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Smart taste for improve health. About us. Nekutli S.A de C.V. is a Mexican corporation formed by farmers groups and Native American organizations that agreed to work under rules of fair-trading and promotion of organic farming.
Aboutus Nekutli S.A de C.V. is a Mexican corporation formed by farmers groups and Native American organizations that agreed to work under rules of fair-trading and promotion of organic farming. This group is comprised by members of co-ops and represent about 1,083 farmers. We promote: 1.Health and Environment care 2.Highest quality. 3. Fair price and Community development.
OurMission: • Development with respect to the natives cultures, socially responsible, environmentally self sustainable and economical feasible to all. • Nekutli S.A. de C.V main goal is not only profitability, but also the fair and just Reward to the effort of small producers along with the support of the end-users and consumers of the products. We reward community work and do not give profits to individuals, rather to the organizations.
Awards RENDRUS 2009 We got the first place in the National Net of Sustainable Rural Development coordinated by SAGARPA,(Ministry Of Agriculture) with the objective of identify and promote successfully business experiences in sustainable rural development, THE BIZZ AWARDS 2007 by “The World Confederation of Business” . They recognize successful business companies and models of excellence management GALARDÓN PYME 2010 A prize from the Ministry of Economy as the most innovating product for Metlin and Metlos
Awards QUALITY CROW 2004 Prize received from the BID, (Business Initiative Directions), and under the parameters of the QC100 TQM model (Total Quality Management). RENIECYT Since 2004 we are part of the National Register of Scientific and Technological companies and Institutions (RENIECYT), related to scientific research, technological development and innovation as well as human resources training: No. 2005/2228 PYME 2006 Prize as the Best exporter company to Europe by the group “Executive World” due to our clean procedures for exporting
Ourcurrentproduct line: • Organic Agave Extract: Dietetic Soluble fiberswithprebioticeffect • Organic Agave Syrup: Natural sweetenerextractedfrom the agave plant
New trends In ordertofacethenew market trends and to leverage the strengths of the group, we are currently focusing the company's efforts in the development of functional foods to provide the market not only ingredients but also finished products with high value aggregate under the Brand: Vivente Tasty Functional Foods
Aboutus: ViventeTastyFunctionalFoodsisthefirstmexicanbrandoffering a wideselection of functionalfoods in themarket
Objective of the Vivente Brand To offer functional foods from soluble fibers derived from the blue agave (Metlin ® and Metlos ®), known for their prebiotic effect that contributes to improve public health by preventing and controlling obesity and diabetes as well as meeting the growing demand of larger population groups seeking for healthier foods.
Whatis a functionalfood? • Because eating is also a way to regainormaintainhealth.
Characteristics of the products: • The nutritional equivalence in each of these products related to the recommended daily intake of soluble fiber provides a different way of maintaining a balanced diet. • Since the products are reduced in fat, calories and sugar or with total absence of added sugar, they are suitable for anyone seeking a healthier lifestyle.
Characteristics of the products: A healthy diet includes 30 to 35 g of fiber daily, of which 1/4 should be soluble. All our products have been enriched with Metlin ®, a soluble organic dietary fiber with prebiotic effects.
¿WhatisMetlin®? Itisanorganic soluble fiberextractedfromtheblue agave thatourorganism isnotabletodigest: Benefits: • No calories • Fortifies intestinal flora • Promotes a healthydigestivesystem • Improvescalcium and magnesiumabsortion. calcio y magnesio • Prevents gastrointestinal infections. • Immunesystemfortification. • Prebioticeffect • GlycemicIndex = Zero • Preferredfoodforbifidobacteria and lactobacillies
Zerocalories • Metlin ® is made up of chains of fructose that since the human body does not have the necessary enzymes to digest this fructose, they • do not provide energy to your body. • Due to its characteristics, it can be • used as a substitute for fat.
Metlin® and intestinal flora The intestinal flora can be alter due to several external factors such as a change in our feeding habits, parasite infections and long lasting antibiotic treatments Metlin®, by reaching intact to the intestine, it stimulates the growth and activity of the intestinal flora, promoting the organism´s health. Making it a PREBIOTIC.
