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Senior University Winter 2008 Session 2

Senior University Winter 2008 Session 2. Evolving Continents, Oceans, and God-talk about Life. Laws of Nature, Source Unknown Which coma first: the order or the universe? And can science ever supply an answer?

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Senior University Winter 2008 Session 2

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  1. Senior University Winter 2008 Session 2 Evolving Continents, Oceans, and God-talk about Life

  2. Laws of Nature, Source Unknown Which coma first: the order or the universe? And can science ever supply an answer? New York Times, December 18, 2007 “A law of physics is a pattern that nature obeys without exception” Sean Carroll, Caltechcosmologist “The most incomprehensible thing about the universe is that it is comprehensible” Albert Einstein “Mathematics does not describe the universe it is the universe” Max Tegmark, MIT cosmologist

  3. Division of Historic Time Silicon Age 1950 to Present Modern Age 1900 to 1950 Steam Age 1830 to 1950 Industrial Age 1700 to 1830 Renaissance 1450 to 1700 Middle Ages 470 to 1450 Roman Age to 470 750 Iron Age 1400 to 750 Bronze Age 3300 to 1400 Geology & Religion Copper Age 3300 to 3000 Stone Age (end of Ice Age)10,000 to 3000

  4. Review: Humanid Sites: 1 million to 10,000 ybp Last Continental Glacier 110,000 to 10,000 ybp Yellow Yangtze Ganges Tigris Euphrates Indus Nile From: Ron Redfern, 2000, Origins Favorable Rivers: Near but not too near the Melting Glacier

  5. The Stone Age: A Review End of Last Ice Age 3000 years 10,000 Years 5,000 Years 2007 Stone Age BC AD Stone Age: Review: Stone Tools and Weapons Clay building bricks Stone building blocks Stone Age: Review: Topography & Soils = Tribal Areas and Different Religions Where did the major civilizations flourish?

  6. The Bronze Age: 3300 to 1400 BC End of Last Ice Age 3000 years 10,000 Years 5,000 Years 2007 Stone Age BC AD Hinduism Bronze Bronze Age: Tools and Weapons=Copper & Tin mixture Territorial Conquests=Powerful Nations Advent of 3 Major Religions International Trade Routes Confucianism The Bronze Age 3300 to 1300 BC Judaism Christianity Islam Where did the major civilizations flourish? Buddhism

  7. Where were the Early Civilizations Located? Tigris Euphrates Yellow Yangtze Indus Ganges Nile Nile From: Hammond Atlas, 1972 Along major rivers!

  8. The Bronze Age 3300 to 1300 BC: Egypt 1000 2000 3000 Bronze Age Iron Egypt Bronze = Copper and Tin or Arsenic Where did early civilizations get Copper and Tin? From: Halley’s Bible Handbook, 1991

  9. Possible sources for Copper and Tin Tin Copper Egypt

  10. Bronze Age 3300 to 1300 BC Iron Age 1300 to 750 1000 2000 3000 Bronze Iron Egypt Iron Iron Ancient Egypt had a domestic source of Iron Iron: better tools and weapons than Bronze Superior Weapons: Conquer Nearby Lands Egypt: A Major Civilization along the Flood plain of the Nile River 1600 to 1200 BC From: Hammond Atlas, 1972 From: Halley’s Bible Handbook, 1991

  11. Early Civilizations in the Tigris & Euphrates Flood Plain Tigris Euphrates Yellow Yangtze Indus Ganges Nile Nile From: Hammond Atlas, 1972 Along major rivers!

  12. The Fertile Crescent & Ancient Trade Routes From: Aramco Handbook, 1968

  13. Tigris Euphrates Flood Plain: (Iraq) From: Hammond Atlas, 1972

  14. Sumarian Civilization (Iraq) Iron Age 1400 to 750 BC End of Last Ice Age 3000 years 10,000 Years 5,000 Years 2007 Stone Age Bronze 1700 to 1450 BC Hinduism Confucianism The Bronze Age 3300 to 1300 BC Judaism Christianity Islam Where did the major civilizations flourish? Buddhism

  15. Sumerian Empire, 1700BC Earliest in Arabian Gulf Note: No metals in Iraq or Iran! From: Hammond Atlas, 1972 From: Aramco Handbook, 1968

