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Query Languages: How to build or interrogate a relational database. Structured Query Language (SQL). SQL. SQL is a query language for relational databases. Contains: Data Definition Language to define databases Data Manipulation Language to manipulate databases.
Query Languages: How to build or interrogate a relational database Structured Query Language (SQL)
SQL • SQL is a query language for relational databases. • Contains: • Data Definition Language to define databases • Data Manipulation Language to manipulate databases. • SQL is widely accepted and is used by most relational DBMSs. • Is being standardized.
The importance of SQL • Since SQL is used in almost all relational databases, once you know SQL you can probably construct and manipulate databases in all RDBMs. • Knowing SQL makes you a (beginning) ORACLE, Informix, SyBase, AdaBas, and so on programmer!
Functionalities of SQL • SQL provides • On-line and embedded use. • Precompilation of embedded queries. • Dynamic database definition and alteration. • Maintenance of indexes • View mechanism • Authorization mechanism • Automatic concurrency control • Logging and database recovery • Report formatting
Tables in SQL • SQL recognizes • Base Tables • real tables that physically exist in the database. There are physically stored records and possibly physically stored indexes directly corresponding to the table • Views • virtual tables that do not physically exist but look to the user as if they do
Data Definition • An SQL database consist of • Database Spaces • Base tables • Indexes • Views
Database Spaces • DBSpace is a section of physical disk. • It consists of • Base tables • Indices • Views • All can be dynamically dropped from DBSpaces. • DBSpaces allow the DB administrator to distribute data accesses over different disks.
Indexes • As we know, indexes can improve search performance. • Cost: more space needed and slower insertion. • Indexes can be defined over any combination of attributes in a base table. • Automatically maintained in SQL. • Users never directly use an index.
Views • Correspond to external schemas. • Derived from one or more base tables or views. • Computed dynamically.
Operations in SQL • For tables: • CREATE, ALTER, DROP • For indexes • CREATE, DROP • For views: • CREATE, DROP
Creating tables CREATE <table name> (<coldecl> [,<coldecl>*], [, <pkdef> [, <fkdef>*]); <coldecl> := <col><type>[NOT NULL] <type> := integer|smallint|float(p)| decimal(p,q)|char(n)| varchar(n)|long varchar| date|time
Creating tables continued <pkdef> := PRIMARY KEY (<colname> [,<colname>*] <fkdef> := FOREIGN KEY (<colname>[,<colname>*]) REFERENCES <table> [ ON DELETE <effect>]
More on creating tables <effect> := RESTRICT | CASCADE | SET NULL • What happens when the tuple in the referenced table with that value is deleted • RESTRICT: Do not delete as long as there tuples in other table with that foreign key value • CASCADE: Delete all tuples with that foreign key value • SET NULL: Set value of foreign key to NULL. (Note violates referential integrity).
Example 1 CREATE TABLE Student (sid CHAR(5) NOT NULL, sname VARCHAR(20), address VARCHAR(70), PRIMARY KEY (sid)); OR CREATE TABLE Student (sid CHAR(5) PRIMARY KEY, sname VARCHAR(20), address VARCHAR(70));
Altering tables I ALTER TABLE <table name> ADD {<coldecl>| <pkdef>| <fkdef>}; ALTER TABLE Enrol ADD edate DATE; • adds a new column to the table grade. For existing tuples, the value is set to NULL.
Altering tables II ALTER TABLE <table name> DROP {PRIMARY KEY| <fkname>}; • Note that care must be taken when dropping columns.
Dropping tables • Tables can be dropped at any time. • Dropping a table deletes both the definition and data. • Also, all views, indexes and foreign key definitions referring to this table are dropped. DROP TABLE <table name>;
Creating indexes CREATE [UNIQUE] INDEX <index> ON <table> (<colname> [<order>] [,<colname> [<order>]*]); <order>:= ASC | DESC • Creates an index on named columns. With UNIQUE, no two tuples can have the same values for the indexes columns. • Example: CREATE INDEX Course ON Enrol (cid);
Data manipulation • Having created the tables, indexes and views, we now need to populate the database and retrieve information from it. • In other words, we want to manipulate the data.
Retrieval SELECT [DISTINCT] <items> FROM <table> [, <table>*] [WHERE <pred>] [GROUP BY <attrs> [HAVING <pred>]] [ORDER BY <attrs> ]; • Corresponds to a JOIN-SELECT-PROJECT expression in relational algebra.
Predicates • The predicate <pred> is a condition formed by parentheses and boolean operators AND, OR and NOT. • A condition has the form • <attr><op>{<value>|<attr>} • and an operator is one of • < | =< | > | >= | = | !=
WHERE clauses • In general, WHERE clauses are constructed as in relational algebra, but with some additions • LIKE string • May contain wildcard characters %, which matches any string, and _, which matches a single character. • IN (set of values) • Tests for set membership • BETWEEN c1 AND c2
Example • Find Student IDs and grades for those students who read CS51T SELECT sid, grade FROM Enrol WHERE cid = ‘CS51T’; • Compare psid, grade (scid = ‘CS51T’(Enrol))
Example continued • We can embellish the way in which the result appears by including format strings in the SELECT • Example SELECT Student as sid, grade FROM Enrol WHERE cid = ‘CS51T’;
DISTINCT • DISTINCT is used to make sure that we do not get any duplicate values. • Example SELECT DISTINCT cid FROM Enrol WHERE grade > 70; • First, find the various course numbers that qualify and then remove duplicates.
