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The Way: Path to Salvation and Truth

Explore the ancient concept of "The Way" in Christianity, symbolizing salvation, truth, and righteousness. Discover how Jesus is the one true path to the Father and the Holy Place.

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The Way: Path to Salvation and Truth

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  1. The Way

  2. The Wayin Acts • First Name Used to Describe the Religion of Jesus • Saul persecuted the Way 9:2; 22:4 • Jews spoke evil of the Way 19:9 • Great disturbance concerning the Way 19:23 • Paul served God according to the Way 24:14 • Felix knew about the Way 24:22

  3. The Way • The Way to the Father- Jesus Jn 14:6 • The Way to the Holy Place Heb 9:8; 10:19-20 • The Way of Salvation Acts 16:17; 4:12; Jn 14:6 (the Life) • The Way of the Lord, of God Acts 18:24-28; Jn 6:44-45 • The Way of Truth 2 Pet 2:1-3; Jn 14:6 (the Truth) • The Way of Righteousness 2 Pet 2:17-22 (2 Tim 2:19)

  4. The Way • The Way to the Father- Jesus • The Way to the Holy Place • The Way of Salvation • The Way of the Lord, of God • The Way of Truth • The Way of Righteousness

  5. The Way • “The” rules out all other world religions • “The” rules out all perversions of Christ’s teaching

  6. There is Just One WayJames Rowe There are many paths through this world of sin, But there’s only one I shall travel in; ’Tis the old Cross Road, or the way called “Straight”— There is just one way to the pearly gate.

  7. There is Just One WayJames Rowe There are some who sneer at the old Cross Road, At the pearly gate and the soul’s abode; Yet I mind them not, but, with happy song And assurance sweet, still I press along.

  8. There is Just One WayJames Rowe Others risk their souls on some new-made way, Thinking they will come to the gate some day; Oh, may they find out, ere their lives are done, That the old Cross Road is the only one.

  9. There is Just One WayJames Rowe There is just one way to the pearly gate, To the crown of life and the friends who wait; ’Tis the old Cross Road, or the way called “Straight”— There is just one way to the pearly gate.

  10. Jesus Said Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it. For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it. Matthew 7:13-14

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