Extra Credit For those who are interested, I will offer the opportunity to earn up to 20 pts. extra credit each 9-week grading period. Each assignment (max of 10 pts.) consists of a minimum one page report on a Nobel Prize-winning physicist. See list above. You only have to choose one. No repeats! The papers must be formatted as follows: 1 inch margins, Times New Roman font, 12 pt. font size, double-spaced. I do not want any pictures! All papers must have the appropriate citations, just as any good research paper. I want a brief biography of the individual, a section that describes why the individual won the award, and what implications their discoveries had or will have for us.
Extra Credit The papers must be received no later than the following dates: Feb 22, Mar 8, Apr 12, May 10 I am asking you to self-assess your paper using the rubric I will give you. I will issue the final grade, but I want you to reflect on your effort honestly. Once a date has passed, you cannot turn in an extra credit assignment for that period i.e., if you do not turn one in by Feb 22, you can only submit 3 assignments for a maximum of 30 pts. I will update this with dates for the second half of the year.