1. Phonics What is it and how can it help?
2. Agenda Objectives
Rationale for Hong Kong
Phonics and the Four Language Skills
The teaching of Phonics
Sharing experiences
Q and A time
3. Objectives
To develop a better understanding of Phonics
To develop an awareness of useful strategies in teaching Phonics
To provide an opportunity to share and discuss activities for local schools
4. Rationale for Teaching Phonics in Hong Kong For teachers:
Provides teachers with strategies to assist students’ phonological awareness and word attack skills.
For students :
Helps to reduce the amount of meaningless drilling
Allows learners to make approximate pronunciations
of a word
Enhances students’ confidence to try to sound out new words
Embeds spelling awareness
Provides students with skills that allow them to attempt reading and spelling of unfamiliar words
5. Importance of Reading
Reading helps to develop thinking skills, enrich knowledge, enhance language proficiency and broaden life experience.
Emphasis has to be placed on motivating learners and providing them with proper guidance and opportunity to enhance their learning capacity through reading.
6. Phonics (??) is...
about the relationship between letters and sounds.
We apply this knowledge when decoding words to facilitate reading and spelling.
7. Phonics is not... an aid to understanding the meaning of words;
the only skill needed for reading.
Phonetics — this is the IPA which uses symbols to represent the 44 sounds English speakers use.
8. Phonetics (???) ... The study of speech sounds –
deals with the way in which speech sounds are produced. Sounds are classified according to the position of the lips and the tongue.
Phonetics attempts to represent the sounds of languages through the use of symbols- IPA (44 sounds).
9. Where does Phonics fit into reading? Phonics skills are used in conjunction with semantic, syntactic and visual clues to predict the meaning and sounds of new words. (1min)
Explain that decoding is a multifunctional activity for children and that these functions gradually merge as reading skills develop.
2.45 9.45(1min)
Explain that decoding is a multifunctional activity for children and that these functions gradually merge as reading skills develop.
2.45 9.45
10. (5min)
Explain that these are the reading strategies presented in the ELCG 2004 which are developed through the teaching strategies for reading – Storytelling, Reading Aloud, Shared Reading, Supported Reading and Independent Reading. If the teacher models these self-monitoring questions, it will help the learners read unfamiliar words and gain meaning.
Explain that there are four videos following which demonstrate how children use these four skills when effective teaching takes place. Some clips show more than one skill being used. Repeat the viewing process more than once . Point out the classroom climate. The background noise is of children actively engaged in learning. The clips show excellent teacher intervention and guidance AND PRAISE!! The final clip showing Contextual skills doesn’t specifically show this. One ASSUMES the child is using these because his reading is fluent.
Learners identify unknown words by:
Phonic- the shape of the word, the letter it starts/ends with, smaller words in big words, similar patterns e.g. br-own d-own.
Syntactic- learners guess at words by looking at grammar patterns and identifying root words (prefixes, verb endings etc.)
Semantic- using prior knowledge.
In the new ELCG contextual is combined with semantic i.e. picture clues, contextual clues and prior knowledge.
Link to Carl’s Corner website [bottom left] – go to the menu and find ‘Struggler Street’; go to ‘Issues’; go to ‘self-monitoring’ or other areas for specific graphophonic questions and ideas for questions OR the link to Handout 2 [top ‘Questioning’] – both have the same information.
2.50 9.50(5min)
Explain that these are the reading strategies presented in the ELCG 2004 which are developed through the teaching strategies for reading – Storytelling, Reading Aloud, Shared Reading, Supported Reading and Independent Reading. If the teacher models these self-monitoring questions, it will help the learners read unfamiliar words and gain meaning.
Explain that there are four videos following which demonstrate how children use these four skills when effective teaching takes place. Some clips show more than one skill being used. Repeat the viewing process more than once . Point out the classroom climate. The background noise is of children actively engaged in learning. The clips show excellent teacher intervention and guidance AND PRAISE!! The final clip showing Contextual skills doesn’t specifically show this. One ASSUMES the child is using these because his reading is fluent.
Learners identify unknown words by:
Phonic- the shape of the word, the letter it starts/ends with, smaller words in big words, similar patterns e.g. br-own d-own.
Syntactic- learners guess at words by looking at grammar patterns and identifying root words (prefixes, verb endings etc.)
Semantic- using prior knowledge.
In the new ELCG contextual is combined with semantic i.e. picture clues, contextual clues and prior knowledge.
Link to Carl’s Corner website [bottom left] – go to the menu and find ‘Struggler Street’; go to ‘Issues’; go to ‘self-monitoring’ or other areas for specific graphophonic questions and ideas for questions OR the link to Handout 2 [top ‘Questioning’] – both have the same information.
2.50 9.50
11. Relationship with reading Phonics,
blends phonemes into words;
develops skills to decode texts with fluency and accuracy;
develops confidence and proficiency in reading. (30 sec)
Blends phonemes (sounds) into words S-o-f-t.
