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Understanding the New PCG Reporting Format - Presentation Overview

Join Rev. Samuel Adu-Gyamfi for a detailed presentation on the new PCG reporting format. Learn the essentials, components, and expectations of the format for effective future submissions.

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Understanding the New PCG Reporting Format - Presentation Overview

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  1. A PRESENTATION ON NEW PCG REPORTING FORMAT @ LTS, Chancellor’s Hall, KNUST, Kumasi By Rev. Samuel Adu-Gyamfi Thursday, 25th May 2017

  2. NEW PCG REPORTING FORMAT Preambles “So Joshua defeated Amalek and his people with the edge of the sword. Then the LORD said to Moses, ‘WRITE THIS FOR A MEMORIAL IN THE BOOK and recount it in the hearing of Joshua, that I will utterly blot out the remembrance of Amalek from under heaven’” (Exodus 17:13-14) “And I saw the dead, small and great standing before God, and books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to their works, by the things which were written in the books. …..And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire” (Rev 20:12 & 15)

  3. OBJECTIVES • To ensure ALL understand the NEW REPORTING FORMAT • Participants understand the MAIN COMPONENTS of the NEW REPORTING FORMAT • Participants are able and will use the NEW REPORTING FORMATin submitting their FUTURE reports

  4. EXPECTATION • Understand what a REPORT is • Understand why we write reports (Rationale) • Understand the new Report format • Follow “CLAN” illustrations of the new Report format • Know how to write reports in the new format

  5. WHAT IS A REPORT • A report is a piece of INFORMATIVE WRITING that DESCRIBES a set of actions and analyses any results in response to a SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE

  6. RATIONALE FOR WRITING REPORTS • To describe EVENTS • To find out information for further Action(s) • To give information to others • To keep records of events for future use. • To evaluate and strategize • To aid planning for the future

  7. NEW PCG REPORTING FORMAT • The New Format is an ACTIVITY-BASED,ESSAY STYLE with three (3) main Components for each of the Seven (7) Key Result Area(s) [KRAs]: • Planned Activities • Actual Outcome(s)/Results • Remark/Recommendation(s) Note: *The New Format is the usual ESSAY FORM of Reporting using topic sentences and paragraphs *KRAs: AHRM, M&E, CLAN, DSS, ESR, EDUC & FINANCE

  8. NEW PCG REPORTING FORMAT • PLANNED ACTIVITIES • To include objectives as set in the strategic plan if it has a bearing on it • What did the church unit set out to do? E. g. Workshop on target setting for all District Presidents, Superintendent’s visit to a District (spell it out briefly) • The issue at stake • What is the programme? E.g. 2017 PREYSA

  9. NEW PCG REPORTING FORMAT • ACTUAL OUTCOME(S)/RESULTS: • What the activity/programme achieved? How many people got trained on New Report Writing Format? How many people attended the 2017 PREYSA? • What happened? Who did what? • Did the activity go as planned? Was there any variation in relation to Methods & Results?

  10. NEW PCG REPORTING FORMAT • REMARK/RECOMMENDATIONS: • Explanations (including challenges and impact), observations • Next steps, what is the Presbytery/Department/Unit doing in the light of the outcomes, explanations and challenges? • Why were the targets not achieved? • The way forward/next steps

  11. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—1 • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN I) OBJECTIVES • Plan & hold a day’s seminar to introduce Districts to the General Assembly Theme • Plan & write a Marriage Counseling Handbook for all Local Counselors in the Presbytery • Train Caretakers to become Full Catechists • Plan & train facilitators for Presbyters Training • Plan & arrange Groups’ Conferences at District & Presbytery levels • Plan & train new Children Service & J.Y. Teachers • Plan & organize Aged Seminars at Presbytery & District levels

  12. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—2 • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN II) GENERAL ACTIVITIES (NOTABLE EVENTS) • All Generational & Intergenerational Groups held their Annual Conferences at the Presbytery & District levels • Training of JY Teachers with the New Manual was held once at the Presbytery level and subsequently at the District levels • Children Service Teachers held training programme to train all New Teachers • Some Districts organized Aged Programmes especially during the Aged Week. The Presbytery organized a Special Seminar for the 12 Retired Ministers and their Spouses together with other Presbytery Standing Committee members

  13. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—3a • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN ACTIVITY-BASED REPORTING: III) PLANNED ACTIVITY: 2016 NEW YEAR SCHOOL A day’s seminar dubbed “New Year School” was organized at PMPC-Bantama on the 22nd January 2016 under the theme: “Anointed to Occupy Till He Comes”. The speaker was Cat. Evang. Dr. AbboahOffei IV) RESULTS: 559 Registered participants instead of the targeted 500 members from the Presbytery attended the Seminar. V) REMARK/RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that Agents should sensitize their members on the purpose of the New Year School for active participation.

