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Fourth LHC Splices Review Quality Assurance Review

Fourth LHC Splices Review Quality Assurance Review. Status of SMACC activities. Update since last review: Preceding activities Progress dashboards and broken line planning Organisation chart update Weekly meetingS (Main) issues Safety Conclusions.

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Fourth LHC Splices Review Quality Assurance Review

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  1. Fourth LHC Splices Review Quality Assurance Review Status of SMACC activities • Update since last review: • Preceding activities • Progress dashboards and broken line planning • Organisation chart update • Weekly meetingS • (Main) issues • Safety • Conclusions On behalf of a large competent and motivated team Fourth LHC Splice Review

  2. Fourth LHC Splices Review Quality Assurance Review Status of SMACC activities ≈ 15 % Done • 20 minutes to summarize > 100 000 hours of work in the tunnel • A factor > 300 000 (The speed of light in km/s) • 1 minute accounts for 5 000 working hours Fourth LHC Splice Review

  3. Preceding activities Mock-ups for test and training of new colleagues and collaborators and continuous process control Components (30000 shunts, 6000 insulation boxes, 12000 pockets) and tools (cutting and (de)soldering machines, jigs have been procured (Still on-going for some components and extra tooling) Fourth LHC Splice Review

  4. Courtesy F Bordry Fourth LHC Splice Review

  5. Preceding activities Powering tests at the start of LS1 • Objective: • Identify possible limitations (other than the splices) on the superconducting circuits for operation at 7 TeV, that could eventually be fixed during LS1 • Meetings were organized to prepare this powering campaign • A document was written, which contains the parameters to be used • The tests were started on Sat. 16th February as soon as the last beam of 2013 was dumped Courtesy F Bordry, M Pojer Fourth LHC Splice Review

  6. Preceding activities Powering tests at the start of LS1 • All circuits reached the nominal 7 TeV equivalent current, but • RD3.L4, commissioning stopped at 5784 A (vs the nominal 5860 A) due to long (yet monotonous) training --> stopped at 6.9 TeV, but can be possibly pushed further • RQ5.R2 – I_Nom reduced to 4100 A from 4310 A (OK for 7 TeV) • RCBYHS5.R8 – Tested successfully to 20 A, but cannot be powered up to the nominal 72 A (a similar failure was observed on the same corrector in 8L and that was replaced with a normal conducting magnet) • RQTL11.R5B1 – I_Nom reduced to 450 A from 550 A • RQTL11.L6B1 – I_Nom reduced to 350 A from 400 A • RCSSX3.L1 – I_Nom reduced to 60 A from 72 A • RQTL9.R3B2 – I_Nom reduced to 425 A from 450 A 540 circuits were tested, including IPQs, IPDs, ITs, 600 A and some 120 A circuits, (almost) all powered up to 7 TeV equivalent current 773 successful tests were executed in 10 days More than 1300 tests performed (including repetitions due to quenches or other kind of faults) Courtesy F Bordry, M Pojer Fourth LHC Splice Review

  7. Preceding activities ELQA tests (See further presentation) • RB.A12doubleinsulation fault to GND • RCS.A56B2 insulation problem, DFBAK A long metallic piece (4.5cm) touched one of the half moon and the diode tube connected to ground Courtesy M Bednarek Fourth LHC Splice Review

  8. Preceding activities Fourth LHC Splice Review

  9. SMACC Kick-off (3.04.2013) Fourth LHC Splice Review

  10. Work sequence and status Install DN200 ≈ 50% Open M sleeves Open ICs OK to open ≈ 3 sectors > 4 sectors 8 sectors Undo / Redo splices ELQC(new splices) > 1 sector >1 sector Machine Cu ELQCafter Cu mach. ELQC(old splices) ≈ 1.5 sectors ≈ 2.5 sectors ≈ 1.5 sectors Consolidate Q diodes ≈ 1/4 sector Weld M Leak test M Close IC Final LT Insulate splices ELQCafter shunt Install shunts ≈ 1.3 sectors > 1/2 sector ≈ 1.3 sectors Next month ≈ 1/4 sector This week Sept 13 Fourth LHC Splice Review

  11. Completed in the 8 sectors: • ELQA at cold • Warm-up • ELQA at warm • OK to open Overall schedule First opening in 56 on 8.04.13 First M opening on 18.04.13 First consolidated diode 12.07.13 First M welding on 8.05.13 First shunt soldering on 24.04.13 Fourth LHC Splice Review

  12. What’snext ? • First subsectorjustdelivered to VSC for M leaktest (22.07.2013) • Closure of first vacuum subsector (S56) in August 2013 • Final closure of 56 and LT in autumn 2013 • Pressure test in Jan 2014 in 56 &67 • First powering tests in S67 in June 2014!! Overall schedule Rehearsal of new thermal shield installation in 56 Time in first sectors to solve NCs but coactivity will have to be managed Fourth LHC Splice Review

  13. Courtesy K Foraz Fourth LHC Splice Review

  14. Courtesy K Foraz Fourth LHC Splice Review

  15. Dashboards SMACC is divided in 4 main activities: 13 kA Arc Splices Special Interventions DFBA consolidations DN200 Fourth LHC Splice Review

