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Oracle Oracle Database 11g Administrator Certified Professional 1Z0-053 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 1Z0-053 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/1z0-053/
Question 1 Identif two situatons in which fou can use Data Recoverf Advisor ior recoverf. (Choose two.) A. The user has dropped an important table that needs to be recovered. B. The database fles are corrupted when the database is open. C. You are not able to start up the database instance because the required database fles are missing. D. The archived log fles are missing ior which backup is not available. Aoswern B,C Question 2 Examine the iollowing values oi the initaliiaton parameters in the database having the SID ORCL: BACKGROUND_DUMP_DEST=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bdump USER_DUMP_DEST=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/udump CORE_DUMP_DEST=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/cdump DIAGNOSTIC_DEST= The environment variables have the iollowing value: ORACLE_BASE=/u01/app/oracle ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1 What is the locaton oi the Automatc Diagnostc Repositorf (ADR) home? A. /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1 B. /u01/app/oracle C. $ORACLE_HOME/bdump D. $ORACLE_HOME/log Aoswern B Question 3 Observe the iollowing PL/SQL block: BEGIN dbms_spm.confgure((SPACE_BUDGET_PERCENT(' 30); END; Which statement is correct regarding the above PL/SQL block? A. It automatcallf purges the SQL management objects when SMB occupies more than 30% oi the SYSAUX tablespace. B. It reserves 30% oi the space in the SYSAUX tablespace ior SQL Management Base (SMB). C. It reserves 30% oi the space in the SYSTEM tablespace ior SMB. D. It generates a weeklf warning in the alert log fle when SMB occupies more than 30% oi the SYSAUX tablespace. Aoswern D
Question 4 You are managing an Oracle Database 11g ASM instance having three disks in a disk group with ASM compatbilitf atribute set to 11.1.0 and redundancf set to high. One oi the disks in the disk group becomes unavailable because oi power iailure. Which statements will be true in this scenario? (Choose all that applf.) A. The disk is immediatelf dropped irom the disk group. B. The ASM tracks the extents that are modifed during the outa C. The ASM migrates the extents irom the unavailable disk to the remaining disks. D. The disk automatcallf goes ofine. Aoswern B,D Question 5 Which statements are true regarding table compression? (Choose all that applf.) A. It saves disk space and reduces memorf usage. B. It saves disk space but has no efect on memorf usage. C. It incurs extra CPU overhead during DML as well as direct loading operatons. D. It incurs extra CPU overhead during DML but not direct loading operatons. E. It requires uncompress operaton during I/O. Aoswern A,C Question 6 You are working as a DBA on the decision support sfstem. There is a business requirement to track and store all transactons ior at least three fears ior a iew tables in the database. Automatc undo management is enabled in the database. Which confguraton should fou use to accomplish this task? A. Enable Flashback Data Archive ior the tables. B. Speciif undo retenton guarantee ior the database. C. Enable supplemental logging ior the database. D. Querf V$UNDOSTAT to determine the amount oi undo that will be generated and create an undo tablespace ior that siie. E. Create Flashback Data Archive on the tablespace on which the tables are stored. Aoswern A Question 7 Which components are needed ior successiul and most efcient recoverf.
A. The backup RB3 and the current online redo log fles B. the backup RB2 and the archived redo log fles afer the log sequence number 15622 C. Backup R81 and the archived redo log hies afer the log sequence number 12871 D. The backup RB3 and the archived redo log fles afer the log sequence number 16721 Aoswern A Question 8 You are managing an Oracle Database 11g instance with ASM storage. You lost an ASM disk group DATA. You have RMAN backup oi data as well as ASM metadata backup. You want to re-create the missing disk group bf using the ASMCMD md_restore command. Which oi these methods would fou use to achieve this? (Choose all that applf.) A. Restore the disk group with the exact confguraton as the backed-up disk group' using the same disk group name' same set oi disks' iailure group confguratons' and data on the disk group. B. Restore the disk group with the exact confguraton as the backed-up disk group' using the same disk group name' same set oi disks' and iailure group confguratons. C. Restore the disk group with changed disk group specifcaton' iailure group specifcaton' disk group name' and other disk atributes. D. Restore metadata in an existng disk group bf passing the existng disk group name as an input parameter. Aoswern B,C,D Question 9 Which statement describes the efect oi table redefniton on the triggers atached to the table? A. All triggers on the table are invalidated and are automatcallf revalidated with the next DML executon on the table. B. All triggers on the table are invalidated and must be manuallf recompiled beiore the next DML executon on the table. C. All triggers on the table remain valid. D. Onlf triggers that are afected bf the changes to the structure oi the table are invalidated and automatcallf revalidated with the next DML executon on the table. Aoswern A Question 10 You plan to collect the Automatc Workload Repositorf (AWR) data everf Mondaf morning ior a month. You want Oracle Database to automatcallf create a baseline everf Mondaf and remove the old baseline. What is the correct acton to achieve this?
