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ONLINE NOMINATIONS PROCESS. You can find this tutorial online at: http://www1.ncaa.org/membership/governance/committee_admin/onp. http://web1.ncaa.org/committees/selection.jsp. Anyone can view active committee nominations by committee or conference. Division Specific.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. ONLINE NOMINATIONS PROCESS You can find this tutorial online at: http://www1.ncaa.org/membership/governance/committee_admin/onp

  2. http://web1.ncaa.org/committees/selection.jsp Anyone can view active committee nominations by committee or conference. Division Specific. Use the link to the left if you need an access code and password Clicking on this link brings up an e-mail addressed to Allison Bulkley, committee administration.

  3. Select nomination type and click “Create New Nomination.”

  4. Click for self-nomination. It will take you to Section 1. Directions for e-mailing form to nominee to complete when nominating someone else.

  5. One or more committees may be selected.

  6. Click the “Submit” button to complete the nomination.

  7. Nominee information can be updated from this screen. Click “Email” to send the form to the nominee to complete Section 2. Nominations can be deleted from this screen.

  8. You can query for current committee members or current committee nominees from this screen. You can query by a specific committee or by a specific conference.

  9. Sample query for specific committee nominees.

  10. Sample query for specific conference nominees – USA South Athletic Conference.

  11. Sample query for current committee members.

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