The brain starts to decode automatically, or faster and faster.
Gives a level of success to encourage young readers.
2.54.30 9.54.30 (30 sec)
Blends phonemes (sounds) into words S-o-f-t.
The brain starts to decode automatically, or faster and faster.
Gives a level of success to encourage young readers.
2.54.30 9.54.30
12. Relationship with writing
Helps with spelling because the students can hear all the sounds in the word
Helps to divide words into sound ‘chunks’ (syllables)
provides some understanding of spelling, aside from memorization.
Provides an understanding of spelling structures, e. g. word families, ‘cvc’ structures, plurals, dipthongs.
Demonstrate how to spell ‘philanthropic’ by sounding out and breaking the word into syllables.
3.12 10.12(1min)
Provides an understanding of spelling structures, e. g. word families, ‘cvc’ structures, plurals, dipthongs.
Demonstrate how to spell ‘philanthropic’ by sounding out and breaking the word into syllables.
3.12 10.12
13. Relationship with speaking Phonics,
develops skills to read texts aloud with fluency and accuracy;
develops skills to pronounce the sounds of letters accurately. (1min)
The students are able to read aloud more clearly and fluently.
Improved pronunciation.
3.06 10.06(1min)
The students are able to read aloud more clearly and fluently.
Improved pronunciation.
3.06 10.06
14. Relationship with listening Phonics assists children
to work out the sounds of unfamiliar words;
to identify sounds in spoken words (phonological awareness);
to discriminate between words of a similar sound by using contextual clues, e.g. blue and blew (2min)
Move over these “relationship” slides quickly.
3.14 9.14(2min)
Move over these “relationship” slides quickly.
3.14 9.14
15. Activity One
Let’s Get Oriented
16. ? ? ? Words ? ? ? Marrangaroo
17. Letters and Sounds
A letter is the written form –
what you see
The sound is the auditory form – what you hear
18. Contemporary English is encoded into approximately 44 sounds (phonemes) represented by 26 letters. There are 21 consonants + extra consonant digraphs
e.g. sh, th
5 vowels + extra vowel sounds made by combinations of vowels
e.g. oo, ie, ou, ei (1min)
Refer to the 48 Most Frequently Used Words which are displayed at the back of the room.
4.03 11.03(1min)
Refer to the 48 Most Frequently Used Words which are displayed at the back of the room.
4.03 11.03
19. Phonemic Awareness is … The ability to hear the separate sounds (phonemes) within words.
A phoneme may be represented by a letter, a digraph or a trigraph
The crucial point to remember is that it is a SOUND.
20. Activity Two
Phonics for Teachers’ Test (16 min)
Explain that this is a light-hearted look at our own phonic awareness. It highlights some confusing elements in segmenting and blending sounds and demonstrates how a single sound may be made up of several letters.
Give participants the test. Explain the first question then move on the next, explain what is being asked very explicitly. Allow ten minutes to complete. Encourage talking and discussion while completing.
Discuss results and explain any queries. Marks out of 40 are irrelevant!!
2.30 9.30(16 min)
Explain that this is a light-hearted look at our own phonic awareness. It highlights some confusing elements in segmenting and blending sounds and demonstrates how a single sound may be made up of several letters.
Give participants the test. Explain the first question then move on the next, explain what is being asked very explicitly. Allow ten minutes to complete. Encourage talking and discussion while completing.
Discuss results and explain any queries. Marks out of 40 are irrelevant!!
2.30 9.30
21. Can you hear the Sounds?
How many sounds are in each of these words?
dog chick thought change must straight
What is the first sound in each of these words?
man train football think choose
22. Final Sounds
What is the last sound (not letter) in each of these words?
table glass never know
sharp car fence happy
23. Rhyming Pairs Sort these words into pairs of words which rhyme
stuff basin farm
moan come hasten
foul calm crumb
owl bone rough
24. Solution stuff - rough
moan - bone
hasten - basin
farm - calm
foul - owl
come - crumb
25. Developing Phonemic Awareness
Without Phonemic awareness students cannot effectively use Phonics
Phonemic awareness can be taught through the use of alliteration, rhyme, blending, segmenting, syllabification, onset / rime.
As with any skill, it takes frequent practice to develop proficiency.
26. Making it Simple
Letters make sounds – phonemes
Phonemes make words
Think of it as a code
Phonics is the tool to ‘crack the code’
27. Making the Correct Sound Sounds are produced by the tongue, lips, teeth, hard and soft palates, larynx (voice box), lungs and nose.
The correct production of a sound needs to be taught.
