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CS 361 – Chapter 1

CS 361 – Chapter 1. What is this class about? Data structures, useful algorithm techniques Programming needs to address both  You already have done some of this. Analysis of algorithms to ensure an efficient solution. Weighing options…

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CS 361 – Chapter 1

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  1. CS 361 – Chapter 1 • What is this class about? • Data structures, useful algorithm techniques • Programming needs to address both  • You already have done some of this. • Analysis of algorithms to ensure an efficient solution. • Weighing options… • There is usually more than 1 possible algorithm or data structure that can be used to solve a problem • E.g. What is a good utensil for peanut butter?

  2. Outline • Ch.1 – Measuring complexity • Ch. 2-7 – Data structures • Ch. 8 – Sorting • Ch. 9-12 – Algorithm techniques • Ch. 13-16 – Applications to graphs, networks, data compression, etc. • Special topics, e.g. order statistics, encryption, convex hull, branch & bound, FFT

  3. Data structures • Data type vs. data structure • What data structures have you used to hold your data? • Why so many data structures? • Why not use an array for everything? • Basic operations common to many/all data structures

  4. Purpose of d.s. • There is no data structure that’s perfect for all occasions. Each has specialized purpose or advantage. • For a given problem, we want a d.s. that is especially efficient in certain ways. • Ex. Consider insertions and deletions. • an equal number? • far more insertions than deletions? • Expected use of d.s.  priority for which operations should be most efficient.

  5. Array list d.s. • Java API has a built-in ArrayList class. • What can it do? • Why do we like it? • Anything wrong? • What if we also had a “SortedArrayList” class that guaranteed that at all times the data is sorted…. • Why might this be better than ArrayList? • But, is there a trade-off here?

  6. Algorithm efficiency • Would you program a robot to type for you?  • Suppose a problem has 2 solutions. • Implementation #1 requires n4 steps • Implementation #2 requires 2n steps …where n is the size of the problem input. • Assume 1 step can be done in 1 ns. • Is one solution really “better” than the other? Why?

  7. Execution time Complete this table:

  8. Execution time Approximate times assuming 1 step = 1 ns

  9. Algorithm analysis • 2 ways • Exact: “count” exact number of operations • Asymptotic: find asymptotic or upper bound  • Amortization • Technique to simplify calculation • E.g. consider effect of occasional time penalties

  10. Exact analysis • Not done often, only for small parts of code • We want # assembly instructions that execute. • Easier to determine in C/C++/Java than Pascal/Ada because code is lower-level, more explicit. • Control flow makes calculation interesting. • Example for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) a[i] = i-1; • How many loop iterations? • How many instructions executed per iteration? • How many instructions are executed just once? • What if we replace 10 with n?

  11. Example • Try a nested loop for (i = 0; i < 10; ++i) for (j = 0; j < 20; ++j) b[i] += i-j; • How many instructions executed in inner loop? • In outer loop? • Outside the loops? • What if we replace 10 and 20 with n and 2*n? • What if we were assigning to c[i][j] instead?

  12. Asymptotic analysis • Much more often we are just interested in an order of magnitude, expressed as a function of some input size, n. • Essentially, it doesn’t matter much if the number of steps is 5n2 or 7n2; any n2 is better than n3. • Exact analysis is often unrealistic. • Usually too tedious. • There could be additional instructions behind the scenes. • Not all instructions take the same amount of time.

  13. Big O notation • Provides an upper bound on the general complexity of an algorithm. • Ex. O(n2) means that it runs no worse than a quadratic function of the input size. • O(n2) is a set of all functions at or below the complexity of a degree 2 polynomial. • Definition: We say that f(n) is O(g(n)) if constants c, n0 > 0 such that f(n)  c g(n) for all n > n0. • “Eventually, g defeats f.”

  14. Example • f(n) = 7n2 + 8n + 11 and g(n) = n2 • We want to show that f(n) is O(g(n)) • How do we show this is true using the definition? • We need to specify values of c and n0. • We want to show that 7n2 + 8n + 11 <= c n2 for sufficiently large n. • Note that 7n2 7n2, 8n  8n2, 11  11n2. • So, let c = 7+8+11 = 26, and let n0 = 1. • And we observe that for all n  0, 7n2 + 8n + 11  26 n2

  15. Gist • Usually, single loops are O(n), 2 nested loops are O(n2), etc. • If the execution time of an algorithm is a polynomial in n, then we only need to keep the largest degree. • We can drop coefficient. • Although O(…) is a set, we sometimes write “=“ for “is” or . • Let’s assume that our functions are positive.

  16. Example loops

  17. Limits • It turns out that if f(n)/g(n) tends to a finite constant as n goes to , then f(n) is O(g(n)). • Special case: if f(n) / g(n) tends to 0, the asymptotic bound is “too high”, but still ok. • This helps us with other functions like log. • log(n) is O(n). (Log base doesn’t matter) • n2 is O(n3) but n3 is not O(n2). • Can we say the same about 2n and 3n? • How about log(n) versus n1/2 ?

