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Energy Types

Energy Types. Notes part 1. What is Energy?. Energy : the ability to make a physical change or cause a rise in temperature. Energy Units. Joules. calories. 1 chocolate chip has 3000 calories!. Energy in Many Forms. (KE) Kinetic Energy : Energy of mass in

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Energy Types

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  1. Energy Types Notes part 1

  2. What is Energy? • Energy: the ability to make a physical change or cause a rise in temperature. Energy Units Joules calories 1 chocolate chip has 3000 calories!

  3. Energy in Many Forms (KE) Kinetic Energy: Energy of mass in motion (runner, car) KE = ½ mass times velocity squared

  4. Energy in Many Forms (GPE) Gravitational Potential Energy: Energy stored in the distance between masses (moon & earth, lifted book) GPE = (mass)(9.8)(height above the earth)

  5. (EE) Elastic Potential Energy: Energy stored in the stretch and compression of molecular bonds (springy, stretchy) Energy in Many Forms (CE) Chemical Energy: Energy stored in atomic bonds (chemical reactions, explosions)

  6. Energy in Many Forms (TE) Thermal Energy: Energy of vibrations of atoms and molecules (determines temperature, often mistakenly called heat)

  7. Match: Energy name with marker Energy Type Marker • Kinetic energy 1. Height & mass • Gravitational PE 2. Temperature • Elastic energy 3. Atomic bonds • Chemical energy 4. Stretch • Thermal energy 5. Speed & mass

  8. KEY: Energy name with marker Energy Type Marker • Kinetic energy 1. Height & mass • Gravitational PE 2. Temperature • Elastic energy 3. Atomic bonds • Chemical energy 4. Stretch • Thermal energy 5. Speed & mass

  9. Which form(s) of energy?

  10. Which form(s) of energy?

  11. Which form(s) of energy?

  12. Which form(s) of energy?

  13. Which form(s) of energy?

  14. Which form(s) of energy? http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Turkish_Stars_2217.JPG

  15. End of notes part 1

  16. Notes Part 2: Conversions

  17. Energy Conversion: Energy transferred (between objects) or transformed(one type to another), often by a force applied across a distance. (GPE gradually changes to KE as diver falls)

  18. System: • All of objects that are of interest. • Example: Your machine is the system and the surroundings are not the system.

  19. Energy “losses”: • Energy is never lost, but it can leave the system or become less useful. • Example: KE becomes thermal energy or sound.

  20. Conservation of Energy: • A scientific law that the total amount of energy in the Universe does not change (except in nuclear processes). • “Energy is never created or destroyed”, it just moves in or out of the system, or transforms into a less useful form. • Differentfrom recycling, etc.

  21. Energy: Neither created nor destroyed, just changes form.

  22. Explain energy conservation in this scene. Sockeye Salmon

  23. Explain energy conservation in this scene.

  24. End of notes part 2

  25. Notes 3: Force Causes Energy Change

  26. Notes 3: Force Causes Energy Change Work:Converts energy (transformations & transfers). Work is done by applying a force across a distance. Work = Force x distance

  27. Notes 3: Force Causes Energy Change Force:A push or a pull. Only 4 forces in nature: gravity electromagnetic – push/pull strong nuclear – bombs weak nuclear – radioactivity (The last 2 hold the atom together)

  28. Notes 3: Force Causes Energy Change Force of gravity (Fg):The force of one mass on anotherdue to a gravitational field Gravitational field:Surrounds all masses and causes the force of gravity (Higgs)

  29. Notes 3: Force Causes Energy Change • Electromagnetic force (EM Force): The electric and magnetic force between particles. Caused by the EM field. • Electromagnetic field:Surrounds charged particles and causes the EM force (photons).

  30. End of notes part 3

  31. Energy Conservation - Bar Graphs E(J) E(J) 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 KE GPE EPE TE KE GPE EPE KEY: KE = kinetic energy, GPE = gravitational potential energy EPE = elastic potential energy, TE = thermal energy

  32. Complete the Bar Graphs v = 0 Final Initial E(J) E(J) 4 3 2 1 0 4 3 2 1 0 KE GPE EPE TE KE GPE EPE

  33. How much TE is produced? KE = ½ mv2 GPE = mgh Final: speed v = 0 m/s mass m= 1 kg height h = 15 m g = 10 m/s2 E(J) 200 150 100 50 0 GPE = (1)(10)(15) = 150 J KE GPE EPE TE E(J) Initial: speed v = 20 m/s mass m= 1 kg height h = 0 200 150 100 50 0 KE GPE EPE KE = ½ (1)(20)2 = 200 J

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