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January 12. Warm-up : Pick up MUGShot Week 7 – Complete #1 & 2. Introduce Knowsys Group 13 Using Pronouns Correctly Review w/ ppts Exercises 1 & 2 Expository Essay - Explore the expository essay writing process ( see next slides) Analyze prompts using PPT (purpose, position, topic)
January 12 Warm-up: Pick up MUGShot Week 7 – Complete #1 & 2 • Introduce Knowsys Group 13 • Using Pronouns Correctly • Review w/ ppts • Exercises 1 & 2 • Expository Essay • - Explore the expository essay writing process (see next slides) • Analyze prompts using PPT (purpose, position, topic) • : practice deconstructing the even # prompts in pairs • : practice deconstructing the odd # prompts individually • Homework: Read AR – 20 points DUE March 17 • Use your pencil to CIRCLE the PURPOSE • Use your pencil to BOX the POSITION • Use your pencil to UNDERLINE the TOPIC
Expository Essay Expository Essay • What is an expository essay? • Definition: A type of informational text that clarifies or explains something
Expository Essay Elements • Clear, concise, and defined thesis statement • Clearly organized structure • Strong introduction • Specific supporting details • Strong conclusion • Purposeful and precise word choice • Varied sentence structure
The Process • Analyze Prompt • Brainstorm Position/ Topic/Reasons • Write Thesis Introduction, Body, Conclusion • Plan and Draft Essay: • Revise Essay • Edit Essay • Write Final Draft the Writing Process EXPOSITORY ESSAY
Prompt Analysis Strategies for Prompt Analysis • Read Once Throughout • Re-Read Sentence by Sentence – Annotating, Highlighting, Using dictionary/thesaurus • Look for key words that allude to the PURPOSE of the essay (explain, inform, describe, compare) • Look for the TOPIC and consider possible POSITIONS • Effective Prompt Analysis is needed to write an effective THESIS statement.
Purpose Position TOPIC THESIS
Position TOPIC Working by Yourself Working witha Group Which topic do I Choose? Depend onlyon selfNo slackersDevelop a variety of content skillsDevelop independence, personal accountability Build problem-solving skillsReal-World ExperienceDepend on different talents from group members Share responsibilities Brainstorm General Reasons For Each
January 13 Warm-up: MUGShot Week 7 (3-5) Pronouns - Antecedents (see next slides) Exercises 1 & 2 Expository Essay - Introduce stated thesis notes (see next slides) - Take notes of components of a thesis (topic, position, & reasons) Homework: Read AR – 20 points DUE March 17 IT’S
What is an antecedent? It is the noun or nouns that a pronoun is replacing or referring back to. Example: The Mona Lisa is a famous work of art from the Renaissance time period. It was painted by Leonardo da Vinci. Mona Lisa is the antecedent of It.
Antecedent Practice It The Renaissance began in Italy. ____ then spread throughout Europe. Many artists lived in Florence and Rome. _______ worked to make the cities more beautiful through art. Duomo of the Santa Maria del Fiore in Florence, Italy Renaissance is the antecedent of It. They artists is the antecedent of They.
David, sculpture by Michelangelo Antecedent Practice He Michelangelo was one prominent artist. _____ is known for painting the Sistine Chapel in Rome. Ceiling of Sistine Chapel Science, music, and literature also flourished during the Renaissance. We are still fascinated by ________ today. Michelangelo is the antecedent of He. Science, music, and literature are the antecedents of them. them
The Process • Analyze Prompt • Brainstorm Position/ Topic/Reasons • Plan and Draft Essay: Introduction, Body, Conclusion • Write Thesis • Revise Essay • Edit Essay • Write Final Draft the Writing Process EXPOSITORY ESSAY
Definition Characteristics • A statement (not question) that contains… • A specific topic and… • A well-defined position • It may contain general reasons to support the position. • It is located at the end of the introduction. A brief statement, usually no more than 1-2 sentences, that states what a writer will explain throughout an essay. Thesis Examples Non-examples • Winning is better than trying your best because your self-esteem is boosted during victory celebrations. • Because of their economic impact, Chinese labor played an important role in western railroad expansion. • The life of the typical college student is characterized by time spent studying, attending class, and socializing with peers. • I like church. • Was the football stadium worth the money? • Chinese labor is so bad. • Achieve financial, academic and spiritual success by fixing it. • In conclusion, the typical college student leads a busy life.
The THESIS Addresses the main points/ideas of your essays and directly responds to the essay prompt Tells the reader WHAT is being discussed and in WHAT manner/structure they will be discussed Thesis Statements include – 1-2 General TOPIC POSITION REASONS
Position TOPIC Working with a group is better than working alone because a person can build problem-solving skills and depend on other members’ different talents. Working by Yourself Working witha Group Depend onlyon selfNo slackersDevelop a variety of content skillsDevelop independence, personal accountability Build problem-solving skillsReal-World ExperienceDepend on different talents from group members Share responsibilities Thesis: Topic + Position + (1-2) General Reasons
WRITE an essay explaining whether it is better to work by yourself or with a group. Thesis: Topic plus view/position plus general reason Example: Working in groups is better than working alone because members are able to rely on each other’s strengths. Non Example: Working by yourself is better than working in a group because my team member Johnny never contributes to work in the lab. Non Example: Some people prefer to work on their own because they don’t like working in groups.
WRITE an essay explaining whether it is better to work by yourself or with a group. Thesis: Topic plus view/position plus general reason Example: Working in teams is more preferable than working by yourself because it helps you build important social skills. Example: Working in groups is better because you get to build social skills and you can rely on different strengths from members. Non Example: Working in groups is better than working alone.
January 14 Warm-up: Knowsys Group 13 Practice - Substitution Pronouns - Possessive Pronoun Notes - Possessive Pronouns Practice Expository Essay Gallery Walk • Practice identifying elements of a thesis • Create & complete chart in your spiral Homework: Read AR – 20 points DUE March 17
January 15 Warm Up: Group 13 Practice – Name the Speaker Expository Essay - Practice writing a variety of theses using TPR (topic, position, reasons) : practice developing a thesis using even # prompts in pairs : practice developing a thesis using odd # prompts individually Homework: Group 13 personal narrative prompt, quiz tomorrow, & read AR – 20 points DUE March 17 • Use your red pen to CIRCLE the TOPIC • Use your red pen to BOX the POSITION • Use your red pen to UNDERLINE the REASONS
January 16 Warm Up:Share narrative prompt & turn in Knowsys Group 13 Quiz Pronouns • Indefinite Pronouns Notes • Indefinite Pronouns Practice Expository Essay - Deconstruct 2 prompts for expository essay (will be written next week) - Identify & label each prompt for purpose, position, & topic - Write a thesis for each: circle the topic, box in the position, & underline the reasons - Complete for homework Homework: Study group 14, complete thesis homework, & read AR – 20 points DUE March 17 - Pronouns Test next Thursday 1/22