  18. Example • By limits, we see that n10 is O(2n). • How can we satisfy the definition of O? • The curves intersect at about n = –0.94, 1.08 and 58.77. • So, let c = 1 and n0 = 59.

  19. Beyond O • Big O has some close friends. • Big O: f(n)  c g(n) for some c • Big Ω: f(n)  c g(n) for some c • Big Θ: f is O(g) and g is O(f) • Little o: f(n)  c g(n) for all c • Little ω: f(n)  c g(n) for all c • What do the little letters mean? • f is o(g) means f has a strictly lower order than g. • Ex. n2 is o(n3) and o(n2 log n) but not o(n2).

  20. Using limits

  21. Final thoughts • What would O(–n) mean? • How do you show that 7n3 is not O(n2) ? • cos(x) = 1 – x2/2 + x4/24 – x6/720 + … • Does this mean that cos(x) can’t be bounded by a polynomial? In other words, is cos(x) Ω(x6) ? • Big O doesn’t have to be used just for time. • Space requirements, height of tree, etc. • Gives rise to unusual orders like O(log(log(n)), etc.

  22. Running average • The book presents 2 algorithms to compute running averages: for i = 1 to n sum = 0 sum = 0 for i = 1 to n for j = 1 to i sum += a[i] sum += a[j] avg[i] = sum/i avg[i] = sum/i • Are they correct? • What is the (worst-case) complexity of each? • Note the triangular loop in first algorithm.

  23. Amortized analysis • A technique that can help determine a tight big-O bound on ops that occur on a data structure. • Motivation: Occasional high costs can be spread out. • 2 common approaches • Accounting method: Save up “credit” that can be spent on later operations. • Aggregate method: Find cumulative total of n operations, and pro-rate (divide) among all of them.

  24. Accounting method • We differentiate between actual & amortized cost of an operation. • Some amortized costs will be “too high” so that others may become subsidized/free. • At all times we want amortized cost  actual cost so that we are in fact finding an upper bound. • In other words, early operations like “insert” assigned a high cost so we keep a credit balance  0.

  25. Accounting example • Stack with 3 operations • Push: actual cost = 1 • Pop: actual cost = 1 • Multipop: actual cost = min(size, desired) • What is the cost of performing n stack ops? • Naïve approach: There are n operations, and in the worst case, a multipop operation must pop up to n elements, so n*n = O(n2). • Better approach: Re-assess ops with amortized costs 2, 0, and 0, respectively. Rationale: Pushing an object will also “pay” for its later popping. Thus: Total  2n = O(n). Average per op  2 = O(1).

  26. Aggregate method • Another way of looking at the general problem of finding a tight big-O bound. • Find cumulative worst-case total cost of n operations, and call this T(n). Then the average of each operation is just T(n) / n. • Example: Using an array as a binary counter.

  27. Binary counter a = { 0 } for i = 1 to n // If rightmost bit is 0, set it to 1 if a[0] == 0 a[0] = 1 // Otherwise, working from right to left, // turn off 1’s to 0’s until you reach a 0. // Turn that 0 into a 1. else j = 0 while a[j] == 1 a[j++] = 0 a[j] = 1

  28. Count the ops

  29. Analysis • Let the cost = # bit flips • Naïve: In counting from 0 to n, we may have to flip several bits for each increment. And because we have a nested loop bounded by n, the algorithm is O(n2). • Better way: Note that • a[0] is flipped on every iteration, • a[1] is flipped on every other iteration • a[2] is flipped on every 4th iteration, etc. • Total number of flips is  2n, so the total is O(n), and the average number of flips per increment is O(1).

  30. Exercise • Suppose we have a data structure in which the cost (time) of performing the i-th operation is • i, if i is a power of 2 • 1, if i is not a power of 2 • We can do an aggregate analysis to find a tight big-O bound on: the total cost of n operations, and on the cost of a single operation. • Work it out before checking your answer…

  31. Solution • T(i) = i, if i is a power of 2; 1 if not • We want an upper bound on the sum of T(i) from i = 1 to n • Worst case is when n is a power of 2, e.g. 2k. • Then our sum is  … • All the powers of 2 from 1 thru 2k: 2 * 2k. • 1 + 1 + 1 + … + 1, 2k times: 2k. • Total is  3 * 2k, in other words 3n • Thus, total cost of n operations is O(n), and average of each operation is O(1). • Surprising result?

  32. A closer look • What if we wanted the amortized cost of doing the operation – during any time – rather than counting from the beginning? [Hypothesis: Still O(1).] • For example, yesterday I might not have encountered a power of 2. But today I might see two of them. • Worst case: today, the values of i range from 2k to 2k+1. • How many values are there today? n = 2k + 1. • How many are powers of 2? 2. T(2k) = 2k, T(2k+1) = 2k+1. • How many are not? 2k – 1. The sum of all these T(i) = 2k – 1 • Total T(n) = 2k + 2k+1 + 2k – 1 = 4*2k – 1 = 4n – 5. • Therefore, T(n) is O(n), so the cost of one op is O(1). 

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