A. Create and populate a SQL Tuning Set irom the AWR on everf Mondaf. B. Change the RETENTION setng ior the AWR snapshots to 7 dafs on Mondaf. C. Create a repeatng baseline template. D. Insert a fnding directve ior iuture ADDM tasks. Aoswern C Question 11 Which three statements are true regarding persistent lightweight jobs? (Choose three.) A. Persistent lightweight jobs modiif several tables in the data dictonarf to generate a lot oi redo. B. The user cannot set privileges on persistent lightweight jobs. C. Persistent lightweight jobs are useiul when users need to create a large number oi jobs in a short tme. D. Persistent lightweight jobs are useiul when users need to create a small number oi jobs that run inirequentlf. E. The use oi a template is mandatorf to create persistent lightweight jobs. Aoswern B,C,E Question 12 Your database initaliiaton parameter fle has the iollowing entrf: SEC_MAX_FAILED_LOGIN_ATTEMPTS=3 Which statement is true regarding this setng? A. It drops the connecton afer the specifed number oi login atempts iail ior anf user. B. It is eniorced onlf ii the password profle is enabled ior the user. C. It locks the user account afer the specifed number oi atempts. D. It drops the connecton afer the specifed number oi login atempts iail onlf ior users who have the SYSDBA privilege. Aoswern A Question 13 Which statement is true regarding virtual private catalogs? A. A virtual private catalog owner can create a local stored script' and have read/write access to a global stored script. B. The virtual private catalog owner cannot create and modiif the stored scripts. C. The set oi views and sfnonfms that make up the virtual private catalog is stored in the schema oi the RMAN recoverf catalog owner. D. To periorm most oi the RMAN operatons' the virtual catalog owner must have the SYSDBA or SYSOPER privilege on the target database.
Aoswern D Question 14 Which tasks can be accomplished using the Enterprise Manager Support Workbench in Oracle Database 11g? (Choose all that applf.) A. Generate reports on data iailure such as data fle iailures. B. You can track the Service Request (SR) and implement repairs. C. You can package and upload diagnostc data to Oracle Support. D. You can manuallf run health checks to gather diagnostc data ior a problem. Aoswern B,C,D Question 15 What are the advantages oi variable extent siie support ior large ASM fles? (Choose two.) A. It improves resfnc operatons when the disk comes online afer being taken ofine ior maintenance purposes. B. It improves periormance in the extended cluster confguraton bf reading irom a local copf oi an extent. C. Fewer extent pointers are needed to describe the fle and less memorf is required to manage the extent maps in the shared pool. D. This ieature enables iaster fle opens because oi the reducton in the amount oi memorf that is required to store fle extents. Aoswern C,D Question 16 Which two are the uses oi the ASM metadata backup and restore (AMBR) ieature? (Choose two.) A. It can be used to back up all data on ASM disks. B. It can be used to recover the damaged ASM disk group along with the data. C. It can be used to gather iniormaton about a preexistng ASM disk group with disk paths' disk name' iailure groups' atributes' templates' and alias directorf structure. D. It can be used to re-create the ASM disk group with its atributes. Aoswern C,D Question 17 Which two changes and their efect on the sfstem can be tested bf using the Database Replaf
ieature? (Choose two.) A. multplexing oi the control fle B. adding the redo log member to the database C. database and operatng sfstem upgrades D. changing the database storage to ASM-managed storage Aoswern C,D Question 18 Which is the source used bf Automatc SQL Tuning that runs as part oi the AUTOTASK iramework? A. SQL statements that are part oi the AWR baseline onlf B. SQL statements based on the AWR top SQL identfcaton C. SQL statements that are part oi the available SQL Tuning Set (STS) onlf D. SQL statements that are available in the cursor cache and executed bf a user other than SYS Aoswern B Question 19 While periorming the backup oi the fash recoverf area' fou notce that one oi the archived redo log fles is missing. You have multple destnatons ior archived redo log fles. What implicatons does it have on the backup oi the fash recoverf area? A. The backup iails because one oi the archived redo log fles is missing. B. The backup succeeds but it would be without the missing archived log. C. During backup' fou are prompted ior the alternatve destnaton ior the missing archived redo log fle. D. The backup succeeds because it iails over to one oi the alternatve archived redo log destnatons. Aoswern D Question 20 You are managing an Oracle Database 11g instance and an Oracle Database 10g instance on the same machine. Both instances use the ASM instance as storage. Which statement regarding the ASM disk group compatbilitf atributes are true in this scenario? (Choose all that applf.) A. The database-compatbilitf version setngs ior each instance must be greater than or equal to the RDBMS compatbilitf oi all ASM disk groups used bf that database instances. B. RDBMS compatbilitf and the database version determines whether a database instance can mount the ASM disk group. C. The RDBMS compatbilitf setngs ior a disk group control the iormat oi data structures ior ASM metadata on the disk.
