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TORAH LIGHT MINISTRIES P.O. Box 2500 OROVILLE WA 98844. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 . The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4. I. Recap: A. The first pass caused the earth to become without form and void – when Satan and his followers sinned . The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4.

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  1. TORAH LIGHT MINISTRIESP.O. Box 2500OROVILLE WA 98844 The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4

  2. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 I. Recap: A. The first pass caused the earth to become without form and void – when Satan and his followers sinned

  3. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 1. The stars died – their lights went out 2. The universe went dark and there was war in heaven

  4. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 War in the heavens

  5. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 B. The second pass caused earth upheaval which resulted in formation of the large hard coal deposits; many of the larger animals were wiped out and it also caused hills to be formed by continental up thrust – when Adam and Eve sinned

  6. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Vast coal deposits

  7. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 1. The ozone layer began to be depleted

  8. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Present Ozone Layer Hole

  9. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 2. The Van Allen radiation belts were disturbed

  10. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Van Allen Radiation Belt

  11. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 3. Carbon based life began to mutate and age due to cosmic radiation and gene bombardment – predatory life developed, along with thorns and weeds

  12. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Saber Tooth Tiger Originally had teeth like a cow Extreme mutation

  13. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Every planet in our solar system has a Magnetosphere The Sun sends out charged particles called the Solar Wind

  14. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Our magnetosphere is a partial barrier to the Solar Wind When the charged particles from the Sun hit the earth’s magnetic field we get the “Northern Lights”

  15. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 When the magnetosphere was weakened – more charged particles came through and caused mutations Aurora Borealis

  16. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 When the magnetosphere was weakened – more charged particles came through and caused harm Skin Cancer

  17. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 II. The third pass by the ‘SIGN of the Son of Man’

  18. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 A. On this pass the “SIGN” planetoid came by the earth on a polar path, at an angle of approximately 45 degrees to the solar plane

  19. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4The Orbital Plane of our Solar System

  20. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4Path of The SIGNThird Pass

  21. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 1. Note: the “SIGN” circles its own star (Nemesis), a dark dwarf (or small black hole) that is the binary companion of our sun.

  22. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Brown Dwarf Star

  23. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 a. Nemesis orbits around Sol in an elliptical orbit that varies gyroscopically b. That is why the “SIGN” does NOT cross the earth’s orbit on a regular, predictable basis or pass at the same angle when it does approach Earth

  24. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Not planet X OR star Nemesis; it is BOTH

  25. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 III. What happened to the Earth on this third pass by the “SIGN”?

  26. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 A. Earth was tilted to 23 ½ degrees

  27. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Went from upright 0 degrees to 23 ½ degrees

  28. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Went from upright 0 degrees to 23 ½ degrees Huge valleys were overturned – covering many square miles of plants and animals with hundreds and hundreds of feet of rock and dirt

  29. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 “Soft coal” U.S. Coal Reserves – yellow and orange One third the size as hard coal reserves

  30. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 One third the size as hard coal reserves After The CURSE – life less prolific

  31. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 All the huge land dinosaurs were wiped out: Human footprint beside dinosaur footprints –same rock layer

  32. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 The Tilt 1. This caused it to rain for the first time 2. It also resulted in the earth having seasons

  33. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 The Tilt 2. It also resulted in the earth having seasons

  34. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 The Tilt 3. Winter north of the equator – Summer south of the equator

  35. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 The Tilt 3. A further depletion in the ozone layer took place 4. The Van Allan radiation belts were drastically disturbed

  36. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 The Tilt The Van Allen Belt shields us from Solar Storms

  37. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 The Tilt The Van Allen Belt shields us from Solar Storms

  38. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 B. The Ray-kee-ah (earth canopy) was broken up and atmospheric density and oxygen content decreased even more as oxygen boiled away into space

  39. A few feet of ice suspended by the Mysner effect above10-15 miles of atmosphere ½ mile of water under the crust - the fountains of the deep Gen. 7 10-20 miles of crust

  40. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 B. The Ray-kee-ah (earth canopy) was broken up and atmospheric density and oxygen content decreased even more

  41. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Ice particles in stratosphere cause vapor trail Remnants of the Ray-kee-ah

  42. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 1. This caused a decrease in the growth size of the whole biosphere 2. Baby reptiles taken on board the ark did not attain the size of their original Edanic ancestors and were even smaller than their pre-flood parents

  43. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 T Rex and alligator Real down-sizing

  44. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 The Tilt C. The single continent of ancient Earth (called either Rodinia or Pangaea) was cracked into plates

  45. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Pangaea

  46. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 D. The combination of the Ray-kee-ah being broken up and becoming rain; the cracking open of the earth releasing vast amounts of ground water, and the wrenching of the earth from upright to a 23 ½ degree tilt, caused a flood and world wide mega-tsunamis that wiped out all land based life.

  47. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 The Tilt – Mega Tsunamis – 1000’

  48. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 The Tilt – Mega Tsunamis – 1000’ DID A BOLIDE IMPACT CAUSE CATASTROPHIC TSUNAMIS IN AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND? On Stewart Island, New Zealand, beach sand is present ~220 meters above sea level at Hellfire Hut and ~150 meters above sea level at Mason Bay. (Paper from GSA report 2003)

  49. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 The Tilt E. Large mountain chains were formed by continental up thrust and ocean floors were rifted by down thrust causing huge trenches

  50. The SIGN and the Flood: Lesson #4 Familiar saw tooth Mountains

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