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Young Stellar Objects: The Inner AU. John D. Monnier University of Michigan. Collaborators Ajay Tannirkulam (UM) Rafael Millan-Gabet (Caltech) Tim Harries (Exeter) Peter Tuthill (Sydney) Wes Traub (CfA) Jean-Philippe Berger (Grenoble) Rachel Akeson (Caltech) Theo ten Brummelaar (GSU)
Young Stellar Objects: The Inner AU John D. Monnier University of Michigan Collaborators Ajay Tannirkulam (UM) Rafael Millan-Gabet (Caltech) Tim Harries (Exeter) Peter Tuthill (Sydney) Wes Traub (CfA) Jean-Philippe Berger (Grenoble) Rachel Akeson (Caltech) Theo ten Brummelaar (GSU) Ettore Pedretti (St. Andrews) Nathalie Thureau (Cambridge) and IOTA/iKeck/CHARA teams Art Credit: Luis Belerique
1 AU X 1 AU Matter Falls onto Star (accretion) jets, magnetic fields 0.01” X 0.01” Standard Disk Model (Herbig Ae/Be and T Tauris) Gas line emission, Only inner disk winds Dust Evaporation Front dust properties, disk scale height Gas and Dust in (sub?)Keplerian orbits disk flaring, physical conditions of planet formation Art Credit: Luis Belerique
(e.g., Hillenbrand et al. 1992 + flaring) (e.g., Tuthill et al 2001; Natta et al. 2001; Monnier & Millan-Gabet 2006) Optically-thin Cavity Disk Model Flat, Optically-thick Disk Model from 1990s Young Stellar Objects
Comprehensive Size-Luminosity Plot (from Protostars & Planets V Review, Millan-Gabet et al. 2006) Optically-thin Cavity Flat, Optically-thick Monnier & Millan-Gabet (2002, ApJ 579, 694 ) Millan-Gabet et al. (2001, ApJ, 546, 358) Eisner et al. (2003, ApJ, 588, 360) Wilkin & Akeson (2003, Ap&SS, 286, 145) Eisner et al. (2004, ApJ, 613, 1049) Akeson et al. (2004, ApJ, 622, 440) Eisner et al. (2005, ApJ, 623, 952) Monnier et al. (2005, ApJ 624, 832) Akeson et al. (2005, ApJ 635 1173)
Swept under the rug… • Vertical wall problems.. • IR excess not very inclination dependent (Isella & Natta 2005) • IOTA interferometer found small closure phase (Monnier et al. 2006) • In detail, observed sizes are much too small for some objects when taking into account disk backwarming (e.g., Isella et al. 2006) • Lambda-dependence on size (Eisner et al. 2006) • Gas emission component? (RY Tau, Akeson et al. 2005)
Dust settling and/or growthcurves hot inner wall… Tannirkulam et al. 2007 Tannirkulam, Harries & Monnier 2007
Tannirkulam et al. 2007 (see poster) Tannirkulam et al. 2007
CHARA InterferometerGeorgia State University 330 meters 1 milliarcsecond resolution at K band 1/10 AU for the closest YSOs
MWC 275 (see Tannirkulam et al. 2007, in prep) Pure “hot inner rim” models can not fit the CHARA data at long baselines (>200meters); gas emission within the evaporation radius can explain our new data. Gas emission?
Golden Age for YSO Interferometry • Inner Disks of Young Stellar Objects • Well-defined near-IR size-luminosity relation (Monnier et al. 2005) • Gas disk detected • New flood of mid-infrared sizes (VLTI + Keck) • Silicates of inner disk are more crystalline (van Boekel et al.) • T Tauri and FU Ori objects, too! (Millian-Gabet, Akeson et al. 2006) • Sizes of spectral line emitting regions: • Br-gamma (Tatulli et al.) and CO bandhead (Eisner et al) • Imaging with CHARA/MIRC and VLTI Art Credit: Luis Belerique