  14. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—3b • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN ACTIVITY-BASED REPORTING: (EXPECTED ACTUAL WRITE-UP) NEW YEAR SCHOOL A day’s seminar dubbed “New Year School” was organized at PMPC-Bantama on the 22nd January 2016 under the theme: “Anointed to Occupy Till He Comes”. The speaker was Cat. Evang. Dr. AbboahOffei 559 registered participants instead of the targeted 500 members from the Presbytery attended the Seminar. It is recommended that Agents should sensitize their members on the purpose of the New Year School for active participation.

  15. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—4a • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN ACTIVITY-BASED REPORTING: VI) PLANNED ACTIVITY: MARRIAGE COUNSELING A five (5)-member committee was tasked to produce a Hand Book on Marriage Counseling. VII) RESULTS: The Hand Book was completed before the end of March 2016. 650 copies of the book were printed and put in stock for Church members to purchase at GHS10.00 per copy. VIII) REMARK/RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that District Ministers & other Agents would publicize the Book and train their Counselors on how to use it for counseling

  16. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—4b • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN ACTIVITY-BASED REPORTING: (EXPECTED ACTUAL WRITE-UP) MARRIAGE COUNSELING A five (5)-member committee was tasked to produce a Hand Book on Marriage Counseling. The Hand Book was completed before the end of March 2016. 650 copies of the book were printed and put in stock for Church members to purchase at GHS10.00 per copy. It is recommended that District Ministers & other Agents would publicize the Book and train their Counselors on how to use it for counseling.

  17. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—5a • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN ACTIVITY-BASED REPORTING: IX) PLANNED ACTIVITY: CATECHISTS TRAINING Lay Ministerial Training (LMT) Course was organized from the Foundation to Advance levels for Caretakers. The whole course started from the Presbytery level and ended at the RTC, Abetifi. X) RESULTS: 34 Catechists comprising 28 males and 6 females completed the LMT Course and were Consecrated on Sunday, 27th Nov 2016 at Asawasi XI) REMARKS: Out of the 100 Caretakers expected, only 34 availed themselves for the training due to financial constraints from Districts XII)RECOMMENDATION: The District Ministers should try and train their Caretakers for effective ministry.

  18. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—5b • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN ACTIVITY-BASED REPORTING: (EXPECTED ACTUAL WRITE-UP) CATECHISTS TRAINING Lay Ministerial Training (LMT) Course was organized from the Foundation to Advance levels for Caretakers. The whole course started from the Presbytery level and ended at the RTC, Abetifi. 34 Catechists comprising 28 males and 6 females completed the LMT Course and were Consecrated on Sunday, 27th Nov 2016 at Asawasi Out of the 100 Caretakers expected, only 34 availed themselves for the training due to financial constraints from Districts The District Ministers should try and train their Caretakers for effective ministry.

  19. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—6a • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN ACTIVITY-BASED REPORTING: XIII) PLANNED ACTIVITY: FACILITATORS TRAINING (TOT) Facilitators trainings were held in the months of August, September & October 2016 for 35 participants. The certified trainers then began the training of Presbyters at Zonal levels XIV) RESULTS: 35 TOT participants made up of 25 Ministers, 5 Catechists & 5 Presbyters were trained by the Hopespring Foundation from Accra led by Mrs. AfiaDarkwaAmanor XV) REMARKS: The Presbytery is grateful to the various Districts for being able to sponsor their participants each at GHS1,720.00 XVI)RECOMMENDATION: All Facilitators should go out and help equip the Presbyters through this special training.

