1. Non – Diabetic Endocrine Emergencies “What an emerg doc needs to know”
Rob Hall PGY3
December 5th, 2002
2. Non – Diabetic Endocrine Emergencies WHY? Uncommon
Potentially lethal
Diagnostic dilemmas
ED treatment may be life-saving
3. Outline
4. Objectives How uncommon?
What defines thyroid storm, myxedemic coma, adrenal crisis?
What are the main clinical features?
When should these dx be considered?
What investigations are pertinent?
What is the emergency management?
When and how do you give stress dosing for chronic adrenal insufficiency?
5. Case 37 yo female
Chest Pain and SOB
Denies any PMHx
Recent weight loss Sinus tach 130
Temp 40
8. Thyroid Storm
9. What is Thyroid Storm?
10. What is Thyroid Storm?Burch 1993
11. Etiology of Thyroid Storm Undiagnosed
(Grave’s disease or Mulitnodular toxic goiter)
12. Thyroid Storm 1% of all hyperthyroids
Mortality 30% Precipitants
Any acute medical illness
13. KEY FEATURES of Thyroid Storm FEVER
Features of underlying Hyperthyroidism
Weight loss, heat intolerance, tremors, anxiety, diarrhea, palpitations, sweating, CP, SOB
Goiter, eye findings, pretibial myxedema
14. When should you consider Thyroid Storm and what is the ddx? Infectious: sepsis, meningitis, encephalitis
Vascular: ICH, SAH
Heat stroke
Sympathomimetics, seritonin syndrome, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, Delirium Tremens, anticholinergic syndrome
15. INVESTIGATIONS Thyroid Testing
Free T4
Don’t need to order total T3/4, TBG, T3RU, FT3 Look for precipitant
Blood cultures
Tox screen
? CT head
16. Thyroid Storm: Goals of Management 1 - Decrease Hormone Synthesis
2 - Decrease Hormone Release
3 - Decrease Adrenergic Symptoms
4 - Decrease Peripheral T4 -> T3
5 - Supportive Care
17. Decrease Hormonal Synthesis Inhibition of thyroid peroxidase
Propylthiouracil (PTU) or Methimazole (Tapazole)
PTU is the drug of choice
PTU 1000 mg po/ng/pr then 250 q4hr
No iv form
Safe in pregnancy
S/E: rash, SJS, BM suppression, hepatotoxic
Contraindications: previous hepatic failure or agranulocytosis from PTU
18. Decrease Hormone Release Iodine or lithium decreases release from hormone stored in colloid cells
MUST not be given until 1hr after PTU
Potassium Iodide (SSKI) 5 drops po/ng q6hr
Lugol’s solution 8 drops q6hr
19. Decrease Adrenergic Effects Most important maneuver to decrease morbidity/mortality
Decreases HR, arrythmias, temp, etc
Propranolol 1 – 2 mg iv q 10 min prn
Propranolol preferred over metoprolol
Contraindications to beta-blockers
Reserpine 2.5 – 5.0 mg im q4hr
Guanethidine 20 mg po q6hr
20. Decrease T4 -> T3 Corticosteriods
PTU and propranolol also have some effect
Dexamethasone 2 – 4 mg iv
Relative or absolute adrenal insufficiency also common
21. Supportive Care Fluid rehydration
Correct electrolyte abnormalities
Control temperature aggressively
Ice, cooling blanket, tylenol, fans
Search for precipitant
Think vascular, infectious, trauma, drugs, etc
22. Summary of Management PTU
23. Apathetic Hyperthyroidism Elderly (can be any age)
Altered LOC, Afib, CHF
Minimal fever, tachycardia
No preceeding hx of hyperthyroidism except weight loss
More COMMON than thyroid storm
Check TSH in any elderly patient with altered LOC, psych presentation, Afib, CHF
24. Outline
25. What is Myxedemic Coma? Myxedema = swelling of hands, face, feet, periorbital tissues
Myxedemic coma = decreased LOC associated with severe hypothyroidism
Myxedemic coma/Myxedema generally used to mean severe hypothyroidism
26. Myxedemic Coma Hypothyroidism Myxedemic Coma
27. Etiology of Myxedemic Coma Undiagnosed
(Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, post surgery/ablation most common)
28. Myxedemic Coma Precipitants of Myxedemic Coma
Vascular: CVA, MI, PE
Noncompliance with Rx
Any acute medical illness
29. KEY FEATURES of Myxedema
30. When should Myxedema be considered and what is the ddx? Altered LOC
Structural vs metabolic causes of decreased LOC
Hypoventilatory Resp Failure
Narcotics, Benzodiazepines, EtOH intoxication, OSA, obesity hypoventilation, brain stem CVA, neuromuscular disorders (MG, GBS)
Medical: pituitary or hypothalamic lesion, sepsis
31. Myxedemic Coma Investigations
TSH and Free T4
Look for ppt
Septic work up (CXR/BC/urine/ +/- LP)
Random cortisol
CT head
32. Management of Myxedemic Coma Levothyroxine is the cornerstone of Mx
Levothyroxine 500 ug po/iv (preferred over T3)
Ischemia and arrythmias possible: monitor
When in doubt, treat en spec
Intubate/ventilate prn
Fluids/pressors/thyroxine for hypotension
Thyroxine for hypothermia
Stress Steroids: hydrocortisone 100 mg iv
33. Outline
34. Adrenal Insufficiency Primary = Adrenal disease = Addison’s
Idiopathic, autoimmune, infectious, infiltrative, infarction, hemorrhage, cancer, CAH, postop
Secondary = Pituitary
Tertiary = Hypothalamus
Functional = Exogenous steroids
35. Etiology of Adrenal Crisis Underlying Adrenal Insufficiency
(Addision’s and Chronic Steriods)
36. Acute adrenal crisis? Underlying Adrenal insufficiency
Addison’s disease
Chronic steroids
No underlying Adrenal insufficiency