D. ASM compatbilitf controls which ieatures ior the ASM will be enabled. Aoswern A,B,D Question 21 Which three statements are true regarding the iunctoning oi the Autotask Background Process (ABP)? (Choose three.) A. It creates jobs without considering the priorites associated with them. B. It translates tasks into jobs ior executon bf the scheduler. C. It determines the list oi jobs that must be created ior each maintenance window. D. It is spawned bf the MMON background process at the start oi the maintenance window. E. It maintains a repositorf in the SYSTEM tablespace to store the historf oi the executon oi all tasks. Aoswern B,C,D Question 22 Which statements are true regarding the concept oi problems and incidents in the iault diagnosabilitf inirastructure ior Oracle Database 11g? (Choose all that applf.) A. Onlf the incident metadata and dumps are stored in the Automatc Diagnostc Repositorf (ADR). B. The problem kef is the same as the incident number. C. The database sends an incident alert to the Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Home page. D. Everf problem has a problem kef' which is a text string that describes the problem. E. The database makes an entrf into the alert log fle when problems and incidents occur. Aoswern C,D,E Question 23 What two statements are true regarding the recommendatons received irom the SQL Access Advisor? (Choose two.) A. It cannot generate recommendatons that support multple workload queries. B. It can recommend parttoning on tables provided that the workloads have some predicates and joins on the columns oi the NUMBER or DATE tfpe. C. It can recommend parttoning onlf on tables that have at least 10'000 rows. D. It can recommend onlf B-tree indexes and not bitmap or iuncton-based indexes. Aoswern B,C Question 24
You are managing Oracle Database 11g with an ASM storage with high redundancf. The iollowing command was issued to drop the disks irom the dga disk group afer fve hours: ALTER DISKGROUP dga OFFLINE DISKS IN FAILGROUP i2 DROP AFTER 5H; Which statement is true in this scenario? A. It starts the ASM iast mirror resfnc. B. All the disks in the dga disk group would be OFFLINE and the DISK_REPAIR_TIME disk atribute would be set to 5 hours. C. It drops all disk paths irom the dga disk group. D. All the disks in the dga disk group in iailure group i2 would be OFFLINE and the DISK_REPAIR_TIME disk atribute would be set to 5 hours. Aoswern D Question 25 Which statement describes the signifcance oi the CHANGE FAILURE command in RMAN? (Choose all that applf.) A. It is used to change iailure prioritf onlf ior HIGH or LOW priorites. B. It is used to execute the advised repair script. C. It is used to change iailure prioritf onlf ior the CRITICAL prioritf. D. It is used to explicitlf close the open iailures. E. It is used to iniorm the database about the repair afer the repair script executes. Aoswern A,D Question 26 Which statements are true regarding the creaton oi an incident package fle bf using the EM Workbench Support? (Choose all that applf.) A. You can add or remove the trace fles to the package. B. You can create the incremental incident package ZIP fle ior new or modifed diagnostc iniormaton ior the incident package alreadf created. C. You can add SQL test cases to the incident package. D. You cannot create an incremental incident package when the phfsical fles are purged rom the ADR. Aoswern A,B,C Question 27 The applicaton tables owned bf the user TEST in a test database need to be exported to the APPS schema in the producton database bf using Data Pump. Which opton oi Data Pump Import would fou use to accomplish this?