Metlin® and the absorption of minerals Metlin® has shown to improve the absorption of minerals like Calcium and Magnesium. Calcium is necessary for the formation and maintenance of bones and teeth as well as several metabolic functions and neuron synapsis Magnesium is essential for human beings and it is found in bones, it relaxes the muscles and executes metabolic functions as well as being part of the neurotransmission
Benefitstoyourhealth : • Its consumption promotes: Weight Control Immune system Healthy digestive Strong bones fortification system
ProductLine Goto: TraditionalOrganic Maguey Honey Ut fih Organic Agave syrupConi Chocolates Cho’Kua Ice creamsVital’Ice JamsConi ViventeDressings
TraditionalOrganic Maguey Honey • Maguey honey is a natural fructose sweetener extracted from Mexico’s Maguey plant. (agave salmiana) • Traditionally, the Native Americans of Mexico gathered the sweet juice, “aguamiel”, from several varieties of agave. They also used it as a sweetener, for special celebratory beverages • Aguamiel (honey water) is the juice that the plant “prepares” to feed the quiote. It is full of nutrients, as it contains large amounts of carbohydrates, Fructans, vitamins and aminoacids.
TraditionalOrganic Maguey Honey • If this juice is vaporated (boiling to remove the water) the traditional maguey honey is obtained. We call this product UtFih that means in Ñañu (a native language) : sweet honey or sweet honeywater. • Utfihis added with Metlin ®, therefore it has a high soluble fiber content.
TraditionalOrganic Maguey Honey • FunctionalProduct • Organic • Kosher product • Suitable for diabetics • Low Glycemic Index • With Metlin® • Contains Minerals, iron, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium • Enjoy the traditional taste of the agave! PetBottle of Petbottleof 350 g 670 g Go back
FunctionalOrganic agave Syrup • The agave syrup is obtained using the juice of the agave plant which contains fructans and by a Biotechnology process we hidrolize this fructans into fructose an dextrose and remove most salts and aminoacids, evaporating at a max temperature of 45°C • This makes our product very clear, sweet and mild flavored, making it ideal as a sweetener • As a result from the mixture of • Metlin ® (organic agave soluble • fiber with our organic agave Syrup • we are able to offer a functional • sweetener enriched with fiber content • and prebiotic properties named: • Vivente
FunctionalOrganic agave SyrupConi • Because Agave syrup is high in fructose, it enjoys all the benefits which continue to make fructose a preferred sweetening agent • It is sweeter than refined sugar (approximately 1.4 times sweeter, in fact, fructose offers an equivalent sweetness for nearly half the amount of carbohydrate calories • Fructose does not stimulate digestive insulin secretion as do other sugars. It does not create a "sugar rush". • WithMetlin ® (highfibercontent) • LowGlycemicIndex. Suitablefordiabetics
FunctionalOrganic agave SyrupConi • Agave Syrup is produced in 2 different grades varying in flavor and color: light and amber • Organic and Kosherproduct • WithMetlin ® (highfibercontent) • Presentation: Petbottle of 350 g Agave Syrup Light Agave syrup Amber
Characteristics The light grade of Agave Nectar is flavor neutral, enhancing the natural flavors of coffee, tea, fruit,beverages, baked goods, fresh fruits, fruit smoothies, salad dressings, jams and jellies, ice cream, yogurts, and various prepared foods, without altering their flavor. This is in marked contrast with the bee honey, malt barley syrup, and certain other natural sugar substitutes that do alter the flavor of the products which they sweeten. Ready to be served in waffles, hot cakes, toasted bread, Yogurth and cereals
Characteristics The amber grade of Conioffers the delicate flavor of Agave with increasing intensity. The amber grade is much like honey and delicious in tea, suitable to sweeten a wide variety of foods, dry and hot cereals, pancakes, waffles, baked goods, protein drinks, and sauces. Heavier sauces such as BBQ, spaghetti, stews, and meat glazes may be enhanced by this syrup which delivers the full, rich, and complex flavor distinctive to Agave
FunctionalFlavoredOrganic Agave Syrup. • With the properties of the organic agave syrup and organic flavors added. • Ideal to sweeten with a touch of flavor your coffee, tea and other beverages, Ready to be served in waffles, hot cakes, toasted bread, Yogurth and cereals • With Metlin (High fiber content) • Produced in 6 different flavors. • Low Glycemic Index and suitable for diabetic people.