  16. Dashboards Fourth LHC Splice Review

  17. Dashboards • A few days ahead of schedule • thanks to the early start of individual activities • even if not the most efficient in terms of resources • but it allowed to identify issues ASAP • Slope is too small but mainly due to 2 issues • Higher number of splices to redo • Interference between insulation box and M lines • Should become nominal in the coming weeks Fourth LHC Splice Review

  18. Dashboards • Some sectors are delayed but no impact on next activities • Overall rate is well within forecast • Some staffs are reinforcing ELQC and DN200 Fourth LHC Splice Review

  19. Dashboards • Started ahead of schedule • Only 3 ICs affected by NC are missing in 56 • Still ahead of schedule but • We start to see the “last 10% effect” • The rate is not YET nominal Fourth LHC Splice Review

  20. Fourth LHC Splice Review

  21. Dashboards • Late wrt baseline due to • Non availability of ICs to weld because of interference between insulation system and M lines • On the critical path Fourth LHC Splice Review

  22. Dashboards • Start was delayed due to sectors unavailability • Rate is now OK • So far SIT is correctly dimensioned • Resources should be free for NC from Autumn 2013 Fourth LHC Splice Review

  23. Dashboards • Start was a little bit ahead of schedule • Delay due to issue with the broaching procedure • Some expert resources are critical • Overtime done • Team is under reinforcement for less critical tasks • Examining the rate, should be able to catch up by the end of the year Fourth LHC Splice Review

  24. Dashboards • Start was delayed due to sectors unavailability • Difficulties appeared at beginning of the activities in the tunnel (now solved) • Sequence is fully validated • Overtime done • No impact on general schedule and even with the delay, it should not interfere with the activities on the splices • Part of the resources available at the end of DN200 installation will be redirected towards other activities Fourth LHC Splice Review

  25. SMACC Organization Chart +2 for more splices to redo +6 for more splices to redo Fourth LHC Splice Review

  26. A typical week Monday 8:30 LS1 Management meeting Monday 15:30 CSI On Off Site Meeting 1 Tuesday 14:00 SMACC QA meeting 1 Wednesday 13:45 SMACC meeting (Now 1/2 or following needs) Wednesday 15:30 CSI On Off Site Meeting 2 Thursday 10:00 SMACC QA meeting 2 Friday 10:00 LS1 Committee (1/2 with SMACC status report) Friday 15:30 CSI On Off Site Meeting 1 + Daily coordination via WISh, emails, phone calls + Ad-hoc meetings when necessary (Splices Task Force, TETM,…) + Visit in the LHC tunnel (AManyAP) Presence of responsible operators on worksite almost 100% Allows reactivity based on correct information Fourth LHC Splice Review

  27. Issues • Higher number of splices to redo (> 15%) [1/2] Analysis and summary by Max Duret, TE-MSC-LMF Fourth LHC Splice Review

  28. Issues • Higher number of splices to redo (> 15%) [2/2] • Conformity with ELQC criteria is mandatory to allow installation of the shunts in nominal conditions (Redundancy) • The only validated procedure NOW (and for the next months) is to unsolder/resolder the splices • To meet the quality requirements and keep the schedule, extra resources are needed for production and QA • Some staff temporarily available are redirected to un-/re-soldering teams • Extra FSUs are joining and are under training • The development a new more tolerant shunting procedure was assessed and not retained: • Same quality level needs to be guaranteed • Requires a (accelerated) validation process • Likely to be more time consuming • Expert resources were necessary during a critical phase Fourth LHC Splice Review

  29. Issues • Interference between consolidated insulation system and cryogenics pipes preventing welding of M Sleeves • Issue was identified, analysed. • Several solutions proposed and compared • Strategy defined and endorsed on 12.07 • Under implementation with extra resources Courtesy S Atieh, M Duret, F Lackner, H Prin, F Savary, … Fourth LHC Splice Review

  30. Issues • DFBA Broaching • Issue was analysed and reproduced in the workshop • Procedure and tooling were improved and validated on a mock-up • Splices were redone and checked • Broaching restarted (> 1 month delay) Operations stopped in the tunnel In workshop, at 318 bars (Now pressure limited at 150 bars) Courtesy D Etiembre, A Lees, A Perin, R Principe Fourth LHC Splice Review

  31. Issues • Overheated cable • Identified in an outlier segment at cold • Was desoldered • Analysis on-going • Number of spare magnets is limited • Will be treated in a dedicated WG next week (not THE priority) Fourth LHC Splice Review

  32. Safety • * A few accidents • * One directly linked to work (Non long term consequences) • * Mainly during displacement (Driving, biking, walking,…) • Reinforce use of PPE • Reinforce respect of procedures • Continue to limit schedule pressure on the operators Fourth LHC Splice Review

  33. Quality Safety > Quality > Schedule

  34. Conclusions • Concerns: • Quality is given priority over schedule and budget; • Finding extra adequate resources is difficult • Operators should continue to be shielded from the pressure of the schedule • Last 10% effect starts to appear • Worksite extends now over about > 10km!  Supervision is a challenge • Concluding remarks: • Continuous care has to be given to safety • SMACC is ahead of schedule thanks to an «as early start as possible» strategy • Issues are encountered and solved one by one thanks to competent and motivated staff and to the support of the management • The principle of giving priority to quality over schedule and budget should remain. Integrating new resources is not immediate • Margin on DFBA schedule has been eaten up, watched closely • The supervision of such a long worksite is challenging Fourth LHC Splice Review

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  39. Fourth LHC Splice Review

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