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LEADER & Rural Development Past - Present - Future

LEADER & Rural Development Past - Present - Future. Dr. Pal Hajas, President , LAG Cserhatalja , Kozard , Hungary, Member of ELARD Council. International Cooperation Seminar in Estonia Peipsi-Alutaguse area , 25.02.- 01.03.2013. Past : 2003-2005.

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LEADER & Rural Development Past - Present - Future

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  1. LEADER & RuralDevelopmentPast - Present- Future Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council International Cooperation Seminar in Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02.- 01.03.2013

  2. Past: 2003-2005 Hungary - ExperimentalLEADER: Insufficient National RD funds, some 26 ruralcommunitiesinvolved, more methodology, less visibledevelopment. Creating local/regionalpublications, elaboration of studies, organizecommunitymeetings. Veryfewinfrastructure-likeprojects. International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  3. Past: 2006-2008 LEADER+: 136 LAG application, 68+2 approved. Manysmallprojects (EUR 2000-10,000), importantcommunitycohesion, growing civil interest. E.g. openstagetheatre, fishingplatforms, local cookingcourses, foreignlanguagecourses, tourismpaths, studytrails, etc. Kozardarea: South-Cserhat LAG, 13 villages, 14,500 inhabit. International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  4. Past: 2006-2008 LEADER+: LAGs had no-legalentity status. Managed and representedbytheGestor Organization: EuragroLlc., Kozard, Memberof theHungarian LEADER Association. Memberof ELARD. Implemented55 projects International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  5. Present: 2007-2013 LEADER - HUNGARY: 96 LAGshavebeenapprovedinSeptember 2008. Almost nationalcoverage – Politicalshadow! International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  6. Present: 2007-2013 LEADER - HUNGARY: Seemingly„normal” budget, 5% of EFARD forAxis IV. (EUR 2-3 Million, incl. Axis III-IV). International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  7. Present: 2007-2013 LEADER - HUNGARY: Partialdelegation of Axis III measurestoLAGs: Microentreprisedevelopment, Tourism, Villagedevelopment, Ruralheritage. International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  8. Present: 2007-2013 LEADER - HUNGARY: Veryslowstart-up, 2009-2010: almost no progressby MA an PA. Cumbersomeimplementationprocedures. Financingobstacles – EconomicCrisis, negativeattitudes of Banks. International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  9. Present: 2007-2013 LEADER - HUNGARY: 2010: Change of Government, Overall streamlining, Mid-termevaluation, persecutions, New politicalregime– Newpriorities International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  10. Present: 2007-2013 LEADER - HUNGARY: Shorthened project decision, but minor simplification. Top-down / manualcontrolby MA Overdominance of thePayingAgency International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  11. Present: 2007-2013 LEADER - LAG Cserhatalja: 26 municipalities, incl. Onesmalltownwith 34,500 inhabitants. Legalform: Non-Profit Company Ltd. 104 shareholders, 12 Boardmembers LEADER Office with 7 employees International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  12. Present: 2007-2013 LEADER - LAG Cserhatalja: 2011: DuetonewGovernmentpressure– LEADER titlewithdrawnfromNon-ProfitLtds. Mandatoryformation of NGO wasordered: Cserhatalja RD Associationregistered. Cumbersomeimplementationprocedures International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  13. Present: 2007-2013 LAG CSERHATALJA: Solidmix of Public, Civil and SME members. Successful LDS implementation Focusonemploymentgeneration, fosteringeconomicgrowth, strengthening local communitycohesion. International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  14. Present: 2007-2013 LAG CSERHATALJA: Preferences: 1) RuralTourism, 2) Villagedevelopment, 3) Microentreprisedevelopment, 4) Ruralheritage. International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  15. Present: 2007-2013 TRANSNATIONAL COOPERATION (TNC): Long delayinannouncing Finallythecall is open (Nov. 2012) Urgencyinfindingpartners International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  16. Present: 2007-2013 OUR TNC PROPSALS: AlongBird’s Routes Supporting local products RENEW-ENERGY - Crossborderőrojectsforrenewableenergy International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  17. Present: 2007-2013 • 1) AlongBird’s Routes: • ConcievedinLapland, 2009 • Eco-tourism and Biodiversity project • Followmigratorybirds’ paths • Composition: 5-6 partners • Budgetforecast: EUR 60,000 International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  18. Present: 2007-2013 • AlongBird’s Routes (Cont.): • Objectives: • Connectpartnersinsymbolicways • Line-upcooperationalongflyingpaths of migratorybirds • Contributetoeco-touristicoffers International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  19. Present: 2007-2013 • AlongBird’s Routes (Cont.): • Activities: • Securecooperating partner LAGs (Hungary, Finland, Estonia, Bulgaria, Italy, Spain) International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  20. Present: 2007-2013 • AlongBird’s Routes (Cont.): • Activities: • Organizeintroductory meeting • Submit project forapprovalinallLAGs/Countriesconcerned International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  21. Present: 2007-2013 • AlongBird’s Routes (Cont.): • Activities: • Set-up project management structure • Finalizeactivityplan • Implement and Disseminate International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  22. Present: 2007-2013 • AlongBird’s Routes (Cont.): • Takecare of birdhabitatprotection • Harmonizebiotop management practices witheco-tourismbenefits • ContributetoSustainableAgriculturethroughEcologicalModernisation International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  23. Present: 2007-2013 • 2) Supportingproduction and marketing of local products: • Focusonstrengthened local economy • Creatingruraljobsthrough local farming, foodprocessing, trading International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  24. Present: 2007-2013 • 2) Supporting local products: • Objective: sharebestpractices • Must be implementedtogetherwith „short-chained” marketing • Budgetforecast: EUR 25,000 • Pertners: 3-5 EU and 1 Non-EU International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  25. Present: 2007-2013 • 3) RENEW-ENERGY: PromoteRenewableEnergyforRuralCommunities: • Objective: learn more aboutrenewenergysources International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  26. Present: 2007-2013 • 4) CULTRURAL – RuralCulturalexchanges: • Placeruralheritagetodaily life of communities • Budgetforecast: EUR 20,000 • Partnersfrom 4-6 countries International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  27. Future: 2014-2020 LEADER & CLLD: AGRI, EMPL, MARE, REGIO: to go for CLLD! New and Innovativetoolforinvolvingcitizens MFF – potentialaccessfordevelopmentfundsrapidlydiscoveredbythepublicsector. LAGs must be activeinparticipatingintheterritorialplanningprocess! International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  28. Future: 2014-2020 LEADER & CLLD: HelptodevelopresponsestotheSocial, Environmental and Economicchallengeswefacetoday. CLLD is an approachthatrequirestime and efforts Withsmallinvestmentitcanhavemarkedimpactonpeople’s lives, generatenewideas International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  29. Future: 2014-2020 LEADER & CLLD: The Commissionexpect CLLD tofacilitateimplementingintegratedapproachesamongthe European Structural and InvestmentFundsconcernedtoachieveat local levelthe 11 thematicobjectives of theproposedCommonProvisionsRegulation 2014-2020. International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  30. Future: 2014-2020 LEADER & CLLD: Eligibilityforsmall and biggercities FocusonRural < > Urban Patnership Drivingprinciple: EIP – European InnovationPartnership. Muchdependson MS Governmentdecision Crucialyearforplanning: 2013 International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  31. Future: 2014-2020 LEADER & CLLD: Be prepared to develop integrated Local Strategies beyondrural interest. Must followbottom-upapproach Wehavetopursue MS governmentideastoput CLLD on right track LAGscanworkin CLLD context International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  32. Future: 2014-2020 LEADER & CLLD: We must haveflexibleframework Weshouldstroglyinvolve local stakeholdersinplanning Defineat MS level, whichobjectives go tothePartnershipAgreement Howtoactivatethem? MonoorMultiFund? International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  33. Future: 2014-2020 LEADER & CLLD: Wehavetoseeclearlyatearlystagewhatwill be therole of intermediatebodies, liketheCounty, ProvinceorRegion? InmanyareasLAGsarenotinvitedyet, pleasefollowtheprocesscarefully Seriousissue: Territorialplannersarenotwithus! International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  34. Future: 2014-2020 • LEADER & CLLD: • Important: • Autonomy of LAGsareessential! • ContinueputpressureonPayingAgencyfortangiblestreamlining and simplification • Reduction of paymentperiod International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  35. Future: 2014-2020 • LEADER & CLLD: • Important: • This is yourFuture, • Don’t giveup! International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

  36. Thanksforyourattention International Cooperation Seminarin Estonia Peipsi-Alutagusearea, 25.02 - 01.03.2013 Dr. Pal Hajas, President, LAG Cserhatalja, Kozard, Hungary, Member of ELARD Council

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