Trees Byhttp://treez.com
Trees are not just a key to the natural ecosystem, they are an essential part of our life experience. From majestic individual trees that have historic significance or that are simply beautiful, to a quiet grove of greenery we seek for solitude, trees enrich our life experience simply by just being there. Trees are the longest-lived and largest plant form on Earth and throughout recorded history trees have been acknowledged as symbols of power, wisdom, fertility and life.
Trees are also symbols of immortality, being able to live to considerable age. Pando, a Trembling Aspen located in Utah, USA is considered the world's oldest living tree. Pando is estimated to be over 800,000 years old. Pando is a clonal colony of a single male Quaking Aspen. This massive tree's root system covers 107 acres and is estimated to weigh in excess of 6,000 tons which makes it the heaviest known living organism in the world.
Throughout the world many different species of trees live amazingly long lives. The verified oldest measured ages are: • Norway Spruce (Piceaabies) 9,550 years • Baobab (DigitataAdansonia) 6,600 years • Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinuslongaeva) 4,844 years • Alerce (Fitzroyacupressoides) 3,622 years • Giant Sequoia (Sequoiadendrongiganteum) 3,266 years • Huon-Pine (Largarostrobosfranklinii) 2,500 years • Rocky Mountain Bristlecone Pine (Pinusaristata) 2,435 years
Because of their potential for longevity, trees are frequently planted as living memorials. We become attached to trees that we or those we love have planted and tended. • Trees add beauty and grace to any locale. Blossoms in the spring, verdant summer foliage and breath-taking colors in the fall; trees mark the seasons as they enhance the beauty of world. They make life more pleasurable, peaceful and relaxing. The majesty, endurance and strength of trees imparts a cathedral-like quality as they help us to experience a primal connection with the earth and our most deeply held cultural and spiritual values.
The tree has always been a cultural symbol. The tree is often used to represent nature or the environment itself. In South America, a tribe of Indians hold the belief that the trees of the forest hold up the sky. According to ancient tribal legends, the downfall of the trees will precipitate the destruction of Mother Earth.
Trees For more information, please visit http://treez.com