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Strategy for IDs at CELLS

Explore the proposed strategy for procuring Insertion Devices (IDs) at CELLS synchrotron, including an overview, details on initial ID approaches, building alternatives, costing analysis, and scheduling plans. Learn about various types of IDs and potential challenges in implementation.

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Strategy for IDs at CELLS

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  1. Strategy for IDs at CELLS

  2. Objective The objective of this talk is to propose a first approach to the strategy that CELLS will follow to procure the IDs in the ALBA synchrotron

  3. - Overview - First approach to 5 firsts IDs - Alternatives for building the IDs - Alternatives for the ID laboratory - Costing analysis - Proposal of strategy - First approach to the schedule

  4. Overview What are the Insertion Devices? Drawings from R. Walker (Diamond), P. Elleaume (ESRF), G. A Krafft and Bazarov (Cornell), S. Werin (MAXlab), S. Rossmanith (ANKA), T. Smidth (SLS), A. Daël (Soleil), J. Nicolas (CELLS) Some proposals for 5 firsts IDs at CELLS

  5. Radiative field Inductive field Light from bending magnet Liénard – Wiechert potential

  6. fan ~ 0.01°

  7. B = 1.42 T E = 3 GeV Ec = 8.5 keV

  8. b) Adding the emission of a number of poles, thus the flux • B ~ 1 .9T • ~ 60 mm Ec ~ 11.4 keV C E A B D lu We can join several bendings in such a way that: a) Increasing the magnetic field, thus the critical energy

  9. Electron trajectory in multipole wigglers • B ~ 1 T • ~ 100 mm K ~ 10

  10. Effect of “concentration” of light cone ~ 10° K ~ 10 g ~ 6000 fan ~ 0.1°

  11. What happens when K ~ 1? • Oscillation has low amplitude, thus • the fan of light from each wiggle coincide with the fan of whole light, thus • interferences between light emitted by the same electron at each wiggle • - interferences in the real space - interferences in the spectrum

  12. K ~ 1 g ~ 6000 fan ~ 0.01°

  13. ~ 0.1° ~ 0.01° ~ 10°

  14. Then, changing Bo we can scanl

  15. Insertion device Electric Perm. magnets Normal conducting Super conducting Hybrid configuration PPM Pure perm. mag. How to change the field in the gap? Changing current in the coils Changing the gap

  16. Magnet 1 Magnet 2 Pole Magnet 1 Magnet 2 Normal conducting Permanent magnets Superconducting

  17. Other possibilities Helical undulators

  18. Apple II type

  19. In vacuum undulators Objective: get low values of ln thus maintain K ~ 1 and reduce lu thus,reduce lu but increase B thus,reduce g

  20. Some proposals for 5 firsts IDs at CELLS

  21. Range: Soft X-Rays (7 - 200 eV) Polarization: horizontal U165 (Photoemission spectroscopy) Period: 165 mm Length: 2 m Gap: 10 – 40 mm Type: PPM Maximum peak field: 0,82 T Harmonics used: 1 to 11 Emitted power: 1.6 kW

  22. U165

  23. Range: Soft X-Rays (80 - 2000 eV) Polarization: horizontal/circular Apple-II undulator U83 (PEEM, XCMD, microscopy, water window) Period: 83 mm Length: 2 m Gap: 20 – 40 mm Type: PPM Maximum peak field: 0,63 T Harmonics used: 1 to 7 Emitted power: 1.1 kW

  24. Apple-II undulator U83

  25. Range: X-Rays (4 - 20 keV) In-vacuum undulator IVU24 Powder diffraction, microdiffraction (?), XPS, SAXS/WAXS, microscopy/hard X ray, PX Period: 24 mm Length: 2 m Gap: 5 – 15 mm Type: Hybrid Maximum peak field: 1.13 T Harmonics used: 1 to 11 Emitted power: 3.0 kW

