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Herbs that calm the spirit

Herbs that calm the spirit. Herbs that calm the spirit. Herbs that Anchor, settle, and calm the spirit Long Gu 龙骨; Mu Li 牡蛎; Ci Shi 磁石; Zhen Zhu 珍珠; ------------------------------------------------ Zhen Zhu Mu 珍珠母; Hu Po 琥珀; Long Chi 龙齿;. Long Gu 龙骨. Long Gu 龙骨 ( neutral ).

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Herbs that calm the spirit

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Herbs that calm the spirit

  2. Herbs that calm the spirit Herbs that Anchor, settle, and calm the spirit Long Gu 龙骨; Mu Li 牡蛎; Ci Shi 磁石; Zhen Zhu 珍珠; ------------------------------------------------ Zhen Zhu Mu 珍珠母; Hu Po 琥珀; Long Chi 龙齿;

  3. Long Gu 龙骨

  4. Long Gu 龙骨 ( neutral ) Astringent

  5. Long Gu 龙骨 ( neutral )

  6. Mu Li 牡蛎

  7. Mu Li 牡蛎 ( Cool ) Astringent

  8. Mu Li 牡蛎 ( Cool )

  9. Ci Shi 磁石

  10. Ci Shi磁石 ( cold )

  11. Ci Shi磁石 ( cold )

  12. Zhen Zhu 珍珠

  13. Zhen Zhu 珍珠 ( Cold )

  14. Zhen Zhu 珍珠 ( Cold )

  15. Zhen Zhu Mu 珍珠母 ( Cold )

  16. Hu Po 琥珀

  17. Long Chi 龙齿 ( Cool ) Astringent

  18. Herbs that Stabilize & bind Herbs that Nourish the heart and calm the spirit Suan Zao Ren 酸枣仁; Bai Zi Ren 柏子仁; Yuan Zhi 远志; Ye Jiao Teng 夜交藤; ------------------------------------- Ling Zhi 灵芝; He Huan Pi 合欢皮;

  19. Suan Zao Ren 酸枣仁

  20. Suan Zao Ren 酸枣仁( Neutral )

  21. Suan Zao Ren 酸枣仁( Neutral )

  22. Bai Zi Ren 柏子仁

  23. Bai Zi Ren 柏子仁(neutral )

  24. Bai Zi Ren 柏子仁(neutral )

  25. Yuan Zhi 远志

  26. Yuan Zhi 远志 ( slightly warm )

  27. Yuan Zhi 远志 ( slightly warm )

  28. Ye Jiao Teng 夜交藤

  29. Ye Jiao Teng 夜交藤( neutral )

  30. Ye Jiao Teng 夜交藤( neutral )

  31. Ling Zhi 灵芝( neutral )

  32. He Huan Pi 合欢皮( neutral )

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