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Webinar Overview. Provide information and resources related to organizational structure, funding, and program priorities.Connect 4-H program leaders and specialist with the federal government partner.Share updates on important policies and procedures.Provide opportunities for dialogue during this time of transformation..
1. New & Newer 4-H Program Leaders & Specialist
March 27, 2009
2. Webinar Overview Provide information and resources related to organizational structure, funding, and program priorities.
Connect 4-H program leaders and specialist with the federal government partner.
Share updates on important policies and procedures.
Provide opportunities for dialogue during this time of transformation.
3. Presenters Ryan J. Schmiesing � National Program Leader, 4-H Youth Development
Suzanne LeMenestrel � Interim Director, Youth Development & National Program Leader, Research & Evaluation
Maria Arnold � Program Specialist, 4-H Youth Development
Roger Rennekamp � 4-H Program Leader, Oregon State University
4. United States Department of Agriculture
6. National Institute of Food & Agriculture The language in the farm bill legislation does not specifically mention the role of family and consumer sciences, youth development, or 4-H in any new or amended provisions or law.
These areas, however, are included in the unamended legislation which established many current and ongoing programs, and as such, will continue to be part of the U.S. Department of Agriculture research, education, and extension portfolio.
Commitment from the Administrators Office.
7. Overall Responsibilities National 4-H Headquarters
Program Priorities
Quality Control
4-H Name/Emblem
National 4-H Council
4-H Mall & 4-H Conference Center
Legal & Fiduciary Issues
Land Grant Universities
Program Development
Application of Scientific Research
Community-based Implementation
8. National 4-H HeadquartersPeople & Responsibilities Dan Kugler, Interim Deputy Administrator
Overall administration for the Families, 4-H and Nutrition Unit
Suzanne LeMenestrel, Interim Director
Administrator for Youth Development and National 4-H Headquarters
Glenn Applebee, Principal Advisor
Leading transition for National 4-H Headquarters into the National Institute of Food & Agriculture
9. What�s Happening? Mission Mandates
Professional Development
Research & Evaluation
After School Programs
Military Partnerships
National 4-H Conference
Programs of Distinction
Urban Communities
Federal Government Partnerships
4-H Policies
4-H Name & Emblem
Tax Exempt Status
Rural Youth Development
10. 4-H Headquarters Staff Ryan J. Schmiesing
Nancy Valentine
Lisa Lauxman
Glenn Applebee
Janice Clark
Lisa Hampton
Eddy Mentzer
Maria Arnold
Bianca Johnson
Suzanne LeMenestrel
Jim Kahler
11. CSREES Funding Mechanisms Competitive Grants: CSREES awards competitive grants for fundamental and applied research, extension and higher education activities as well as integrated programs.
Formula Grants: CSREES provides funds for research and extension to land-grant institutions (1862,1890, & 1994).
Non-Competitive Grant Programs: Projects specifically directed by Congress (or other mechanisms) to support designated institution(s).
12. Funding Portfolio 4-H Youth Development ~20% of Smith-Lever Funds allocated to 4-H youth development across the country.
Determination of how Smith-Lever funds are allocated is at the direction of the State Director of Cooperative Extension and other administrators.
Smith-Lever funds can leverage considerable, additional public and private resources on the state, county, and parish level across the country.
~ $8.1 million through CYFAR competitive process.
Competitive process initiated in early 2009
Funding leverages additional financial and human resources at the state, county, and parish level across the country.
~ $1.8 million through Rural Youth Development competitive process.
Funds support youth development programs and include 4-H, Girl Scouts and FFA.
13. Funding Portfolio4-H Youth Development ~ $28.0 million from Interagency Award Agreements supporting military youth programs.
Funding support for programs in nearly every state in the U.S.
Ongoing partnership that builds on the strengths of all partners.
~$65,000 on Interagency Agreement with Fish & Wildlife Services.
Supports program recognition by recognition a Program of Distinction
Focused on program development related to outdoor education, natural resources, and the environment.
14. Future Focus Establish relationships with other Federal agencies to strengthen funding portfolio and communicate additional funding opportunities to state 4-H programs.
Expand partnership with the Department of Defense to meet the needs of the future youth professional workforce and of youth, families, & communities, including the military.
Language in Agriculture Food Research Initiative and other Agency competitive processes for 4-H youth development to be visibly eligible and competitive.
Demonstrate the power of the federal contribution/partnership in leveraging public and private resources.
16. Why 4-H Mission Mandates Science, Engineering, & Technology; Healthy Living; & Citizenship
Our history is grounded in science, engineering, and technology; healthy living; and citizenship.
