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Summary of IPA Component II cross-border priorities in SEE Countries

Summary of IPA Component II cross-border priorities in SEE Countries. REReP regional meeting on “Energy and climate” in South Eastern Europe May 22-23 rd , 2008 Brussels, Belgium. IPA: The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.

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Summary of IPA Component II cross-border priorities in SEE Countries

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  1. Summary of IPA Component II cross-border priorities in SEE Countries REReP regional meeting on “Energy and climate” in South Eastern Europe May 22-23rd, 2008 Brussels, Belgium

  2. IPA: The Instrument forPre-Accession Assistance • An integratedPre-Accession Instrument to assist candidate (Croatia, former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Turkey) and potential candidate countries (Albania; Bosnia and Herzegovina; Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo under UNSCR 1244) • Replaces Phare, ISPA, SAPARD and Turkey pre-accession instruments, as well as the CARDS instrument • A new tool since 1 January 2007 • Under IPA, the Western Balkans are due to receive around € 2.7 billion over the four years period 2007-2010

  3. IPA: the five components • I: Transition Assistance and Institution Building – open to all • II: Cross-Border Co-operation –open to all • III: Regional Development –for candidate countries • IV: Human Resources Development –for candidate countries • V: Rural Development - for candidate countries

  4. IPA:3–level programmingframework • Political and Financial Framework: enlargement package comprising a Multi-annual Indicative Financial Framework (MIFF), per country and per component, 3 years rolling forward • Strategic planning: Multi-annual Indicative Planning Documents (MIPD), per country and for all components, following the logic of the MIFF • Specific programming documents (annual/multi–annual) by country and by component (e.g. Joint Programming Document)

  5. IPA component II – Cross-border Cooperation • Applies to border regions between beneficiaries from member states, candidate states and countries in pre-accession status • IPA cross-border programmes will be implemented as multi-annual programmes covering the 2007- 2013 • Programmes can be implemented in the following manner: • “Integrated” means that funding and contracting are fully integrated, with no separation per country • “Transitional” means that funding and contracting will be separated, with Member States on one side and non-Member States on the other • The multi-annual indicative planning documents (MIPD) in line with Multi Annual Indicative Financial Framework (MIFF)

  6. IPA component II: Multi-Annual Indicative Financial Framework2008-2010 by country*in mill Euros

  7. IPA component II: Multi-Annual Indicative Financial Framework2008-2010 by country (2)*in mill Euros

  8. Albania – MIPDIPA component II • Multi-annual indicative planning document (MIPD) - strategic document Main Priorities and objectives • Development of cross-border economic, social and environmental activities of border areas • Address common challenges in the field of environment, public health, prevention and fight against organised crime, etc. • Ensure efficient and secure borders • Promote legal and administrative cooperation • Promote local "people to people" type actions

  9. Albania – MIPDIPA component II • Major areas of intervention • IPA CBC Adriatic Programme • IPA CBC Greece–Albania • IPA CBC between Albania and the Western Balkan neighbouring countries • Expected results and time-frame • After the first year, the partner countries establish the relevant joint multi-annual CBC programmes and priorities, set up joint management structures and agree on joint implementation procedures • Type of assistance provided • primarily through competitive joint call for proposals agreed between participating countries

  10. Bosnia and Herzegovina – MIPDIPA component II • Main Priorities and objectives • Activities aimed to promote and enhance cross-border co-operation and the socioeconomic integration of border regions through the strengthening of economical, social, environmental and cultural ties between respective participating countries, including people to people type actions. • Addressing common challenges in the field of public health, prevention and fight against organised crime, counter-terrorism, corruption etc. • Co-operation and networking between countries to ensure secure borders and to promote legal and administrative co-operation.

  11. Bosnia and Herzegovina – MIPDIPA component II • Major areas of intervention • IPA CBC Adriatic Programme • IPA CBC between BiH and the Western Balkan neighbouring countries • Expected results and time-frame • After the first year, the partner countries establish the relevant joint multi-annual CBC programmes and priorities, set up joint management structures and agree on joint implementation procedures • Type of assistance provided • primarily through competitive joint call for proposals agreed between participating countries

  12. Croatia – MIPDIPA component II • Main Priorities and objectives • Co-operation among local/ regional authorities, associations, NGOs and enterprises from neighbouring regions to enhance economic and social development • Small infrastructure to improve potential for tourism or local/ regional transport and communication, including environmental aspects • People-to-people actions to intensify contacts at local level • Technical Assistance and information diffusion to help with programme implementation and contribute to timely delivery of results • Cooperation between authorities covering strategies and actions to address risks and threats to border security and organised crime