More examples • The use of * in the SELECT returns all attributes SELECT * FROM Enrol WHERE cid = ‘CS51T’; • Find all students who obtained 60 or more for CS51T SELECT sid FROM Enrol WHERE cid = ‘CS51T’ AND grade >= 60;
Yet more examples • Find all results for either or CS51T or CS51S SELECT * FROM Enrol WHERE cid IN (‘CS51S’, ‘CS51T’); • Find results for CS courses SELECT * FROM Enrol WHERE cid LIKE ‘CS%’;
Ordering results • Get all results for CS51S and CS51T but order them by result SELECT sid, cid, grade FROM Enrol WHERE cid IN (‘CS51S’, ‘CS51T’) ORDER BY grade DESC;
Subqueries • Notice that the result of a SELECT clause is a table which can be used in another WHERE clause. • Find course titles of the courses for which 123 was registered SELECT title FROM Course WHERE cid IN (SELECT cid FROM Enrol WHERE sid = ‘123’);
Table labels • Sometimes we need to interrogate the same table twice. • We use table labels • Example: Get IDs from those students who did both CS51S and CS51T SELECT DISTINCT sid FROM Enrol as E1, Enrol as E2 WHERE E1.Sid = E2.Sid AND E1.Cid = ‘CS51S’ AND E2.Cid = ‘CS51T’;
Table labels can usually be avoided • We could formulate the same query as SELECT sid FROM Enrol WHERE cid = ‘CS51S’ AND sid IN (SELECT sid FROM Enrol WHERE cid = ‘CS51T’);
Use of ALL in WHERE clauses • Queries that look at all tuples satisfying a particular predicate. • Get the IDs of the students all of whose results are over 70. SELECT sid FROM Enrol as E1 WHERE 70 < ALL (SELECT grade FROM Enrol as E2 WHERE E1.sid = E2.sid); • Forms of ALL: < ALL, <= ALL, = ALL, >= ALL, > ALL
Union • Union allows one to union tuples from different tables. • Get Student IDs for all students whose name starts with a ‘J’ or who obtained an A for CS51T. SELECT sid FROM Student WHERE sname LIKE ‘J%’ UNION SELECT sid FROM Enrol WHERE cid = ‘CS51T’ AND grade > 70;
Intersect • Allows one to intersect • Get all IDs for students whose name begins with a ‘J’ and who obtained an A for CS51S SELECT sid FROM Student WHERE sname LIKE ‘J%’ UNION SELECT sid FROM Enrol WHERE cid = ‘CS51S’ AND grade > 70;
EXISTS and NOT EXISTS • Counterpart of ALL • Find name of students who have not obtained an A for any course SELECT sname FROM Student WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT * FROM Enrol WHERE sid = Student.sid AND grade > 70);
Analysis of data • In order to help do some primitive analysis of data, SQL has some built-in functions • COUNT(*) • COUNT(DISTINCT <attr>) • SUM([DISTINCT]<item>) • where <item> may be an abstraction and does not need to be a single attribute. • AVG([DISTINCT]<item>) • MAX(<item>) • MIN(<item>)
Some simple examples of data analysis in SQL • How many students are registered for at least one course SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sid) FROM Enrol; • Find the average grade for CS51S SELECT AVG(grade) FROM Enrol WHERE cid = ‘CS51S’;
Another example • How many students were above the average for CS51T? SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Enrol WHERE grade > (SELECT AVG(grade) FROM Enrol WHERE cid = ‘CS51T’);
Yet another example • What is the name of the student who got the best mark for CS51T? SELECT sname FROM Student WHERE sid IN (SELECT sid FROM Enrol WHERE grade = (SELECT MAX(grade) FROM Enrol WHERE cid = ‘CS51T’));
GROUP BY • A relation can be partitioned into groups according to some value. Analysis can then be done on these groups. • What are the averages for the various courses? SELECT cid, AVG(grade) FROM Enrol GROUP BY cid;
HAVING • After partitioning, we can disqualify groups. • What is average results for courses with enrollment of more than 10? SELECT cid, AVG(grade) FROM Enrol GROUP BY cid HAVING COUNT(*) > 10; • COUNT is applied to each group separately.
Insertion INSERT INTO {<table>|<view>} [(<attr>] [,<attr>*])] {VALUES (<items>| <select statement>)}; • Example INSERT INTO Enrol (cid, sid, grade) VALUES (‘CS51T’, ‘123’, 67);
Insertion through a SELECT statement • For each course, get the average and insert into a RES table INSERT INTO RES (cid, average) SELECT cid, AVG(grade) FROM Enrol GROUP BY cid;
Deletion DELETE FROM <table> [<WHERE clause>]; • Example DELETE FROM Enrol WHERE cid = ‘CS51T’; • Difference between DELETE and DROP DELETE FROM Enrol; • DELETE empties the table but leaves the table and indexes.
Updating tables UPDATE <table> SET <attr> = <expr> [, <attr> = <expr>*] [<WHERE CLAUSE>]; • Example: Give everybody 10 extra marks for CS35A UPDATE Enrol SET grade = grade + 10 WHERE cid = ‘CS51T’;
Views • Views are derived tables whose definition is stored and whose content is computed. • Can be used as base table for retrieval and view definition. • Exact condition for updating an open problem. • Currently only update iff • derived form single base table • and, has rows and attributes corresponding to a unique and distinct row in base table.
Advantages of views • Views are SQL’s external schemas. They are useful • Users are immune to database growth • Users are immune to database restructuring (logical data independence) • Simplified user perception • Different views of same data for different users • Automatic security for hidden data.
Creation and deletion of views CREATE VIEW <view> [(<colname>[,<colname>*])] AS select-statement; • Example CREATE VIEW CourseAvg (Cid,Average) AS SELECT cid, Avg(grade) FROM Enrol GROUP BY cid; • Deletion DELETE VIEW <view>; DELETE VIEW CourseAvg;
The view update problem • The view CourseAvgas defined above cannot be updated, as any updates cannot be translated into the base table. • The DB administrator should decide whether a view is updatable.