A. owner B. touser C. atach D. remap_schema Aoswern D Question 28 You want to track and store all transactonal changes to a table over its liietme. To accomplish this task' fou enabled Flashback Data Archive with the retenton oi 5 fears. Afer some tme' the business requirement changed and fou were asked to change the retenton irom 5 fears to 3 fears. To accomplish this' fou issued the iollowing command: ALTER FLASHBACK ARCHIVE fa1 MODIFY RETENTION 3 YEAR; What is the implicaton oi this command? A. The command produces an error because the retenton tme cannot be reduced. B. All historical data is retained but the subsequent fashback data archives are maintained ior onlf three fears. C. All historical data is purged and the new fashback data archives are maintained ior three fears. D. All historical data older than three fears is purged irom the fashback archive FLA1. Aoswern D Question 29 You are managing an Oracle Database 11g database with ASM storage. The ASM disk group has the COMPATIBLE.ASM atribute set to 11.1. Which statements are true regarding extent management and allocaton units in the ASM disk group? (Choose all that applf.) A. The au_siie disk group atribute determines the siie oi allocaton units in the disk group. B. The allocaton unit siie maf varf but the extent siie is fxed. C. The allocaton unit siie and extent siie are fxed ior all the disks in a disk group and cannot be changed. D. Extent management is completelf automated. Aoswern A,D Question 30 Which are the prerequisites ior periorming fashback transactons on four database? (Choose all that applf.) A. Undo retenton guarantee ior the database must be confgured. B. Supplemental log must be enabled ior the primarf kef. C. Supplemental log must be enabled. D. Execute permission on the DBMS_FLASHBACK package must be granted to the user.
Aoswern B,C,D Question 31 Exhibit: View the Exhibit to examine the parameter values. You are planning to set the value ior the MEMORY_TARGET parameter oi four database instance. What value would fou assign? A. 1440 MB B. 90 MB C. 362 MB D. 272 MB Aoswern C Question 32 You are managing an Oracle Database 11g database. You want to take the backup oi MULT_DATA' a big fle tablespace oi siie 100 TB on tape drive' but fou have tapedrives oi onlf 10 GB each. Which method would accomplish the task quicklf and efcientlf? A. parallel image copf backup B. backup with MAXPIECESIZE confgured ior the channel C. parallel backup with MAXPIECESIZE confgured ior the channe D. intrafle parallel backup Aoswern D Question 33 You periormed the RMAN database backup with the KEEP opton. Which two statements are true regarding this backup? (Choose two.)
A. The backup contains data fles' the server parameter fle' and the control fle even ii the control fle autobackup is disabled. B. The KEEP opton overrides the confgured retenton policf. C. The backup contains onlf data fles and archived redo log fles. D. The KEEP opton is an atribute oi an individual backup piece. Aoswern A,B Question 34 You are managing an Oracle Database 11g database. You want to take a backup on tape drives oi the USERS tablespace that has a single data fle oi 900 MB. You have tape drives oi 300 MB each. To accomplish the backup' fou issued the iollowing RMAN command: RMAN>BACKUP SECTION SIZE 300M TABLESPACE users; What confguraton should be efected to accomplish iaster and optmiied backups bf using the above command? A. The SBT channel must be confgured' with the deiault parallelism setng ior the SBT device set to 1. B. The COMPATIBLE initaliiaton parameter ior the database instance must be set to at least 10.0. C. The SBT channel must be confgured' with the parallelism setng ior the SBT device set to 3. D. The SBT channel must be confgured' with the MAXPIECESIZE set to 300 MB. Aoswern D Question 35 The ADMIN_EMP table has columns EMPNO' ENAME' DEPTNO' and SAL. It has a materialiied view EMP_MV with a materialiied log and an ENAME_IDX index on the ENAME column. You need to periorm an online table redefniton on the ADMIN_EMP table to move it irom the TBS1 tablespace to the TBS2 tablespace in the same schema. What acton is required ior the dependent objects when fou periorm online redefniton on the table? A. The materialiied view should have a complete reiresh periormed afer the online table redefniton is completed. B. The materialiied view should have a iast reiresh periormed afer the online table redefniton is completed. C. The materialiied view' materialiied log' and the index should be dropped and re-created afer the online table redefniton is complete. D. The materialiied view and materialiied log should be dropped and all constraints disabled and re- created afer the online table redefniton is complete. Aoswern A
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