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St. Veronica Parish: Past, Present, Future Overview

Reflect on the challenges and successes of St. Veronica Parish in the past, plan for the future, and embrace living in the present moment. Explore initiatives, commissions, and outcomes shaping the parish's journey. Ponder the quote by Lao Tzu and consider your role in supporting the Christ at the Center initiative.

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St. Veronica Parish: Past, Present, Future Overview

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  1. St. Veronica Parish OverviewPast, Present, and Future

  2. Ponder this… “If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace, you are living in the present.” -Lao Tzu

  3. Objectives • Recall the past • Plan for the future • Live in the present An overview of the Challenges and Successes of St. Veronica Parish

  4. Recall the Past Challenges: • Parishioners hungered for stronger pastoral leadership • Parishioners were seeking change for a deeper faith and stronger relationships on all levels

  5. Recall the Past Successes: • Dedicated and supportive Parishioners • Fr. Del joined the St. Veronica Family • He found ways to listen to and address Parishioners’ needs • Creation of the Meet-N-Greets • Shepherd Groups were formed based on generalized greatest needs by leadership • Subsequently Commissions, Ministries, and Strategies were formed

  6. Shepherd Groups Outcomes 1. Youth- Koinonia- Small Group for teens 2. Stewardship- Stewardship Commission 3. Leadership of the Pastor- Fr Del continues developing role and hires Pastoral Associate 4. Spiritual Renewal- Becomes a directive for Faith Formation which will include Small Groups and Renewal Programs 5. Being a welcoming and compassionate parish- Becomes Hospitality Ministry

  7. Shepherd Groups Outcomes 6. Liturgy and Music- Fr Del hires full time Music Director with Worship Commission taking on a key role 7. Adult Faith Formation- Become Faith Formation Commission 8. School-Parish integration- Did not form into a Shepherd Group, but continues to be a priority 9. Commitment to Service and Outreach- Did not form a Shepherd Group due to lack of facilitator* 10. Integration between and among ministries- PC places each ministry with one of the five commissions and assigns a liaison; Commissions meet regularly

  8. Five Commissions Identified • Faith Formation Commission • Worship Commission • Education Commission • Stewardship Commission • Finance Commission

  9. Archdiocesan Initiative • Archdiocese of Cincinnati shares the Christ at the Center initiative with all parishes • Two objectives: • Nurturing Family Faith • Nurturing Eucharistic Communities • Parishes are to make this the focus of EVERYTHING we do

  10. Incorporating the Initiative • Fr Del leads the Parish in this mission • PC, Commissions, and Ministries evaluated how their mission statements could better incorporate the Christ at the Center initiative • Parishioners individually and collaboratively accept and pursue this mission

  11. Planning for the Future Challenges: • How do we nurture the Christ at the Center? • Adjusting to change can be difficult, especially when dealing with a lot at once

  12. Planning for the Future Successes: • Small church group formation New faith formation groups and events • Spiritual renewal • Enhanced and evolving worship opportunities • Parishioners are sharing ideas • Current and new staff members making plans

  13. Live in the Present Challenges: What can I do right now? • Make a personal and collaborative effort to support the Christ at the Center initiative • Determine our individual roles as disciples • Communicate effectively

  14. Live in the Present • Be Good Disciples: • Pray about how we can individually and collectively support and advance our initiatives • Serve one another as disciples of Christ within our families, parish, local and global communities • Share our talents, our time, our wisdom, and our gifts

  15. Live in the Present One of God’s greatest gifts to us is the Present. How are you going to use it?

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