  16. Babylonian Empire (Iraq & Iran) Conquered by Hittites (Turkey) 1450 BC Copper Assyria From: Aramco Handbook, 1968 From: Aramco Handbook, 1968

  17. Arabian Gulf Empires conquered by Hittites (Turks) 1450 BC (beginning of Iron Age) Iron Copper Hittites Hittites Assyria Assyria From: Hammond Atlas, 1972

  18. 3000 years 5,000 Years 2007 Bronze Age Iron Assyrian Empire 700 BC Moving out of the River Floodplain into the “hills” where there are metals

  19. Moving out of the River Floodplain into the “hills” where there are metals

  20. Assyrian Empire 700 BC

  21. Median & Chaldean Empire 6th Century BC

  22. Persian Empire: Greece to India: 5th Century Conquered by Greeks

  23. Now let’s look at India 3000 years 5,000 Years 2007 Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Assyrian Empire 700 BC Median & Chaldean Empire 600 BC Persian Empire 500 BC Indus and Ganges River Flood Plains

  24. Hinduism: India & Pakistan Where would you expect early civilizations?

  25. India’s Unique Geologic History A Collision Accident! Mountains built by collision with Indian Plate Indian Plate

  26. Indian States Early Hinduism “Our” First Sustainable Religion

  27. Indian States: Mature Harappan 2600 to 1700 BC 3000 years 5,000 Years Mature 2007 Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Middle to Late Bronze Age Arabian Gulf Empires

  28. Mature Harappan State 2600 to 1700 BC Indus River Drainage Area

  29. Mature Harappan State 2600 to 1700 BC Iron Possible Iron Source for upcoming Iron Age?

  30. Iron in the Hills Where’s the Indus River Flood Plain? Where is the Iron?

  31. Indian Empires: Early Iron Age 1700 to 1300 BC 3000 years 5,000 Years Mature 2007 Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Ganges River Indus River

  32. Rise of Hinduism: 1500 BC +/- A Religion Born in the Flood Plain 3000 years 5,000 Years Mature 2007 Stone Age Bronze Age Iron Hinduism Ganges River Indus River

  33. Early Iron Age State

  34. Early Iron Age State No Big Iron Deposits in the central “hills”

  35. Indian Empires: Magadha State 5th Century BC 3000 years 5,000 Years Mature 2007 Stone Age Bronze Age Iron

  36. Indian Empires: Magadha State 5th Century BC Note: Major Iron in the Hills”!!

  37. “Armed” with the World’s Best Steel, here’s what happened!! Note: Major Iron in the Hills”!!

  38. Indian Empire Expansion 5th to 3rd Centuries BC 3000 years 5,000 Years Mature 2007 Stone Age Bronze Age Iron The time of Damascus Steel

  39. Hinduism: An “Iron” Sustained Religion? Iron Age 1400 to 750 BC End of Last Ice Age 3000 years 10,000 Years 5,000 Years 2007 Stone Age Bronze Hinduism Confucianism The Bronze Age 3300 to 1300 BC Judaism Christianity Islam Where did the major civilizations flourish? Buddhism

  40. Meanwhile in China: The Rise of Confucianism Where would you expect the early Chinese Civilizations?

  41. Major Rivers of China Copper and Iron in Abundance!!

  42. Confucianism: An “Iron” Sustained Religion? Iron Age 1400 to 750 BC End of Last Ice Age 3000 years 10,000 Years 5,000 Years 2007 Stone Age Bronze Hinduism Confucianism Judaism Christianity Islam Buddhism

  43. Judaism: The Third Early Religion Out of the flood plain and into the Hills! 2000 BC

  44. Palestine: No major flood plane hills but no metal resources!!

  45. Judaism: A Hill Country Religion without metals Iron Age 1400 to 750 BC End of Last Ice Age 3000 years 10,000 Years 5,000 Years 2007 Stone Age Bronze Hinduism Confucianism Judaism Christianity Whatever copper, tin, or iron was used had to be traded Islam Buddhism

  46. Next Week: Session 3 Greek Civilization: out of the flood plain Roman Civilization: “ “ Christianity Mohammad: Damascus Steel St. Augustine on Genesis Agricula; 1st geology textbook Luther on Genesis Ussher on Earth’s age

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