FunctionalFlavoredOrganic Agave Syrup. Presentation: Pet bottle of 350 g • Amaretto Hazelnut Raspberry Vanilla Irish Cinnamon • Cream Cappuccino
GlycemicIndex • This is a relatively new concept which can be important from a metabolic standpoint, especially to diabetics, along with athletes and grossly overweight individuals. • The index is an indicator as to how much your blood sugar increases in 2-3 hours after specific food consumption. Most if not all carbohydrates are normally metabolized into the simple carbohydrate glucose, which in the glycemic index concept is arbitrarily assigned a value of 100. As a result, the higher a glycemic index food number is, the faster it raises your blood sugar level. • Foods or ingredients with glycemic index numbers close to or above 100 present some significant health issues to diabetics. • According to results provided by The Glycemic Index Laboratories in December 2005, Nekutli’s Agave Syrup was found to have a glycemic index of 31.9. Using the classification of Brand-Miller, the product falls into the “Low GI category” (less than 55).
Benefitstoyourhealth : • Its consumption promotes: Weight Control Immune system Healthy digestive Strong bones fortification system
Equivalence: One tablespoon (9 g) will contribute with approximately 10.8% of the DRI of soluble fiber, and the same amount of fiber that:
Certificates: OrganicCertificates: • CEE 2092/91 • NOP • JAS • BioSuisse • Cor Food Safety certificates: • KosherCertificate • AIB • Silliker Go back
It tastes sweetbutwith no calories!! A sweetchangethat can make a healthydifference
Characterístics: • ViventeTastyFunctionalFoodsis a • non caloriessubsituteforsugar. • Itis a mixture of organicsweeteners. • ItisenrichedwithMetlin®, anorganic agave soluble fiber, and probioticsthat helps to maintain the natural balance of organisms (microflora) in the intestines • Suitable for diabetics
Benefitstoyourhealth : • Its consumption promotes: Weight Control Immune system Healthy digestive Strong bones fortification system
Packaging Presentation: • * 1 g Sachet • Packed in boxes of: • 100 sachets 300 sachets 500 sachets
Certificates: OrganicCertificates: • CEE 2092/91 • NOP • JAS • Cor Food Safety certificates: • KosherCertificate • AIB • Silliker Go back
3. Functional Chocolates The classic Mayan word for the cocoa bean "Cacau" (Kah-Kah-oo) was derived from the ancient Maya "Chacahuaa" (CHA-kah-ooah). Today's Mayan call it "Chucua" (Choo-Kooh-ah). Cocoa belongs to the Theobroma species, word that in greek means "food of the gods"; Highly appreciated due to its great taste and its stimulating powers.
Chocolate benefits • The consumption of chocolate causes a well being feeling as it contains stimulant substances. • It also contains high levels of antioxidants that can prevent the body from radical oxidation
Delicious and healthy • Functional Chocolates • Metlin ® is added to Cho'kua ® chocolates, adding up all the benefits of this fiber. • Thanks to Metlin ® we are able to reduce fat content and caloric intake. • Sugar free and suitable for diabetics • Low calories • With probiotics • We use only the highest quality ingredients
HandcraftedArtisanal Chocolates • Itisimportanttoemphasize that the Manufacturing process of Cho'kua is completely handmade
Equivalence: 3 pieces (27 g) will contribute with approximately 10% of DRI of soluble fiber, and the same amount of fiber that ...
Benefitstoyourhealth : • Its consumption promotes: Weight Control Immune system Healthy digestive Strong bones fortification system
Presentations: • Boxes with 16 pieces of • chocolates = 145 g
Presentations • Flavors: • Orange • Mint • Chai • Ron • Raspberry • Amaretto