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GAPPS Analysis. 8 Strands: Curriculum Assessment Instruction Planning/Organization Student/Family/Community Involvement Professional Learning School Culture.
GAPPS Analysis 8 Strands: Curriculum Assessment Instruction Planning/Organization Student/Family/Community Involvement Professional Learning School Culture
CURRICULUM A system for managing and facilitating student achievement and learningbased upon consensus-driven content and performance standards.
Curriculum Standard 1: The school’s curriculum is sequenced and organized to ensure students know, do, and understand the core content outlined in the Quality Core Curriculum or Georgia Performance Standards (based on phase-in plan).
Standard I Elements • C 1.1 Written and Aligned Curriculum Documents • C 1.2 Horizontal and Vertical Alignment • C 1.3 Curriculum Planning Process
Standard I Artifacts • Professional learning plans • Teacher meeting agendas/minutes • Curriculum maps/units • Formative assessments • Benchmark assessments
Curriculum Standard 2: Teachers engage in a process of collaborative planning for curriculum implementation to ensure that they agree on core content and required student performance(s).
Standard 2 Elements Standard 2 Elements • C 2.1 School-wide Curriculum Collaboration • C 2.2 Systematic and Consistent Approach to Collaborative Planning
Standard 2 Artifacts • Aligned curriculum documents • Curriculum alignment minutes/agendas • Professional learning plans • Grade level/subject area standards • Student benchmark work
Curriculum Standard 3: Teachers and administrators use a systematic process for monitoring and evaluating implementation of the curriculum.
Standard 3 Elements • C 3.1 Monitor and Evaluate Curriculum Implementation • C 3.2 Curriculum Monitoring System
Standard 3 Artifacts • Agendas and minutes • Student work samples • Performance tasks • Unit of study and/or lesson plan templates • Units of study and/or lesson plans
Assessments The collecting and analyzing of student performance data to identify patterns of achievement and underachievement in order to design and implement appropriate instructional interventions
Assessment: 1A cohesive and comprehensive system is in place to ensure that all administrators and instructional personnel use assessment data to design and adjust instruction to maximize student achievement. • 1.1 Cohesive, Comprehensive System for Assessing Student Progress • 1.2 Teacher Articulation of Standards and Assessments • 1.3 Teacher Collaboration Regarding Desired Results and Assessments • 1.4 Instruction Aligned to GPS and Adjusted to Meet Student Needs
Assessment: 2A variety of effective and balanced assessment techniques is routinely andsystematically implemented by all instructional personnel as part of a comprehensive school-based assessment and evaluation systems. • 2.1Diagnostic Assessment • 2.2 Formative Assessment • 2.3 Summative Assessment • 2.4 Balanced Assessment
Assessment: 3Assessment and evaluation data are analyzed to plan for continuous improvement foreach student, subgroup of students, and the school as a whole. • 3.1 Comprehensive Feedback-Adjustment Process
Strand: Instruction- Designing and implementing teaching-learning-assessment tasks and activities to ensure that all students achieve proficiency relative to the Georgia Performance Standards (GPS) • Instruction Standard 1: Instructional design and implementation are clearly and consistently aligned with GPS and district expectations for learning. • Instruction Standard 2: Research-based instruction is standard practice. • Instruction Standard 3: High expectations for all learners are consistently evident, with students playing an active role in setting personal learning goals and monitoring their own progress based upon clear evaluation criteria.
