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The Millennium Development Goals: The Significance of Civil Society Universal Peace Federation

The Millennium Development Goals: The Significance of Civil Society Universal Peace Federation. In September 2000, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the Millennium Declaration which identified 8 Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by 2015. .

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The Millennium Development Goals: The Significance of Civil Society Universal Peace Federation

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  1. The MillenniumDevelopment Goals:The Significance ofCivil SocietyUniversal Peace Federation

  2. In September 2000, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the Millennium Declaration which identified 8 Millennium Development Goals to be achieved by 2015.

  3. Goal 1 – Eradicate Extreme Poverty Reduce by 50% the number of people whose income is less than a $1 a day Reduce by 50% the number of people who suffer from hunger

  4. Goal # 2 – Achieve Universal Primary Education Ensure that children everywhere, boys and girls alike, will be able to complete a full course of primary schooling

  5. Goal # 3 – Promote GenderEquality and Empower Women Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary schools and in all levels of education

  6. Goal # 4 – Reduce Child Mortality Reduce by 66% the mortality rate for children under five

  7. Goal # 5 – Improve Maternal Health Reduce by 75% the maternal mortality rate

  8. Goal # 6 – Combat HIV/AIDS, Malaria and Other Diseases Reduce by 50% the spread of HIV/AIDS Reduce by 50% the incidence of malaria and other major diseases

  9. Goal # 7 – Ensure Environmental Sustainability Promote sustainable development and reverse the loss of environmental resources Reduce by 50% the number of people without access to drinking water Provide significant improvement in the lives of at least 100 million slum dwellers

  10. Goal # 8 – Develop Global Partnerships for Development promote good governance, fiscal responsibility address special needs of least developed countries, land- locked and small island developing countries, for medicine, youth employment, debt elimination, etc. make available new technologies

  11. "At a time when more than 1 billion people are denied the very minimum requirements of human dignity…the private sector must work with govern-ments and other actors to tackle the interlocking crises of hunger, disease, environmental degradation and conflict that are holding back the developing world.” Former UN Secretary-General, Kofi Annan

  12. “We must supplement formal institutions with informal policy networks, bringing together international institutions, civil society and private-sector organizations, and national governments, in pursuit of common goals.” Former Secretary-General Kofi Annan, “We the Peoples: The Role of the United Nations in the 21st Century”

  13. “We stand at the midpoint of the race to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. A strong and sustained effort now can mean the difference between the success and failure of our grand endeavor. Needless to say, millions of lives quite literally hang in the balance.” UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon

  14. The Crucial Need for Civil Society to Work with UN Institutions “The time has come for the United Nations to outline its working relationship with civil society organizations. It is very important.” H.E. Anwarul K. Chaudhury Former Undersecretary-General, UN

  15. Definition of Civil Society Civil Society refers to the arena of voluntary collective action around shared interests, purposes and values. It commonly embraces a diversity of spaces, actors and institutional forms, varying in their degree of formality, autonomy and power.

  16. Track I: governments Track II: intergovernmental and international organizations Track III: Civil Society, NGOs, faith-based organizations, voluntary associations, grass roots organizations, etc. Partnerships Beyond “Track I” Efforts

  17. Security: expands the traditional concept of security as protection of a nation-state’s population from external invasion, to include quality of life, political freedom, education, rights; hence, human security. Broadened, Non-Traditional Definitions of Core Concepts

  18. Development: expands the concept of development as economic aid, to include quality of life, education, capacities-building, moral development, governance, leadership, interdependence, environmental sustainability; hence, human development. Broadened, Non-Traditional Definitions of Core Concepts

  19. Peace: expands the concept of peace as the absence of war, to include peace within the individual, the family, community, society, among religions and nations; hence, a comprehensive vision of peace Broadened, Non-Traditional Definitions of Core Concepts

  20. Innovative and flexible Grass roots involvement Volunteerism Moral/spiritual commitment Digitally advanced communications Strengths of Civil Society/UPF

  21. Non-state actors: Lacking the power of governments Authority/legitimacy not grounded in democratic process Represent limited, special interests Limitations of Civil Society/UPF

  22. Ways in which UPF cancontribute to the achievement of MDGs

  23. UPF Core Objectives: • Encourage and facilitate partnerships among diverse sectors – the United Nations, governments, NGOs, religions, the private sector – to promote peace, human development, and good governance grounded in universal values. • Develop a global culture of service • Promote interreligious cooperation • Contribute to the achievement of the MDGs

  24. EducationImpact on MDG # 2 and 3 • Character • education • Moral • development • Work ethic • Literacy • programs

  25. HIV/AIDS PreventionImpact on MDG # 6 Programs to raise awareness about HIV/AIDS trans- mission Abstinence education Marriage and family education

  26. Strengthening Marriage and FamilyImpact MDG # 1, 2, 5 and 6 Stability of society Reduced crime Reduced HIV/AIDS Gender partnership Economic empowerment

  27. ServiceImpact on MDG # 1, 5, 6, and 7 Service projects for the disadvantaged Service learning

  28. Interreligious CooperationImpact on MDG # 8 Partners with UN, governments in achievement of MDGs Grassroots mechanism to contribute to MDGs

  29. Leadership and Good Governance Impact on MDG # 8 Principled leadership Partnership with civil society and the private sector

  30. Rooted in good moral character Universal, spiritual vision Centered on unselfishness Compassionate & responsible Parental leadership Service leadership Passion for goodness True Leadership and Good Governance: Basis for Achieving MDGs

  31. Be Informed Raise awareness Tell your friends, family Hold MDG events: concerts, competitions, debates, films, screenings Educate policy makers How Can I Help?

  32. Be a part of the big picture Support and participate in MDG and national campaigns Work with regional and international civil society networks How Can I Help?

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