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This informative presentation covers topics like new school adjustments, independence, course exploration, and creating a 4-year plan to guide academic choices. It includes a fun quiz to identify interests and pathways available at Riverton High School. Career development standards are explained to help students make informed decisions aligned with personal goals. The importance of responsible decision-making, academic skills, well-being, and critical thinking is emphasized throughout the presentation. Partnerships with schools, businesses, and community organizations are highlighted to show real-world opportunities for students. The 4-year plan is a flexible tool that students can adjust annually to stay on track with their education and career goals.
Are You Ready For Your Future? 8th grade presentation
Excited and Nervous • New School • Independence • Grown-up • Grades become more important • What to do
Look at classes • What is required? • What is exploratory? The 4-year plan Spring Semester Before the big day of meeting with the counselors ……………
Where do I begin??? What if I don’t know what I want to do or what I’m interested in? What if I know what I want to do, but don’t know what classes to take? Let’s take a short quiz (not graded) to find out what interests you!! http://www.yourfreecareertest.com/
Pathways at Riverton high School • Hospitality and Tourism • Transportation • Science Technology Engineering and Math • Marketing Sales and Service • Manufacturing • Informational Technology • Human Services • Health Science • Government and Public Administration • Finance • Education and Training • Business Administration • Business Administration and Finance • Art, A/V, Technology and Communication • Architecture and Construction • Agriculture and Natural Resources http://www.fremont25.org/schools/rhs/academics/handbooks/pdfs/Course_description_2014-15.pdf
The 4-Year Plan
Career Development Standards: 1. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee: By learning what is available, students responsibly choose courses in order to contribute to society. 2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills: Assessments are done online allowing students to use their technical skills. The students are also being academically appropriate by choosing their courses. 3. Attend to personal health and financial well-being: By allowing the students to make a tentative 4-year plan, they are allowing their stress level to go down. 4. Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason: Allowing students to responsibly choose their future classes, they can clearly communicate what the future holds for them. 5. Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions: Learn through the Jenga game. 6. Demonstrate creativity and innovation: Using new ways of thinking about the future. 7. Employ valid and reliable research strategies: By using assessments, students can learn and research where their interests could take them. 8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them: By taking the time now to formulate a plan, students will be able to maintain a better view of their future. 9. Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management: Allow the students to manage their future. 10. Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals: Make a plan and go for it! 11. Use technology to enhance productivity: Use the available resources, such as assessments. 12. Work productively in team while using cultural/global competence: Allow students to work with others in their team to obtain their future.
So this leads me to where our partnerships are in the community. Obviously, we are in partnership with various schools, such as the middle school, high school, CWC (for their nursing program/auto tech/etc.), as well as community businesses. This plan could be scaled down to as low a grade as 6th grade up to college age. Evaluation: The 4-year plan would be looked at every year, or at other times depending on when the student wants to.