  20. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—6b • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN ACTIVITY-BASED REPORTING: (EXPECTED ACTUAL WRITE-UP) FACILITATORS TRAINING (TOT) Facilitators trainings were held in the months of August, September & October 2016 for 35 participants. The certified trainers then began the training of Presbyters at Zonal levels 35 TOT participants made up of 25 Ministers, 5 Catechists & 5 Presbyters were trained by the Hopespring Foundation from Accra led by Mrs. AfiaDarkwaAmanor The Presbytery is grateful to the various Districts for being able to sponsor their participants each at GHS1,720.00 All Facilitators should go out and help equip the Presbyters through this special training.

  21. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—7a • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN ACTIVITY-BASED REPORTING: XVII) PLANNED ACTIVITY: PRESBYTERS TRAINING This programme started right after the facilitators course in October 2016. The Presbytery with 36 Districts & 2,527 Presbyters was zoned into 5. XVIII) RESULTS: As of December 2016, 883 Presbyters had gone through the level 1 of the training. XIX) REMARKS: It is expected that the rest of 1603 Presbyters would complete level 1 by February 2017 & by June 2017 all would have completed all the three levels. (e.g. Table 1 shows the training trend) XX)RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that the Presbyters training at the District levels be well planned for all Presbyters to fully participate

  22. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—7b • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN ACTIVITY-BASED REPORTING: (EXPECTED ACTUAL WRITE-UP) PRESBYTERS TRAINING This programme started right after the facilitators course in October 2016. The Presbytery with 36 Districts & 2,527 Presbyters was zoned into 5. As of December 2016, 883 Presbyters had gone through the level 1 of the training. It is expected that the rest of 1603 Presbyters would complete level 1 by February 2017 & by June 2017 all would have completed all the three levels. (e.g. Table 1 shows the training trend) It is recommended that the Presbyters training at the District levels be well planned for all Presbyters to fully participate

  23. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—8a • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN ACTIVITY-BASED REPORTING: XXI) PLANNED ACTIVITY: EVANGELISM (YOUTH EXPLOSION & PEACE WALK): On Holy Saturday, 26th March 2016, Youth Explosion & Peace Walk was organized through the principal streets of Bantama using Brass band, placards, gospel tracts & banners. Talk on peace was delivered by Mrs. Eunice Amfo-Akonnor at PMPC—Bantama. XXII) RESULTS: In all, 1,457 JY members & Teachers from 21 Districts participated. XXIII) REMARKS: The programme was extremely successful XXIV)RECOMMENDATION: It is recommended that this special programme be organized at the District levels.

  24. ILLUSTRATION—CHURCH LIFE AND NURTURE—8b • REPORTING ON THE KEY RESULT AREA—CLAN ACTIVITY-BASED REPORTING: (EXPECTED ACTUAL WRITE-UP) EVANGELISM ACTIVITY (YOUTH EXPLOSION & PEACE WALK): On Holy Saturday, 26th March 2016, Youth Explosion & Peace Walk was organized through the principal streets of Bantama using Brass band, placards, gospel tracts & banners. Talk on peace was delivered by Mrs. Eunice Amfo-Akonnor at PMPC—Bantama. In all, 1,457 JY members & Teachers from 21 Districts participated. The programme was extremely successful It is recommended that this special programme be organized at the District levels.

  25. HOW TO WRITE REPORTS (RECAP) • State your Objective and organize your information • Use a range of resources – refer to KRAs and objectives set at the beginning of the year – ACTION PLAN, PROJECT BOOKS, STATION DIARIES, JOURNALS, ETC • Organize your ESSAY or write-up along the following points: Planned Activity(ies) Actual Outcomes/Results Remarks/Recommendation(s) • Put similar facts together to create a paragraph. • Make sure the first sentence in each paragraph gives the key idea. • Other sentences give detail. • The New Reporting Format is Activity-Based

  26. CONCLUSION The New Reporting Format is: • Relevant Activity-Based • Topical/Thematic • Essay-Styled He/she who writes never forgets! (Dutch Proverb)

  27. REFERENCES • 2016 Annual Reports presented to the 95th Presbytery, Asante Presbytery, April 2017 • Asante Presbytery’s AHRM Department’s Powerpoint presentation on the New Reporting Format, presented by Paul Knight French, 6th June, 2014



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