Represents the expertise of the Land Grant University and United States Department of Agriculture (CSREES).
Lead to stronger and more effective youth programs, staff and volunteer development, evaluation, and financial and human resource support.
17. Mission MandatesScience Engineering & Technology Science, Engineering & Technology
Focus on curriculum development, professional development, and evaluation.
Building partnerships with regional and national organizations to strengthen local programs.
Private support secured by National 4-H Council.
Evolving focus for 4-H programs across the country through staffing, fundraising, and local partnerships.
Co-Chairs: Beth Birnstihl (NE) and Bob Horton (OH)
18. Mission MandatesCitizenship Development of framing document to begin moving forward on specific tasks.
Establishing key partnerships on the federal level to move mission mandate work forward.
Identifying additional 4-H faculty/staff to serve on the overall leadership group.
Co-Chairs: Gail Long (TX) and Dorothy Freeman (MN)
19. Mission MandatesHealthy Living Strategic Framework and Literature Review completed; and Institutional Liaisons being recruited.
Documents will assist state teams in their planning.
Private funding secured by National 4-H Council to carry-out the work of the task force.
Co-Chairs: Cheri Booth (MI) and Daniel Perkins (PA)
20. Opportunities Serve as a member of a competitive peer review panel (CYFAR, AFRI, other federal agencies)
Serve as a curriculum coach or reviewer
Planning team for National 4-H Conference
Member of teams (mission mandates, etc.)
Apply for competitive grants
Programs of Distinction (apply or review)
Liaison for one of the mission mandate or other initiative (i.e., professional development) areas
21. 4-H Name & Emblem The 4-H Name & Emblem are official, federal �marks� protected by 18 U.S.C. 707 and entrusted by Congress to the Secretary of Agriculture.
Primary consideration for granting authorization to use the 4-H Name and/or Emblem is for the educational and character-building purposes of the 4-H Youth Development Program and can be used only as authorized by the statute.
National 4-H Headquarters policy is not to provide authorization to
(1) commercial firms, vendors or organizations that would profit from the use of the 4-H Name and/or Emblem for merchandise, supplies, products and/or services, or (2) when intended for or available to the general public with no benefit to the educational goals and objectives of the 4-H Youth Development Program. This is applicable for all levels of the Cooperative Extension System.
22. 4-H Name & Emblem The Secretary of Agriculture is the authorizing agent. The Secretary has delegated responsibility for the proper use of the 4-H Name & Emblem to National 4-H Headquarters.
Land-Grant Universities and the Cooperative Extension System have been given the authorization to use the 4-H Name & Emblem. This includes use of the 4-H Name & Emblem by duly authorized 4-H clubs (chartered clubs).
Private organizations and commercial vendors have additional limitations in their use of the 4-H Name & Emblem.
23. 4-H Name & Emblem If distribution of a project desired by Cooperative Extension is (1) limited geographically to a county or state, (2) a 4-H club/local/county/state program is identified, and (3) the vendor is only operating within that area (over time), then the county or state 4-H extension office may approve commercial use � so long as use meets the requirements of the statute and is consistent with USDA policies.
All other commercial requests for use of the 4-H Name and/or Emblem require federal review via the OMB-approved application form. This includes any instances when activity is taking place across state lines.
24. 4-H Name & Emblem National 4-H Headquarters uses the OMB-approved �Application for Authorization to Use the 4-H Name or Emblem.�
The current form expires 3/31/09 but may be used until we post an OMB-approved updated form. OMB is continuing to review routine paperwork to reauthorize the form, which we do every 3 years.
Currently, for most commercial applications, National 4-H Headquarters is working with National 4-H Council to secure licensing agreements�to ensure royalties come back into the 4-H program�prior to federal authorization is granted.
25. 4-H Name & Emblem For commercial vendors, operating at any level, to legally use the 4-H Name and/or Emblem:
All must have written authorization which includes:
Information alerting the vendor that the 4-H Name & Emblem are federally protected marks under 18 U.S.C. 707
The specific product/project for which permission is being granted to the vendor (never a �blanket� permission)
A specified duration for the use
Basic graphic standards, including that for all print materials & other items where it is feasible, the words �18 U.S.C. 707� must be used as an integral part of the 4-H Emblem
Notification reserving the right to review, inspect and withdraw approval at any time
26. 4-H Name & Emblem Any use of the 4-H Name & Emblem is forbidden if it exploits the 4-H programs, its volunteer leaders or the 4-H youth participants or the USDA, CSREES or the land-grant institutions, or their employees.
Authorization to use the 4-H Name and/or Emblem does not grant the applicant exclusive right to the 4-H Name or Emblem for the stated, or any other, purpose.
