 1. Also, clicking this box will refresh the YPT status of unit leaders. • MULTIPLES – An individual can have multiple registrations. For example, the CC can also be the COR. And someone can have a primary registration with the District Committee or as a Unit Commissioner and maintain a “multiple” registration with a unit. Certain positions can NOT be multiples -- the Scoutmaster can’t be the Committee Chair. An individual pays the registration fee once with their primary registration. Multiples are a non-fee. The system will ask which unit (district or council) is the primary registration. • SCOUT PARENT and TIGER PARTNER – Both are non-fee positions and will appear on a list at the end of the recharter paperwork. • HELP is available from: • Your UNIT COMMISSIONER – this is a big part of their “job,” so please call upon them to assist. • Earl Baker, District Commissioner – please call Earl if you don’t have or can’t reach your UC. (214) 553-2977 or webaker@sherwin.com. • Scout Office – you can call Fairview (214-509-2100) or Harry Hines (214-902-6700) for help, or go in to see them at the front desk during business hours. INTERNET RECHARTERING Earl Baker District Commissioner webaker@sherwin.com 214 553 2977
FAQs TIME LINE How can I verify YPT? Anyone can verify YPT through the TRAINING VALIDATION link on MYSCOUTING.org (legacy system) by Searching by name or BSA ID number. Alternatively, use TRAINING MANAGER tool of the NEW Unit Tools. I have made a major mistake, what can I do?Call the BSA Help Desk at 972- 580-2489, and they can reset your unit’s recharter account. HOWEVER, this will mean having to START COMPLETELY OVER. Is there a tutorial of some kind? There are two very useful tutorials. If you are new to this task, it’s HIGHLY RECOMMENDED you view BOTH tutorials. One you can find on the home page of the Circle 10 internet recharter system page (click on “tutorial”). Secondly, visit the following site and view the power point 2010 Internet Rechartering Update. http://www.scouting.org/scoutsource/Commissioners/Internet_Rechartering.aspx What do I do with Sr. Webelos? If your Sr. Webelos have NOT transferred to their BS troop as of your recharter date, you must recharter them with the Pack. If you have youth bridging in January, please coordin-ate with the Scoutmasters to ensure the youth is properly transferred and registered. Who needs to sign the recharter paperwork?The Unit Leader (CM/SM/VA), the Executive Officer or Institutional Head, and the Council Representative. The latter signature will be provided by either our District Executive, Karen Thunert, and can be obtained when you turn-in the documents. NOV. 2013-- RINGOUT. Submit your internal roster to Fairview Office. Resolve any issues or discrepancies. Promptly turn-in properly signed applications for youth and adults to be added. NOV. 1 – Recharter codes are “live”. The Comm. Chair should have received your unit’s code & rechartering letter. If you did not, contact your Unit Commissioner, webaker@sherwin.comor debra@dacopley.com. The codes change yearly. NOV. – DEC. 2013 – 1. VERIFY YPT status using TRAINING MANAGER and identify all adult members needed to refresh or take YPT between now and Feb. 2014. Work with those members to get YPT issues resolved before entering the Recharter System. 2. Gather current roster information for all members, recharter & Boys’ Life payment. Verify membership and encourage all members to recharter. Update member profile information using MEMBER MANAGER. DEC. 2013 - JAN. 2014 -- Access the INTERNET RECHARTER system and complete steps 1 – 5 on-line. Go to www.circle10.org, and click on the RESOURCES and FORMS tab at the top, select “Internet Recharter” from the next screen. Use your code to enter the system and establish a password and user ID. You are a FIRST TIME user for this year. On subsequent visits, you will be a RETURNING USER. JAN. 1, 2014 – Earliest recommended date to SUBMIT (step 5) your recharter on-line. JAN. 1 – 10, 2014– Finalize your on-line recharter. Press SUBMIT. Print out recharter document, obtain ALL necessary signatures, and take the SIGNED recharter and JTE paperwork, with your PAYMENT to the Fairview office OR RT meeting on 1/9.You need to allow time for your recharter to be processed by the office. JAN. 31, 2014 – If your recharter has NOT been processed by this date, it will be considered LATE, and you will not qualify for ON-TIME recharter for Journey to Excellence. Your unit will be LAPSED. • Who needs to recharter?Every youth/adult member of your unit. If they aren’t on the official roster, you’ll need to add them and submit a properly signed application with your recharter paperwork. Members on the recharter roster do NOT need to submit another application. • Who should I drop from my roster? • Anyone no longer participating and who will not be paying registration. For all youth dropped, it is important to fill out the REASON CODE as accurately as possible. • What is the MINIMUM number of adult leaders and youth I need to recharter? • A unit leader (CM, SM, VC, VA) • A Committee Chairman (CC) • A minimum of 2 Committee members • A Chartered Org. Representative (may multiple register as institutional head, CC or Committee member) • An Executive Officer/Institutional Head (may multiple register as COR, CC, Comm. Member.) • At least one registered Den Leader (more is recommended, one DL and one asst. per den) • A minimum of 5 youth members must pay their registration fees through this unit as primary registration. • Who needs YPT?All registered leaders. Verify YPT status using TRAINING MANAGER prior to entering the recharter system, work with all adults who need to “refresh” YPT before Feb. 2014, asking them to promptly take the on-line course. If you have already entered the recharter system, you will need to supply evidence of their current YPT with your recharter paperwork. Face-to-Face YPT counts the same as the on-line YPT. • What are the fees? For 2014, the registration is $24 for youth and adult registrations, and $12 per Boys’ Life Subscription. There is a $40/unit recharter fee in addition.