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The Miraculousness of the QUR’AN 25 th WORD From the collection of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi. The Truth. In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful
The Miraculousness of the QUR’AN 25th WORD From the collection of Bediuzzaman Said Nursi
The Truth In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful “Say: If all mankind and all jinn were to come together to produce the like of this Qur’an, they could not produce the like of it, even if they were to help and support each other.” Qur’an 17:88
What is the ‘Qur’an’? As defined by Bediuzzaman Said Nursi in the Risale-I Nur Collection • First Part: Qur’an is the pre-eternal translator of the Mighty Book of the Universe Q96:1-5 • It is the post-eternal interpreter of the various tongues reciting the verses of creation (praise to the One Creator). • It is the commentator of the Book of the worlds of the seen and the unseen. • It is the revealer of the treasures of the Divine Names hidden in the heavens and on the earth; • It is the key to the Truths concealed beneath the lines of events.
It is the tongue of the unseen world and the manifest world; • It is the treasury of the post-eternal favors of the Most Merciful and of the pre-eternal addresses of the Most Holy, which come from the world of the unseen beyond the veil of this manifest world. • It is the sun, foundation, and plan of the spiritual world of Islam; • It is the sacred map of the worlds of the Hereafter; • It is the expounding word, lucid exposition, decisive proof and clear interpreter of the Divine Essence, attributes, names and functions;
It is the instructor of the world humanity to prosperity and happiness. • The Qur’an is both a Book of Law and a Book of Prayer, and a Book of Wisdom and a Book of Worship and a Book of Commands and summons; and a Book of Invocation, and a Book of thought, and a unique comprehensive sacred Book comprising many books to which recourse maybe had all the needs of all mankind; • It is a Revealed Scripture resembling a sacred library which offers treatise suitable for all the various ways and different paths of all the saints and the veracious ones and the wise and the learned, which is appropriate for illumination of each way.
Second Part: The complementary definition of the Qur’an • The Qur’an comes from the Sublime Throne and the Greatest Name and from the highest degree of each Name. • It is God’s Word in regard to His being Sustainer of all the Worlds and All that exist; • It is the Divine Decree through His title of God of All Beings; • It is an address in the Name of the Creator of the Heavens and the Earth; • It is a conversation in respect to absolute dominicality;
It is a pre-eternal discourse on account of universal Divine Sovereignty; • It is a note-book of the favors of the Most Merciful from the point of view of all-embracing, all-encompassing Divine Mercy; • It is a collection of addresses at the start of which are certain ciphers in respect of the tremendousness of Divine Majesty, through its descent from the comprehensiveness of the Greatest Name; • It is a Holy Scripture full of wisdom which looks to and inspects all sides of the Sublime Throne.
Third Part: The Qur’an is a revealed Scripture which contains in summary the Books of all Prophets (Pbut) Its Six Aspects are brilliant and refined from the darkness of doubts and skepticism; its point of support is a certain heavenly Revelation and the pre-eternal Word; • Its aim and goal is self-evidently Eternal Happiness; • Its inner aspect is clearly pure Guidance; • Its upper aspect is necessarily the lights of Beliefs; • Its lower aspect is undeniably evidence & proof;
Its right aspect is evidently the surrender of the heart and conscience; • Its left aspect is manifestly the subjugation of the reason and intellect; • Its Fruit is undisputedly the Mercy of the Most Merciful and the Realm of Paradise; and its rank and desirability are assuredly accepted by the Angels, Man and the Jinn.
The First Light Consist of three Rays: • Eloquence of the Qur’an Q2:23; 2:23; 112:1; 2:1-2 “Iqra bismi Rabbikallazii khalaq, Khalaqal-’insaana min ‘alaq. “Iqra wa Rabbukal-’Akram, Allazii allama bil-Qalam, Allamal’insana ma lam ya’lam.” • Extraordinary comprehensiveness, Q78:7; 21:30; 36:38; 2:5; 8:24;76:30 & 41:11; 36:80 • Miraculous exposition which is its giving news to the Unseen, preserving its youth in every age, and being appropriate to every level of person. Q30:1-2; 48:27-28; 30:3-4; 24:55; 3:64 O people of the Book!.
Second Light Consist of three Beams: • Miraculous exposition as a whole a pleasant fluency, superior correctness, a firm mutual solidarity, and compact proportionateness, powerful cooperation between the sentences and parts, and an elevated harmony between the verses and their aims. • Miraculous qualities in the Qur’an’s unique style in the summaries and the Most Beautiful Divine Names, which it shows at the ends of its verses. Q2:29; 78:6-17; 10:31-32; 2:164; 12:6; 3:27; 23:12-14; 7:54; 2:31-32; 16:66 & 17:42-44. • Qur’an is incomparable to any other words and speech. The speech is of different categories, with regard to superiority, power, beauty, fineness and it has four sources: one is the speaker, the person addressed, the purpose and its form. Q41:11; 36:82; 50:6-11;
Third Light Consist of three Gleams: • The Qur’an’s verses scatter the darkness of the unbelief by spreading the light of miraculousness and guidance & Wisdom of the Qur’an. Q 62:1, 17:44 • The difference b/n human science & philosophy looking at the world as fixed & constant. Qur’an looks at the world as transient, passing, deceptive, traveling, unstable & undergoing a revolution. Q101:1; 21:30; 6:32; 39:68; 27:93 • The degree of Wisdom and Science, Qur’an’s sublimity-is a clear proof of its Truth and Justice, the most powerful Sign of its Miraculousness. Q 39:67; 21:104; 3:5-6; 11:56; 29:60; 6:1; 37:96; 30:50; 16:68; 7:54; 67:19; 2:255: 57:4; 57:3; 50:16; 70:4 & 16:90 • Now let me focus on the Proof-the various Discoveries in the fields of Science.
Conclusion The Qur’an’s Miraculousness as expounded by Said Nursi (May his soul rest in peace), one of the great scholar in Islam from Turkey in the 20th century made the Light & Truth of the Qur’an subjugates and inspires the knowledge & information generated by all Sciences of Today. “Say: If all mankind and the jinn were to gather together to produce the like of this Qur’an, they could not produce the like thereof, even if they backed up each other with help and support.” Q17:88
Glory be unto you! We have no knowledge save that which you have taught us; indeed You are All-Knowing, All-Wise. Q2:32 • O our Sustainer! Do not call us to task if we forget or do wrong. (Q:286) O my Sustainer! Expand for me my breast, And make easy for me my task, And remove the impediment from my speech, So that they may understand what I say. Q20:25-28 • O Allah! Grant blessings to our master Muhammad that will be pleasing to You and will be fulfillment to his truth, and to his family, his Companions, and his brothers, and grant them peace.
O our Sustainer! Let not our hearts deviate after you have guided us, and grant us Mercy from Your Presence, for You are the Granter of bounties without measure. (Q3:8) And the close of their prayers will be, All Praise be to God, the Sustainer of All the Worlds. (Q10:10) Subhanaqallahuma wa bihamdi, ashadu an laa ilaha illa anta astagfiruka wa atubu ilayk birahmatika, Alhamdullillahi RabbilAlameen. Amen… Waasalaamu alaykum wa Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuhu!