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Adrano town in the province of Catania on the east coast of Sicily.
Adrano town in the province of Catania on the east coast of Sicily.
Adrano is a town at the foot of the mountain Etna situated on the southeastcoast at about 38 km from the main city Catania. The Adrano territoryis of veryancientsettlement and rich of archaelogicaltestimonies . Going back to the prehistorictimesithadalreadybeenunhabitedbecauseits fertile land. ItwasfoundedbyDionysus the Elder in 400 BC and wasnamedAdranon in honourofthe homonymousgod.
Between mountain Etna and the riverSimeto Adrano territoryhasa big variety of beautiful landscapes . Itiswellknownfor the olives and citrusfruits, orchardsand vegetablescoltivationthatrepresentitsmostimportanteconomicresource. Higher up, at about 1100/1200 metresabove the sealevelthereis the Etna Park withitsflows of petrified lava , rarities of nature and uncontaminatedenvironmentsthatextendfrom the summit of the vulcano to the townssurroundingit.
The Norman castle The Norman Castlewasbuilt on the ruins of a Saracenfortby the Noble Norman Roger I in 11th century . IthousesaninterestingarchaelogicalMuseumwithfindingsfrom the Neolithic and Bronze AgestoByzantineDomination.
Monasteryof St Lucy Monastery of Saint Lucy 1931 The Monastery of St.Lucywaserected in 1596 and rebuiltafter the earthquake in 1693. Todayitisusedas a public school. Connectedto the Monasteryis the Church of St. Lucy rebuilt in 1775.
SARACEN BRIDGE Saracens’ Bridge isanarab-norman bridge going back to IX centuryover the Simetoriver. Itisoutside the town at about & milesnorthwest. TodaySaracens Bridge isaninterestingattractiontovisitorsoffering a beautiful view on the Simeto and on the amazing and naturalsicilianlandscape.
ADRANO’S FESTIVITIES Saint Nicolò Politi Theheremit Nicolò Politi is Adrano’s patronsaint. Hisfestivityiscelebrated on 3 rd August with the traditionalso-called “Volata dell’angelo” in “piazza Umberto “whereeveryonemeetstoremembertheirfellow citizen. On Easterdaythereisanotherimportantfestivity in Adrano: the so-called “Diavolata”, a sacredrapresentationwhere the actors are devils and angels.