28. Suggested teaching sequence Initial sounds and short vowel sounds
Onset and rime
Long vowel sounds
(2 min)
Single sounds: Terminology to teach students is ‘the name of the letter is’ / ‘the sound of the letter’ / ‘start’ / ‘middle’ / ‘end’
Start with 6 consonants e.g. b, m, t, c , f, s then introduce a vowel ‘a’
Vowels as short sounds
2. Onsets and rimes: word families, in P1 teach a few word families after each vowel is introduced
Teach more in P2 and reinforce in higher grades
3. Blends; c-a-t; m-a-t and digraphs; ch, wh, th Blends and digraphs are interchangeable as far as teaching sequence
4. Long vowel sounds: can be taught once the students grasp short vowels; late P2 , early P3
4.13 11.13(2 min)
Single sounds: Terminology to teach students is ‘the name of the letter is’ / ‘the sound of the letter’ / ‘start’ / ‘middle’ / ‘end’
Start with 6 consonants e.g. b, m, t, c , f, s then introduce a vowel ‘a’
Vowels as short sounds
2. Onsets and rimes: word families, in P1 teach a few word families after each vowel is introduced
Teach more in P2 and reinforce in higher grades
3. Blends; c-a-t; m-a-t and digraphs; ch, wh, th Blends and digraphs are interchangeable as far as teaching sequence
4. Long vowel sounds: can be taught once the students grasp short vowels; late P2 , early P3
4.13 11.13
29. Activity Three Alphabet Chant
Action Alphabet (5 min)
Have the large chart out the front and demonstrate with the teachers standing and doing the actions.
Action Alphabet can be used as a warm up activity at the start of the lesson.
Refer also to “Ants on the Apple” which is displayed down the side wall. These cards can be downloaded free from the search engine ‘Google’.
Type in “ants on the apple”.
3.11 10.11(5 min)
Have the large chart out the front and demonstrate with the teachers standing and doing the actions.
Action Alphabet can be used as a warm up activity at the start of the lesson.
Refer also to “Ants on the Apple” which is displayed down the side wall. These cards can be downloaded free from the search engine ‘Google’.
Type in “ants on the apple”.
3.11 10.11
30. Action Alphabet a a ankle b b back C c come
d d down e e elbow f f fingers
G g gun h h hair i i in
j j jump k k kick l l leg
m m mouth n n nose o o on
p p point q q quiet r r run
S s sit t t teeth u u up
V v victory w w wings x x six
Y y yes z z zip
31. Lesson Demonstration 1Watch a short initial sounds lesson (5 min)
Video should be on desk top.
Watch the video of Sheelagh Tillotsen, abbreviate it to 5 min at:
4.20 11.20
Invite the guest speaker to share their experience and invite questions from the participants (20 mins)
4.40 11.40(5 min)
Video should be on desk top.
Watch the video of Sheelagh Tillotsen, abbreviate it to 5 min at:
4.20 11.20
Invite the guest speaker to share their experience and invite questions from the participants (20 mins)
4.40 11.40
32. Activity Four
With a partner, choose a consonant letter and list words beginning with that letter.
Make a sentence using as many of those words as possible.
33. Lesson Demonstration 2
Watch a
mini-lesson on a vowel sound
34. Learning and Teaching Strategies Letter cards Flashcards
Phonics fans Alliteration
Tongue twisters Bingo
Matching games Flip books
Word families Sound games
Word sorts
Rhymes, action poems (5 min)
Show samples of the above which are displayed around the room.
Letter cards; large letters as flash cards
Flashcards: large letters in combination e.g. –ent -wh etc.
Phonics Fans: see examples in box, as seen previously on the video
Action Poems; demonstrate ‘Teddy-Bear’
Tongue twisters; as displayed
Pelmanism; memory games with matching words and pictures
Alliteration; as performed in the opening game, students can make posters of their name’s first letter and decorate with pictures of the same starting letter
4.45 11.45(5 min)
Show samples of the above which are displayed around the room.
Letter cards; large letters as flash cards
Flashcards: large letters in combination e.g. –ent -wh etc.
Phonics Fans: see examples in box, as seen previously on the video
Action Poems; demonstrate ‘Teddy-Bear’
Tongue twisters; as displayed
Pelmanism; memory games with matching words and pictures
Alliteration; as performed in the opening game, students can make posters of their name’s first letter and decorate with pictures of the same starting letter
4.45 11.45
35. Experience Sharing
A Secondary perspective
from the classrooms of
an HKTA school.
36. Question and Answer Time Feel free to ask
Feel equally free to offer answers, comments and experiences .
Questions can be asked verbally or written and passed forward
37. A Final Thought
The Proper Place of Phonics (M J Adams, 1990)Phonics cannot be treated in a vacuum. Their proper acquisition depends on articulation with both lower and higher-order knowledge about language and text.Neither understanding nor learning can proceed hierarchically from the bottom up.
Phonological awareness, letter recognition facility, familiarity with spelling patterns, spelling-sound relationships, and individual words must be developed in concert with real reading and real writing,
and with deliberate reflection on the forms, function, and meanings of texts.
38. Thank You
We hope you found this useful
and will be encouraged to implement
some of these Phonics teaching
strategies in your future planning
and teaching.