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  1. Oracle Oracle Virtual Desktop Infrastructure 3 Certified Implementation Specialist 1Z0-559 Exam QUESTIONS & ANSWERS (FREE - DEMO VERSION) Download Now Updated 1Z0-559 Exam PFD Demo Buy Full Product Here https://authenticdumps.com/dumps/1z0-559/

  2. Question: 1 One of the many beneftt of Oracle VDI it that it allowt you to inttall and confiure the four elementt of an Oracle VDI tyttem on one terver. Thit would be a toluton that prioritietssssssssssss. A. low cott over eate ofmanaiement B. low cott with hiih availability C. lowcott over hiih availability D. applicatonvirtualiiaton Answer: D Question: 2 Which opton detcribet the purpote of the Generic Detktop Provider? A. It connectt to a pool of virtual machinet with a RDP tervice. B. It connectt to any virtual or any phytical machine with a RDP tervice. C. It connectt to any phytical machine reiardlett of operatni tyttem. D. It connectt to any virtual or any phytical machine with a VNC tervice. Answer: B Explanatonn Referencen htpn::doct.oracle.com:html:EE2E21s_E:ieneric-detktop-provider.html(Second para) Question: 3 You have built Windowt template imaie in VirtualBox, and want VDI to automatcally loi a uter in to windowt. The VirtualBox iuett additont mutt be inttalled withsssssss. A. VBoxWindowtAdditont.exe :autoloiin B. VBoxWindowtAdditont.exe :withsautoloiin C. VBoxWindowtAdditont.exe :withsautoloion D. VBoxWindowtAdditont.exe :withsautosloiin Answer: C Explanatonn Referencen htpn::www.virtualbox.ori:manual:ch_0.html(tee automated windowt iuett loiont) Question: 4 Oracle Virtual Detktop client on a uter't PC it unable to connect to a VDI terver on another tubnet,

  3. even thouih a Sun Ray Client on the tame network workt correctly. What would caute thit? A. Accett hat not been enabled on theVDIterverfor OVDC Clientt. B. OVDC utet a diferentprotocol which miiht be blocked by a frewall. C. OVDC doet not tupport the encrypton method confiured for ute on the terver. D. OVDC it intended for ute with Secure Global Detktop, not Sun Ray Server. Answer: D Question: 5 Which two methodt can be uted to create tpecifc iroup of utert that can be attiined to a pool of detktop in Oracle VDI? A. Createanow directory iroup on theLDAPor ADterver B. Create a cuttom iroup flter within the Oracle to VDI Center C. Create a cuttom iroup by utini the Sun Ray terver AdminittratonGGI D. Add tpecifcuternamet to the Group key in the MySQLdatabate E. Create a now iroupin :etc:iroupt and add uter namet to it Answer: B,C Explanatonn Referencen htpn::doct.oracle.com:cd:EE2E21s_2:EE3120:html:detktopt-attiin-utert.html Question: 6 All hottt in the tame Oracle VDI center mutt ute the tamessssssss. A. amount of RAM B. CPG tpeedt C. ttoraie provider D. operatni tyttem E. ditk tiie Answer: D Explanatonn Referencen htpn::doct.oracle.com:cd:EEE012s_2:EE2_0E:html:vdi-requirementt.html(E.E.E. inttallaton platormt for Oracle VDI, frtt para) Supported Question: 7 When attiinini utert to a Microtof Remote Detktop Provider, thessssssssss.

  4. A. Gtert mutt be directly attiined totheMicrotof Remote Detktop Service B. Gtert do not need to be attiined bethe pool directly. Inttead, the uterit attiined to theMicrotofterver. C. Gtert cannotbe directly attiined to detktopt.Inttead, utert or iroupt are attiined to Remote Detktop Servicet poolt. D. Gtert cannotbeindividuallyattiined.Inttead, you need to attiin them to a cuttom iroup frtt. Answer: C Explanatonn Referencen htpn::doct.oracle.com:cd:EEE0_3s_2:PDD:VDIDemo:DemoMicrotofRDS.pdf(paie 8, how to attiin utert to poolt or detktopt, tecond para) Question: 8 There are fve Detktop Statet in Oracle VDI. Identfy the correct litt. A. Ready, Idle, Actve, Reterved, Maintenance B. Available, Ready, Gted, Maintenance, Recycle C. Available, Idle, Gted, Reterved, Gnretpontive D. Ready, Actve, Idle, Reterved, Gnretpontive E. Actve, Idle, Gted, Maintenance, Recycle Answer: C Explanatonn Referencen htpn::doct.oracle.com:cd:EE2E21s_2:EE3120:html:detktopt-vm-ttatet.html(See detktop ttatet) Question: 9 A cuttomer wantt to ute thared ttoraie for their Oracle VDI deployment. Choote the two correct ttoraie optont. A. Local Storaie on VirtualBox forLinux B. NetworkDileSyttem Storaie on Hyper-V C. O NetworkDileSyttem Storaie on VirtualBox for Oracle Linux D. SunZDS Storaie on VirtualBox for Solarit Answer: A,C Question: 10 The tmart card hat teveral functont when uted with a Sun Ray client. Which functon it not pottible when utini a tmart card with a Sun Ray or Oracle Virtual Detktop Client (OVDC)?

  5. A. Accett toaWindowtXPdetktop tettion with pin bated certfcate authentcaton B. Gtini OVDC withatmart card to connect to a detktop tettion C. Gtini a Proximity card readerconnected to a Sun Ray Client D. Accett to PKI certfcatet ttored on the tmart card E. Connectnianexternal GSB card reader to Sun Ray or OVDC Answer: A

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