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The Sensory Evaluation of Food

The Sensory Evaluation of Food. Why do we eat what we eat????. Why do we eat what we eat???.

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The Sensory Evaluation of Food

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  1. The Sensory Evaluation of Food

    Why do we eat what we eat????
  2. Why do we eat what we eat??? In order for people to want to eat a particular food it usually has to appeal to their senses (sight, taste, smell, feeling/texture, and sound). There are many different things that will influence what a person eats.
  3. 1) Culture and Geography People that live near oceans tend to have seafood as a large part of their diet Fruit grows abundantly in tropical climates so it is eaten more frequently there Cultures usually prefer certain types of food because these foods are usually abundant or grow well in that area or are native to that area With advances in transportation and preservation this is becoming less true
  4. Culture and Geography Examples RappiePie- Acadian/NS Rice- Indian/Chinese
  5. 2) Emotion and Psychology Certain foods can be associated with emotions or memories Some people consider their food to be a personal statement (ie- gourmet coffee can be considered a status symbol) Advertisers will play on psychological impact of food to get you to buy their product (do you buy a food because you like it or because of the ad/packaging???)
  6. Emotions and Psychology Kopi Luwak is the most expensive coffee in the world (ranging from $120-$600/lb) and only about 1000lbs makes it on the market each year.
  7. So why is it so expensive????? Kopi Luwak is coffee made from coffee berries which have been eaten by and passed through the digestive tract of the Asian Palm Civet and other related civets. The civets eat the berries, but the beans inside pass through their system undigested.
  8. 3) Beliefs Religious Beliefs- many religious traditions include dietary laws and guidelines and have rules about how animals must be slaughtered Both Jewish and Islamic law prohibit certain foods Jewish- pigs, fish without scales, combinations of milk and meat Islamic- pigs, carnivorous animals Personal Beliefs- many vegetarians are opposed to the killing of animals, some people will only buy locally produced foods
  9. 4) Health Concerns Ideally health benefits would rank near the top in influences on food choices. Sometimes with certain physical conditions foods can have more immediate effects Lactose intolerance Diabetes Celiac disease Food allergies
  10. 5) Food Costs Depending on your budget you may be able to buy whatever food you want, but many people must choose less costly food or eliminate certain foods altogether
  11. 6) Technology Technology has greatly increased our food choices. From new packaging and preservation techniques, creating a new fat-free version of a favourite food, to the invention of the microwave we can see the impact of technology in many of our homes and communities.
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