  13. Croatia – MIPDIPA component II • Major areas of intervention • CBC with EU Member States (IPA CBC Adriatic Programme) • CBC with potential candidate countries • Participation in ERDF trans-national and interregional programmes • Expected results and time-frame • will be laid down in detail in the respective multi-annual programmes • assessing the achievements through the annual progress reports • Type of assistance provided • primarily through competitive joint call for proposals agreed between participating countries

  14. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – MIPDIPA component II • Main Priorities and objectives CBC with Neighbouring Western Balkan countries - To continue or to start activities aiming at protecting defined areas against environmental threats and degradation - To achieve a secure and efficient border management by providing necessary upgrades of infrastructure - To improve local infrastructure in the environmental sector; - Enhancing competitiveness of local enterprises - Intensification of contacts among citizens from border areas

  15. Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia – MIPDIPA component II • Major areas of intervention • CBC with Bulgaria, CBC with Greece • CBC with Neighboring Western Balkan countries • Expected results (CBC WB Countries) • Reduced level of water pollution and progress with reforestation; • Less time-consuming border passing and acceleration of freight transport; • Reduction of pollution by wastewater-treatment and better supply of fresh water; • Opportunities for economic growth and increase in employment; • Operational Management structures established • Type of assistance provided • primarily through competitive joint call for proposals agreed between participating countries

  16. Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) – MIPDIPA component II • Main Priorities and objectives • Addressing the institutional shortcomings (e.g. agencies for cross-border cooperation have to be created to coordinate the operators and assist in project implementation) • Developing the reference framework for CBC activities and developing the required CBC programming documents • Improving infrastructures in cross-border regions • Fostering reciprocal trust, cultural and socio-economic exchanges at local level • Supporting initiatives in the area of education

  17. Kosovo (UNSCR 1244) – MIPDIPA component II • Major areas of intervention • All border areas will be considered for IPA cross border assistance • Expected results and time-frame • to become more acquainted and proficient in regional development planning in relation to CBC and in particular in relation to articulating joint cross border needs and • developing joint cross border programming documents in cooperation with authorities across the border. • Type of assistance provided • Technical assistance for developing programs and strengthen capacities, small scale cross border infrastructure projects • Grant schemes for civil society (people to people projects)

  18. Montenegro – MIPDIPA component II • Main Priorities and objectives • Development of cross-border economic, social and environmental activities of border areas. • Address common challenges in particular in the field of environment and public health and development. • Promote local "people to people" type actions including among NGOs and local authorities.

  19. Montenegro – MIPDIPA component II • Major areas of intervention • IPA CBC Adriatic Programme • CBC with neighboring candidate and potential candidate countries • Participation in ERDF trans-national and interregional programmes • Expected results and time-frame • After the first year, established relevant joint multi-annual CBC priorities and programmes, set up joint management structures and agreed on joint implementation procedures • Type of assistance provided • primarily through competitive joint call for proposals agreed between participating countries

  20. Serbia – MIPDIPA component II • Main Priorities and objectives • Negotiations with partners in neighbouring countries are on-going. Consequently, areas of co-operation and the proposed priorities are a base for further discussion • Cross-border infrastructure. Flood prevention. Caters management. • Economic co-operation (especially, creation of strong logistical links, supply chains and clusters alongside the border) tourism, agriculture and rural development. • Address common challenges in the field of environment, public health, prevention and fight against organised crime, etc. • Ensure efficient and secure borders. Promote legal and administrative co-operation. • Promote local “people to people” type actions • Cooperation among cultural institutions • Develop the reference framework for CBC activities and developing planning etc.

  21. Serbia – MIPDIPA component II • Major areas of intervention • IPA CBC programme with Hungary, Bulgaria, Romania • IPA CBC programme with Croatia and BiH • Structural Funds transnational programme South-East European Space • Expected results • High visibility projects with a strong impact on the local population • Small scale cross border infrastructure projects • Technical assistance for CBC agencies • Grant schemes • Type of assistance provided • primarily through competitive joint call for proposals agreed between participating countries

  22. Relevant contacts and web sites • National Coordinators for IPA programs in the Countries • EC delegations in the Countries: http://ec.europa.eu/external_relations/delegations/intro/web.htm • IPA information on DG Enlargement: http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/how-does-it-work/financial-assistance/instrument-pre-accession_en.htm • European Commission, DG Enlargement: http://ec.europa.eu/enlargement/index_en.htm • DG Regio: http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/tender/tender_en.htm • DG Environment: http://ec.europa.eu/dgs/environment/index_en.htm

  23. Thank you for your attention! Ana Popovic Project Manager Environmental Policy Department The Regional Environmental Center for Central and Eastern Europe E-mail: apopovic@rec.org

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