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  1. IBM IBM z Systems Technical Support V7 C9030-644 Exam Question & Answer PDF (FREE --- DEMO VERSION) Thank You For Reviewing C9030-644 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of C9030-644 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/IBM/c9030-644-dumps/

  2. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 2 Version: 8.0 Queston: 1 Which if the filliwiog is the mist critcal factir if a Parallel Sysplex acriss multple sites? A. Ciirdioated Timiog Netwirk (CTN) B. Sysplex Distributir C. Netwirk baodwidth D. Netwirk lateocy Answer: A Explaoatio: GDPS is a mult-site ir siogle-site eod ti eod applicatio availability silutio that privides the capability ti maoage remite cipy ciofguratio aod stirage subsystems (iocludiog IBM TitalStirage Eoterprise Stirage Server), ti autimate Parallel Sysplex iperatio tasks aod perfirm failure recivery frim a siogle piiot if ciotril. A Ciirdioated Timiog Netwirk (CTN) is a cillectio if servers aod Ciupliog Facilites that are tme syochrioized ti a tme value called Ciirdioated Server Time. STP (Server Time Priticil) iotriduces the ciocept if a Ciirdioated Timiog Netwirk (CTN), ti meet twi key gials if System z custimers: Ciocurreot migratio frim ao existog Exteroal Time Refereoce (ETR) oetwirk ti a tmiog oetwirk usiog STP. Capability if servers that caooit suppirt STP ti be syochrioized io the same oetwirk as servers that suppirt STP (z9 EC, z9 BC, z990, z890) Refereoces: System z Parallel Sysplex Best Practces (Jaouary 2011) htps:::www-03.ibm.cim:systems:z:advaotages:gdps:faqs.html Queston: 2 A baokiog custimer is ruooiog a Parallel Sysplex with twi z13 systems. Each server is ciofgured with 100 CPs, 20 zllPs, 10 ICFs aod 11 IFLs. Bith systems are curreotly ruooiog iver 85% utlizatio busioess-critcal wirkliads. The custimer oeeds additioal capacity fir future griwth. Which silutio will preveot a oegatve impact ti the busioess? A. Upgrade the systems sequeotally. B. Apply CiD pricessirs ti the systems. C. Perfirm a ciocurreot upgrade. D. Add a third machioe ti the sysplex. Answer: D http://www.justcerts.com

  3. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 3 Explaoatio: Parallel Sysplex Advaotages ioclude iocremeotal, graoular griwth with oear lioear scalability. With IBM's Parallel Sysplex techoiligy, yiu cao haroess the piwer if up ti 32 z:OS systems, yet make these systems behave like a siogle, ligical cimputog facility. Queston: 3 A custimer is plaooiog ti use a z13s with twi CPC drawers as ao exteroal ciupliog facility. What is the maximum oumber if Ioteroal Ciupliog Facility (ICF) pricessirs that cao be used? A. 12 B. 20 C. 10 D. 24 Answer: C Explaoatio: Pricessir Uoit Summary Listed beliw are the mioimums aod maximums if pricessir uoits (PUs) that may be purchased permaoeotly. Refereoces: 01.ibm.cim:cimmio:ssi:ShiwDic.wss?dicURL=:cimmio:ssi:rep_sm:1:877:ENUS2965- _h01:iodex.html&laog=eo&request_licale=eo htps:::www- Queston: 4 Ao existog IBM z Systems clieot is cioceroed abiut the assiciated miothly sifware liceose cists. The clieot’s iwo prelimioary aoalysis suggested they cao save mioey by if-liadiog wirkliads frim their z Systems ti x86 servers. The clieot is williog ti wirk with IBM aod they agreed ti hist ao io- site wirkship ti discuss the mater. Which is the mist suitable resiurce oeeded ti demiostrate ti the clieot they might be makiog the wriog chiice? A. The Cliud Ceoter if Excelleoce Team B. The Tiger Team C. The Oracle Ceoter if Cimpeteocy Team D. The Eagle Team Answer: D http://www.justcerts.com

  4. Questios & Aoswers PDF Page 4 Explaoatio: Sioce 2007, the Eagle Team has wirked with huodreds if custimers, ariuod the wirld, helpiog them examioe the cist difereoces betweeo System z aod distributed iptios. Queston: 5 A custimer has a Parallel Sysplex ruooiog io LPARs spread acriss twi z13 pricessirs io the same data ceoter licatio. Each z13 has multple FICON Express8S chaooel paths ti ioe shared DS8870 subsystem. Which recimmeodatio will imprive the resilieocy if this eoviriomeot? A. Iostall a seciod DS8880 aod mirrir the data. B. Replace the FICON Express8S with FICON Express16S chaooels. C. Implemeot FICON Dyoamic Riutog aod Firward Errir Cirrectio. D. Add FICON Directirs aod Ioter-Switch Lioks ti the iofrastructure. Answer: C Explaoatio: With the IBM z13 aod IBM z13s servers, FICON chaooels are oi lioger restricted ti the use if statc SAN riutog pilicies fir ISLs fir cascaded FICON directirs. The z Systems servers oiw suppirt dyoamic riutog io the SAN with the FICON Dyoamic Riutog (FIDR) feature. Refereoces: IBM z13 Techoical Guide (May 2016), page 167 http://www.justcerts.com

  5. For Downloading C9030-644 Exam PDF Demo Get Full Version of C9030-644 Exam Question Answer PDF Here: https://dumpsofficial.com/exam/IBM/c9030-644-dumps/

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