  26. In vacuum undulator IVU-24

  27. Range: Hard X-Rays (10 - 30 keV) IVU18 undulator vs W60 Wiggler Period: 60 mm Length: 2 m Peak field: 1,9 T Power: 9.9 kW (powder diffraction, high pressure, EXAFS) IVU undulator Period: 18 mm Length: 2 m Gap: 4 – 10 mm Peak field: 0,83 T Harmonics used: 3 to 11 Power: 1.9 kW (powder diffraction, microdiffraction, microscopy/hard X rays)

  28. IVU18 undulator vs W60

  29. Brilliance Current = 250 mA IDs length ~ 2 m Harmonics used: 1st to 11th Spectral flux density Spectral flux

  30. Strategy for IDs at CELLS

  31. Building the IDS - In house • -Conceptual & detailed design • Tendering of blocks and mechanical parts • Assembling (asembling, sorting, shimming) - Outsourced • -Conceptual design • Tendering of whole ID • Some acceptance measurements

  32. Building the IDs in house • Benefits • Know-how at home (conceptual and detailed designs and optimization and assembling protocols). • Assembling process under control • Shimming can be repeated up to fulfill requirements • Significative cost saving • Drawbacks • More time and/or personnel is needed. • Training process required for technical personnel. • A complete IDs characterization laboratory is mandatory. • Significative capital costs required for IDs laboratory. • Risk is assumed by CELLS.

  33. Building the IDs outsourced • Benefits • Short time of construction. • No specially qualified technical personnel are required. • No risks are assumed by CELLS • A complete IDs characterization is not mandatory. • Drawbacks • Design key points may remain ignored. • Assembling and optimization not totally under control. • Significative cost increase. • Solve the problems during operation will always require external support.

  34. Practicalities Diamond: outsourced. They rely on ESRF designs and Daresbury experience (know-how and sorting and shimming processes rely on a scientific institution) Soleil: outsourced. They rely on ESRF and Elettra. Big IDs characterization laboratory at home. CLS: In house (assembling, sorting, shimming). Outsourced superconducting Swiss Light Source: outsourced to industry. Initially no ID laboratory, but at the end they they had to build a facility to measure IDs. Elettra: in house. They are building some IDs for SOLEIL. They have an old lab for measure IDs but a high know-how. Bessy-II: basically in house. They have supplied some IDs for the SLS. ESRF: Some outsourced, but major part in house. Big ID laboratory

  35. Strategy for ID laboratory Options • Hall probe bench: adaptation of existing one • *** Current bench only useful for IDs shorter than 2 m*** • Turn-key systems from ESRF • Flipping coil 100.000 € • Stretching wire 90.000 € • Partial outsourcing. • Conceptual design: CELLS • Mechanical benches: industry • Software: CELLS • Magnetic elements (wire, coil, Hall probes): CELLS • In-house: detailed design and mechanical assembly at home.

  36. Costs of IDs

  37. Summary • Laboratory • A complete ID laboratory is mandatory. 2.5 years are needed • The measurement benches in the ID laboratory can be outsourced fully or partially. • CELLS should train people in IDs characterization. We have time. • IDs • IDs outsourcing is expensive, between 65% and 280% plus. • With the current staff we cannot built in house more than one type of IDs, so some IDs should be outsourced

  38. Proposals for action • IDs • a) Outsource only the conventional IDs (and APPLE-II type), or superconducting. • b) Buld in house in-vacuum undulators. • Laboratory • a) Outsource only the construction of mechanical benches. • b) Conceptual design, instrumentation and control system in house. These proposals should be validated by management

  39. Proposals for action • ID definition • A formal project should be asked by Experiments Divisions to create a join working group with Accelerators Division to select the required IDs • ID design • More engineering personnel should be involved in In Vacuum detailed design These proposals should be validated by management

  40. Proposal of schedule Milestones installation In-vacuum undulators (IVU24 and IVU18) in-house 01-07-2008 Conventional U and W (U165 and W60) outsourced 01-10-2008 Apple undulators (EU83) outsourced 01-01-2009

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