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Information & Publicity Requirements Lead Partner Seminar 8 th September 2010 – Bunratty Co. Clare, Ireland Kirsti Mijnhijmer. Overview. Project Role NPP expectations for project communication strategies Internal communication External communication Target audiences Professional standard

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  1. Information & Publicity RequirementsLead Partner Seminar8th September 2010 – Bunratty Co. Clare, IrelandKirsti Mijnhijmer

  2. Overview • Project Role • NPP expectations for project communication strategies • Internal communication • External communication • Target audiences • Professional standard • Benefits of a solid communication Strategy • Publicity Requirements • European Commission • NPP 2007-2013 • Monitoring • Next Steps • For more information

  3. Project Role

  4. Project Role • NPP communication strategy: cooperative effort • Projects form the link between the programme and citizens in the area • The programme needs to demonstrate tangible outcomes for the future • Programme communication resources limited • For this reason projects are expected to: • Promote products and services • Feedback (expected) outcomes to the programme level: indicators, examples of promotional materials, success stories, case study • Develop mandatory communication tools within first 6 months • Budget for attending programme events • Follow EU & NPP publicity requirements

  5. NPP expectations for project communication strategies • Internal communication • External communication • Target audiences • A professional standard • Benefits of a solid communication strategy

  6. Internal Communication • Consider the information flow within the partnership • Develop a routine/model for keeping track of progress • How do you involve associated partners/stakeholders • What is the decision making structure • Especially important for Lead Partners: responsible for monitoring • Information structure can be part of Partnership Agreement • For example, agreement on how to deal with conflicts, delays, etc. • Detailed division of tasks and responsibilities.

  7. External Communication • Projects have a communication strategy, which forms an integral part of project implementation: the communication strategy at the centre. • It is essential for the viability of project outcomes that projects can communicate their products and services to the relevant target audiences (end users/financiers). • A business perspective • Attributes are clearly defined (marketing arguments) • The operation/cooperation is of secondary importance • Project communication measures demonstrate what is under development • Project communication measures demonstrate the business potential of products/services and by that demonstrate their viability • A communication strategy should be in place from the start of the project to reach self sufficiency at the end of the project (exit strategy)

  8. Target Audiences • It is essential for the viability of project outcomes that projects can communicate their products and services to the relevant target audiences (end users/financiers). • Define your target audiences • Be realistic • Define their goals • Adjust your communication to meet their expectations and your objectives • Brand, layout, language, information, etc. • Potential target audiences: • End users • Other stakeholders • Policy makers • General public • Financiers • Own organisation

  9. A Professional Standard • Your project communication measures should demonstrate your project’s right to exist • Justify use of tax payers’ money • Value for money and ROI: for general public but also for investors such as the PMC • Transparency and accountability • Your project communication measures speak for the programme and for the EU (and Non Member States) • Communication measures are expected to meet a professional standard • Similar to other parts of project implementation • Get experts where needed • Budget accordingly: approx. 5% of the project budget

  10. Benefits of a Solid Communication Strategy • Expected outcomes of a successful communication strategy: • Raised awareness with the general public • Better project implementation and therefore better achievement of project objectives • Better viability of the project outcomes • Better internal communication between project partners and better management • Attracting more match funding and outside investments from participating organisations and other stakeholders • More political support and support from citizens to ensure a longer lasting impact of the project and more future support. • Communication is not just a burden or an expense: it can add value • You do not need to be an expert: use your common sense

  11. Publicity Requirements • European Commission • NPP 2007-2013

  12. Publicity Requirements – European Commission • European Information & publicity requirements for projects: Commission Regulation No 1828/2006, Articles 8 and 9 (and Annex 1) • Requirements: • Lead Partners are responsible for informing the public and partnership about assistance received from ERDF • All information and publicity measures must include: • The European flag (emblem) and a reference to the European Union • A reference to the fund: “European Regional Development Fund” • Programme statement: “Innovatively investing in Europe’s Northern Periphery for a sustainable and prosperous future” • Small promotional objects only need to have the EU flag • Failure to comply can lead to grant cuts!

  13. Publicity Requirements – European Commission • European Flag • Guidance in Annex 1 of Regulation 1828/2006 • Official colours: Pantone Reflex Blue and Pantone Yellow 2C • Do not place it upside down! • Reproduction: • Preferably in colour • On a colour background: white rectangular border • White and blue: Reflex blue and stars in white • Black and white: black stars on white background • More information and downloads on: http://europa.eu/abc/symbols/emblem/index_en.htm

  14. Publicity Requirements – NPP 2007-2013 • Programme logo • To be included on all publications together with EU flag • Visual Guidelines • Mandatory communication tools within first 6 months: • Project website • Project logo • Promotional material for conferences, seminars, exhibitions, etc. • Project presentation in PowerPoint format outlining the project’s objectives • Completion of a brief project case study based on an NPP template • Submission of small collection of photos relevant to the project • Expected attendance at joint activities such as (should be budgeted for): • Lead Partner and partner seminars • One thematic seminar • One additional training seminar

  15. Publicity Requirements – Graphical Elements • Example of correct use of the mandatory graphical elements: • Graphical elements available on the NPP website.

  16. Monitoring

  17. Monitoring • Progress on communication activities is monitored through communication indicators and questions in the activity and final report • Why? • To monitor progress made on the NPP requirements • The aggregated project communication indicators feed into programme communication indicators, which are reported to the Commission in the Annual Report • To identify best practices • Activity Report • 8.1 Communication indicators • 8.2 Communication tools • 8.3 Analysis of performance on communication activities • 8.4 Certification of compliance with NPP and European publicity requirements

  18. Question 8.1 Communication Indicators Purpose: to measure progress on the mandatory communication measures and expected attendance at NPP events Accumulative

  19. Question 8.2 List all communication tools and promotional materials developed Purpose: to exemplify indicators given in question 8.1 Examples: Brochure Website exhibition roll-up PowerPoint presentations Pens Accumulative: list grows as project progresses Do not forget the mandatory tools

  20. Questions 8.3 and 8.4 • Question 8.3 • Provide an analysis of the internal and external communication activities performed during this reporting period. • What activities worked well, what activities did not work well? • How do you see your overall communication performance? • Mention any (innovative) steps your project has taken to enhance its communication performance. • Purpose: to get a sense of general performance on communication and best practices • Question 8.4 • Certification of compliance with the NPP and European publicity requirements • All promotional materials comply with the NPP and European publicity requirements, which can be found in the Programme Manual and Commission Regulation No 1828/2006, Articles 8 and 9. • Purpose: to ensure that the project complies with the regulation • This is a matter of eligibility: European Commission recommends a 2% flat rate cut

  21. Case Study Template Part of mandatory measures At start and end of project Online case study (Lead Partner) Form: Project Details Title and acronym, Start/end date Priority and objective Budget and funding Lead Partner details, Partnership Project description Synopsis Aims and objectives Expected outcomes Achieved outcomes Information & Communication Logo Project message Publications

  22. Next Steps

  23. Next Steps • Social Media presentation • How to tell a story • How to reach your target audience • How to hire a social media expert • Social Media Clinic

  24. For more information

  25. For more information • Websites • Programme website, www.northernperiphery.eu • Downloadable graphical elements: flag and logo • Presentations previous events (InfoComm training, project websites workshop) • LinkedIn Group “European Project Communications”, http://www.linkedin.com/groups?mostPopular=&gid=1984695 • Documents • Programme Manual “Part 1: How to Apply” – communication strategy • Programme Manual “Part 2: How to Apply an NPP Project” – requirements • Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1828/2006, articles 8 and 9 and annex 1 • Contact details Kirsti Mijnhijmer, Programme Manager for Information & Communication Tel.: +45 3283 3784, E-mail: kirsti.mijnhijmer@northernperiphery.eu

  26. Thank you for listening!

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