Adrenal infarct or hemorrhage
Pituitary infarct or hemorrhage Precipitants of Adrenal crisis
37. Adrenal Hemorrhage Overwhelming sepsis (Waterhouse-Friderichsen syndrome)
Trauma or surgery
Adrenal tumors or infiltrative disorders
Eclampsia, post-parturm, antiphospholipid Ab syndromes
38. Key Features of Adrenal Crisis Nonspecific
Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain
Distributive shock not responsive to fluids or pressors
Laboratory (variable)
Hyponatremia, hyperkalemia, metabolic acidosis Known Adrenal insufficiency
Features of undiagnosed adrenal insufficiency
Weakness, fatigue, weight loss, anorexia, N/V, abdo pain, salt craving, hyperpigmentation
39. Features of Adrenal Insufficiency
40. Hyperpigmentation
41. Hyperpigmentation
42. Adrenal Crisis Consider on the differential diagnosis of SHOCK NYD
43. Investigations Adrenal Function
Random cortisol
Look for Precipitant
44. Management of Adrenal Crisis Corticosteroid replacement
Dexamethasone 4mg iv q6hr is the drug of choice (doesn’t affect ACTH stim test)
Hydrocortisone 100 mg iv is an option
Mineralocorticoid not required in acute phase
Correct lytes, fluid resuscitation (2-3L)
Glucose for hypoglycemia
45. Outline
46. Corticosteriod Stress Dosing:Who? When? How much? Who needs stress steroids?
?Chronic prednisone
?Chronic Inhaled Steroids
? Laceration suturing
? Colle’s fracture reduction
? Cardioversion for Afib
? Trauma or septic shock
How Much?
47. Effects of Exogenous Corticosteroids Hypothalamic – Pituitary – Adrenal axis suppression
Has occurred with ANY route of administration (including oral, dermal, inhaled, intranasal)
Adrenal suppresion may last for up to a year after a course of steroids
HPA axis recovers quickly after prednisone 50 po od X 5/7
48. Streck 1979: Pituitary – Adrenal Recovery Following a Five Day Prednisone Treatment
49. Who needs Corticosteroid Stress Dosing? Coursin JAMA 2002: Corticosteroid Supplementation for Adrenal Insufficiency
All patients with known adrenal insufficiency
All patients on chronic steroids equivalent to or greater than PREDNISONE 5 mg/day
50. Corticosteroid Stress Dosing: La Rochelle Am J Med 1993 ACTH stimulation test to patients on chronic prednisone
Prednisone < 5 mg/day
No patient had suppressed HPA axis
Three had intermediate responses
Prednisone > or = 5 mg/day
50% had suppressed HPA axis, 25% were intermediate, 25% had normal response
51. Corticosteroid Stress Dosing What duration of prednisone is important?
What about intermittent steroids?
What about inhaled steroids?
52. Corticosteroid Stress Dosing: Summary of literature review Short courses of steroids are safe
Many studies in literature documenting safety of prednisone X 5 – 10 days
Wilmsmeyer 1990
Documented safety of 14 day course of prednisone
Sorkess 1999
Documented HPA axis suppression in majority of patients receiving prednisone 10 mg/day X 4 weeks
Many studies documenting HPA axis suppression with steroid use for > one month
53. Corticosteroid Stress Dosing Inhaled Corticosteroids: Allen 2002. Safety of Inhaled Corticosteroids.
Adrenal suppression has occurred in moderate doses of ICS (Flovent 200 – 800 ug/day)
Adrenal suppression is more common and should be considered with chronic high doses of ICS (Flovent > 800 ug/day)
54. Corticosteroid Stress Dosing “There is NO consistent evidence to reliably predict what dose and duration of corticosteroid treatment will lead to H-P-A axis suppression”
55. Corticosteroid Stress Dosing: The bottom line Consider potential for adrenal suppression:
Chronic Prednisone 5 mg/day or equivalent
Prednisone 20 mg/day for one month within the last year
> 3 courses of Prednisone 50 mg/day for 5 days within the last year
Chronic high dose inhaled corticosteroids
56. When are stress steroids required? When is stress dosing required? (Cousin JAMA 2002)
Any local procedure with duration < 1hr that doesn’t involve general anesthesia or sedatives does NOT require stress dosing
All illnesses and more significant procedures require stress dosing
57. Corticosteroid Stress Dosing
58. Corticosteroid Stress Dosing MINOR
Double chronic steroid dose for duration of illness (only needs iv if can’t tolerate po)
Hydrocortisone 50 mg po/iv q8hr
Hydrocortisone 100 mg iv q8hr
59. Corticosteroid Stress Dosing What about procedural sedation?
? Stress dose just before sedation/procedure
Recommended by Coursin JAMA 2002 but NO supporting literature specific to procedural sedation in emerg
Should be done --------> Hydrocortisone 50 mg iv just before procedure and then continue with normal steroid dose
60. Outline
61. Non –diabetic Hypoglycemia Fasting
Liver dz
H-P-A axis
Alimentary hyperinsulinism
Congenital deficiency What labs to order BEFORE glucose administration????
Serum glucose
C-peptide level
Insulin level
Sulfonylurea level
62. Non-diabetic Endocrine Emergencies Recognize key features
Pattern of underlying dz + precipitant
Emergent management
P3S2, levothyroxine, dex
Supportive care and look for precipitant
Consider corticosteroid stress dosing
63. The End…