Instructional Standard 1: Instructional design and implementation are clearly and consistently aligned with GPS and district expectations for learning. • Element 1.1: Shared Framework for Instruction Artifacts: Curriculum maps; Units for each content area; lesson plan templates; learning team minutes; research, etc. • Element 1.2: Consensus-Driven Framework for Instruction Artifacts: School schedule; Collaboratively developed frameworks; Meeting agendas & minutes; Rubrics; Benchmark work samples; Student work aligned with GPS; Data charts • Element 1.3: Learning Goals Aligned with GPS Artifacts: Posted essential questions; Lesson/unit plans with goals; Performance tasks; Benchmark work; Assessment notebook noting strengths and needs; Conferencing logs; Student portfolios
Instructional Standard 2: Research-based instruction is standard practice. • Element 2.1: Research-Based Learning Strategies and Processes Artifacts: Lesson plans; Observations; Varying activities for opening/closing activities; small groups; Co-teaching; Room arrangement • Element 2.2: Higher-Order Thinking Skills, Processes, and Habits • Artifacts: Open-ended questions; Performance tasks; Rubrics; Graphic organizers; Posted essential question • Element 2.3: Differentiated Instruction • Artifacts: Professional Learning schedules; Sign-in sheets, agendas, & minutes; Group assignment charts; Sample activities & performance tasks • Element 2.4: Student Work Products • Artifacts: Performance tasks; Collaborative teacher meeting agenda & minutes; Common assessments • Element 2.5: Flexible Grouping of Students • Artifacts: Diagnostic & Formative assessment results; Assessment class profile charts • Element 2.6: Timely, Systematic, Data-Driven Interventions • Artifacts: Pyramid Intervention; Disaggregated student achievement data; Roster of targeted students • Element 2.7: Use of Technology • Artifacts: Computers; Comprehensive plan to integrate technology; Collaborative teacher meeting minutes
Instructional Standard 3: High expectations for all learners are consistently evident, with students playing an active role in setting personal learning goals and monitoring their own progress based upon clear evaluation criteria. • Element 3.1: High and Clear Expectations • Artifacts: Leadership team minutes outlining collaborative teacher meeting topics; Scoring rubrics; Student work analyzed to ensure alignment to the elements • Element 3.2: Clear, Challenging, Aligned Learning Goals Artifacts: Posted learning goals; Student learning goals; Performance tasks, projects • Element 3.3: Students’ Personal Efficacy and Responsibility • Artifacts: School-wide reading plan; Up-to-date reading logs; Grade level reading lists
PLANNING AND ORGANIZATION – The processes, procedures, structures, and productsthat focus the operations of a school on ensuring attainment of standards and high levels of learning forall students.
Planning and Organization Standard 1:A current school vision and mission are the basis for all aspects of continuous improvement. All stakeholders within the learning community have achieved consensus regarding their shared sense of vision and mission, which serves as the basis for all facets of the continuous improvement process. ELEMENTS Operational Descriptors for This Standard • a) Vision – The school’s vision presents a picture of the desired future and ways stakeholders would like the school to be different in the future). • b) School mission – • c) Development of the vision and mission – These documents are written and revised with input from stakeholders and reflect current district/system priorities, including its articulated vision and mission
Standard 1Artifacts • Posted school vision statement • Posted school mission statement • Student and teacher handbooks, etc.
Planning and Organization Standard 2: A comprehensive planning process results in a current schoolimprovement plan to guide the continuous improvement process for the school. ELEMENTS Operational Descriptors for This Standard • a) Plan development – • b) Impact upon student achievement – • c) Implementation and related monitoring – • d) Governance – • e) Problem-solving • f) Decision-making
Standard 2Artifacts • School improvement plan • School council agendas • Master schedule • PTA Sign-in sheets • Leadership team roster • Data analysis results • Identified needs of all students • Analysis of subgroup data, etc.
Planning and Organization Standard 3: Collaborative planning involving the district and the school ispresent in all aspects of fiscal management and resource distribution. This process reinforces the ability of the school to achieve its articulated continuous improvement goals, including ensuring the academic success of all learners. ELEMENTS Operational Descriptors for This Standard • a) Fiscal management- Relevant members of the school community collaborate on identifying available federal, state, local, and other financial resources, ensuring that these resources are allocated, coordinated, budgeted, distributed, and spent to support the school’s achievement of its continuous improvement targets, including short- and long-range student achievement goals. • b) Effective resource allocation- Careful and sustained fiscal management in the school is aligned with the continuous improvement process articulated in the school improvement plan. As a result, human, financial, technological, and other material resources are allocated and distributed to reinforce the school’s achievement of its targets, including short- and long-range performance goals for individual learners and groups of students.