The 4-H Name & Emblem are not be used to endorse (or appear to endorse) a program, product or service.
27. 4-H Name & Emblem Other resources, go to http://www.national4-hheadquarters.gov/ to review 4-H N&E regulations and fact sheets, including:
Using the 4-H Name & Emblem guide (the graphic standards)
Application for Use
Granting Authorization to Use the 4-H Name or Emblem
4-H Name and Emblem Authorization Continuum
Reporting 4-H Name & Emblem Violations
What is a 4-H Club?
Naming a 4-H Club
Charters: The Key to Official Recognition [Electronic charters (black & white and color) are posted on the State 4-H Program Leader Intranet Site
Fundraising: Private Support for the 4-H Program
4-H Fundraising: Sponsorships and Promotions
28. 4-H Tax Exempt Status 4-H tax exemption mythology:
I�m 4-H, so my club/group is tax exempt
I�m 4-H and I have an EIN, so my club/group is tax exempt
I�m 4-H, so my club/group is a 501(c)3 organization
My club has an EIN, which means, I have a tax exempt number
My 4-H club has an EIN � here, you can use it, too, for your 4-H club
My 4-H club is tax exempt, so we don�t have to pay sales or hotel tax
My 4-H county program is tax exempt, because it�s 4-H and 4-H is tax exempt
My state/county 4-H foundation is an independent 501(c)3 and is also eligible for GEN 2704
I put �GEN 2704� on my SS-4, so my club is now included under GEN 2704
I�m 4-H, I don�t have to file tax forms with the IRS
29. 4-H Tax Exempt Status Facts
Over the years there have been different processes for eligible 4-H clubs & authorized affiliated 4-H organizations to become tax exempt (by being listed in the IRS� master file for Group Exemption Number [GEN] 2704).
In 2007, National 4-H Headquarters provided new guidance to LGUs regarding :
certification & inclusion procedures for eligible, qualified 4-H clubs/affiliated 4-H organizations to be exempt from federal income tax under GEN 2704
new required filing, beginning January 2008, for eligible, qualified 4-H subsidiaries typically earning $25,000 or less
30. 4-H Tax Exempt Status 2007 � 1862 LGUs:
updated EXCEL files, for all eligible, qualified 4-H subsidiaries in their state, using IRS � format and coding for National 4-H Headquarters to forward to the IRS (or those the LGUs could compile by the deadline)
with certification letters signed by Extension Directors
expecting changes to be updated and �new� organizations become tax exempt under GEN 2704 when the IRS completed the updates
March 2008 � National 4-H Headquarters completed data clean-up and forwarded updates to the IRS
Summer 2008 � Some national GEN 2704 updates were made. Data errors included improper coding, EINs not matching those on file with the IRS, EINs belonging to groups other than those provided� Data entry stopped.
31. 4-H Tax Exempt Status 2009 � GEN 2704 remains under review.
Technically, most 4-H clubs & affiliated 4-H organizations are not tax exempt because they are not listed in the IRS� master file for GEN 2704 (or if so, may not reflect current data).
All eligible, qualified 4-H subsidiaries must file the appropriate 990 form on time.
Many 990-N filers will not be successful because their record is not current in the IRS master file for GEN 2704.
These organizations MUST save evidence of success or failure. For those that were unsuccessful, thank your leaders for following instructions, they did what they were asked to do, and assure them that National 4-H Headquarters & the IRS continue working on resolving 4-H tax exemption issues.
32. 4-H Tax Exempt Status
LGUs need to continue tracking their own 4-H subsidiaries using the EXCEL spreadsheets
National 4-H Headquarters & the IRS are working together to resolve issues; we�re in a holding pattern until we have a new ruling or some other official guidance regarding how 4-H clubs and affiliated 4-H organizations can continue to be exempt from federal income tax.
The IRS is being very supportive; but know that this is complex, there are a lot of moving parts, and when it comes right down to it, 4-H is a unique being � based in a federal agency, operated on the ground level in every county through the Land Grant Universities.
33. 4-H Tax Exempt Status The road ahead?
Use the February PWG addendum and watch for any additional guidance we send to State 4-H Leaders & Extension Directors.
We hope to have interim guidance to share come late spring/summer.
We march on � with some things on �hold,� some things on �go.� No more false starts. We�re taking the time, with the IRS, to get this right. No matter what comes next, much of the journey remains � it will be a long road we travel.
34. Important Resources Find Youth Info
National 4-H Council Grants
Programs of Distinction
4-H Policies & Procedures
National Learning Priorities
Agriculture Food Research Initiative
After School Alliance (note funding opportunities)
Corporation for National & Community Service
The Finance Project