Standard 3Artifacts • School budget • Purchase orders • Inventory • Principal evaluation • Personnel assignments • Fund-raising records • Building maintenance records
Planning and Organization Standard 4: All staff work collaboratively to ensure that rules, policies, andprocedures related to sustaining a safe, productive, and inviting learning environment are clearly articulated,effectively communicated, and successfully and consistently implemented throughout the school. ELEMENTS Operational Descriptors for This Standard • a) Safe, orderly, and inviting learning environment – • b) Policies – • c) Rules – • d) Procedures- • e) Time on learning -
Standard 4Artifacts • Student handbook • Teacher handbook • Master calendar for meetings • Meeting agendas and minutes • Discipline referral forms • Observation log • Bell to Bell Instruction • Lists of concerns, comments, etc.
Strand: STUDENT, FAMILY, AND COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT AND SUPPORT The school as a community of learning involves parents and community members as active participants. There is consistent and growing evidence of parental involvement and volunteerism, participation in workshops and enrichment activities, and a process of two-way communication. Everyone collaborates to help the school achieve its continuous improvement targets and short- and long-range goals.
Standards -SFC • The school reinforces the continuous improvement process through active and sustained involvement of student, family, and community. • The school has organizational structures and processes to ensure that students, families, and community members play an active and sustained role in school governance, decision-making, and problem-solving. • The school addresses student, family, and community needs through appropriate services and cross-institutional partnerships.
Elements Communication Parenting skills Parent roles in assisting student learning Parents welcomed in the school Parents as full partners Community resources Artifacts Student work with commentary Communication log Parent surveys, etc, Standards based newsletter Agenda and minutes, etc. Master schedule of meetings Standard 1: Element/ArtifactsThe school reinforces the continuous improvement process through active and sustained involvement of student, family, and community.
Elements Governance Problem solving Decision making Artifacts Leadership team meetings Business partner celebrations PTSO membership roster School Council agenda Flyers Sign in sheets Standard 2: Element/ArtifactsThe school has organizational structures and processes to ensure that students, families, and community members play an active and sustained role in school governance, decision-making, and problem-solving.
Elements Cross-institutional relationships Family needs Parent needs Community needs Artifacts Agendas Pamphlets Flyers Sign-in sheets Photo of events Standard 3: Element/ArtifactsThe school addresses student, family, and community needs through appropriate services and cross-institutional partnerships.
Professional Learning Professional learning is the means by which teachers, administrators and other school and system employees acquire, enhance and refine the knowledge, skills, and commitment necessary to create and support high levels of learning for all students.
Professional Learning Standard 1 The context of professional learning--the who, when, why and where—contributes to the development and quality of learning communities, ensuring that they are functioning, leadership is skillful and focused on continuous improvement, and resources have been allocated to support adult learning and collaboration.
Professional Learning Standard ELEMENTS Operational Descriptors for This Standard: a) Learning communities - Adults in the school are organized into learning communities whose goals are aligned with those of the school and district. b) Leadership - The principal and school administrators are lead learners and are knowledgeable of and skillful in the implementation of their professional learning community and guide continuous instructional improvement. c) Resources - The principal and school administrators provide the necessary resources to support adult learning and collaboration
Professional Learning Artifacts • Unit/lesson plans aligned to GPS/QCC • Team planning logs • Agendas and minutes • School Improvement Plan • Standards in Practice protocol • Collaborative Planning • Book studies • Student work samples, etc.
Professional Learning Evidence • Pyramid of interventions, etc. • Benchmark work • Data room • Anecdotal records • Conference logs with students, etc. • Bulletin Board • Celebrations, etc. • Conflict resolution protocol • Schedule for collaboration • Graduation coach schedules, etc.
Leadership The governance process through which individuals and groups influence the behavior of others so that they work collaboratively to achieve common goals and promote organizational effectiveness.
Leadership • Leadership Standard 1: The principal and school administrators provide leadership that reinforces acommitment to high expectations for student achievement while promoting the school as a true community oflearning. • 1.1 School Leadership Understanding of Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction • 1.2 School Leadership Demonstrates the Role of Lead Learners • 1.3 Impact of School Leadership as Lead Learners • 1.4 School Leadership Coaches, Supervises, and Monitors Curriculum, Assessment, and Instruction
Standard 1 Artifacts • Written communication from school to stakeholders • Meeting agendas and minutes • School improvement plan, etc. • Posters announcing events, etc. • School schedules • Discipline plan • Posting of school rules and procedures • Disaggregated data (achievement, attendance, discipline, media center circulation reports, etc.) • GPS alignment documents • Sign-in sheets • Standards and elements are posted • Teacher evaluations are linked to performance standards • Safety net plans, rosters, etc. • Master schedule • Professional learning plan • Teacher meeting agendas and minutes • Study group plans • Action research plans, etc.
Standard 1 Evidences • The principal and school administrators can articulate how teachers, parents, students, and community support the school’s instructional focus. • The staff, parents, and community can articulate how the leadership partners with them to increase academic achievement. • The teachers can articulate how the school leaders model participation in collaborative team meetings. • Faculty can explain results of data findings, the changes needed in the school based on the data, and what is needed to impact student learning. • School leaders can explain the alignment process in use at their school and how that process matches the GPS rollout cycle. • Students can explain what they need to know, understand, and be able to do to meet the standards. All students are held accountable for the same standards, with time as the variable. Teachers know and can explain what is expected of them and where to get support as needed. • Parents, teachers, community members, and principal participate in the school’s council. Members of the council can explain how the school utilizes benchmark data. They explain their role in shared decision making.
Leadership • Leadership Standard 2: The principal and school administrators facilitate the development, implementation, and maintenance of a supportive learning environment for teachers and students through strong management and organizational skills • 2.1 Development and Implementation of Policies, Practices, and Procedures • 2.2 Availability and Distribution of Instructional Resources • 2.3 Visibility of School Leaders
Standard 2 Artifacts • Teacher and student Handbooks • Parent/teacher/student surveys. • Posting of classroom rules and procedures, etc. • Referral forms • Observation logs • Copies of budget sheets • Invoices, etc. • Highly qualified teacher data • Calendar reflects record keeping of staff birthdays • Recognition of achievements, etc. • Calendar reflects record keeping of staff birthdays • Recognition of achievements, etc. • Communication plan
Standard 2 Evidences • All staff can articulate how the school is managed including procedures for operations such as fire drills, hall traffic, transition times, inclement weather, substitute teacher acquisition, medicine distribution, arrivals/dismissals, etc. • Stakeholders can articulate that school climate and culture is supportive and inviting. • All staff can explain how the school- wide discipline plan will be implemented. • School Leaders can articulate how teachers are scheduled for classes. All teachers teach only in areas where they are highly qualified. • The school leaders describe how decisions are made through input from questionnaires, surveys, etc. and through the collaborative work of the staff. • The faculty and staff can describe how the school leaders show appreciation and celebrate student learning. • The administrator can verbalize how individual student work is progressing in all of the classrooms.
Leadership • Leadership Standard 3: School governance and leadership are distributed and school improvement is viewed as a collective responsibility. • 3.1 Distributed Leadership and Governance • 3.2 Development and Use of Staff Leadership Skills • 3.3 Use of Central Office, Regional, and State Resources
Standard 3 Artifacts • Analysis of results • Data room • Grants • Schedule of intern activities • Committee assignments • Leadership academy information, etc. • Lists of professional learning opportunities • List of instructional leadership roles and participants • Fund-raising records • Building maintenance records • Purchase orders • Inventories, etc.
Standard 3 Evidences • Principal can describe the process used to identify staff interests, strengths, and weaknesses. Teachers can describe the different leadership opportunities available. • Teachers can explain the value of professional growth and how it will impact student learning. • Parents, teachers, community members and principal participate in the school’s council. • Teacher leaders can articulate how they have applied these skills to leadership opportunities. • The principal can describe how he/she uses the available materials, financial resources, and personnel in a manner that enhances student learning. • The school and system administrators can describe how the school collaborates with the system and other external resource providers to ensure that the school acquires necessary material resources in a timely manner.
Leadership • Leadership Standard 4: The school leadership team effectively demonstrates the principles and practices of distributed leadership as part of the process of shared governance. • 4.1 School Leadership Team Operational and Representative • 4.2 Protocols for School Leadership Team Operation • 4.3 School Leadership Team Data-Driven
Standard 4 Artifacts • Leadership team roster • Questionnaires used in selection process • Disaggregated data (achievement, attendance, discipline, media center circulation reports, etc). • Monitoring and evaluation forms • Implementation steps/short term action plans/next steps, etc. • List of norms and protocols • Posted procedures and routines • Teacher and student handbooks • Safety plan • Bell schedule, etc. • Written pyramid of interventions