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China in the Middle Ages

China in the Middle Ages. Section 1: China Reunites China - 1. Vocabulary w arlord e conomy r eform m onastery. People and Places Wendi Empress Wu Korea Japan. Rebuilding China’s Empire. Han empire ended – China broke into 17 kingdoms Warlords fought each other for control

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China in the Middle Ages

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  1. China in the Middle Ages

  2. Section 1: China ReunitesChina - 1 • Vocabulary • warlord • economy • reform • monastery • People and Places • Wendi • Empress Wu • Korea • Japan

  3. RebuildingChina’s Empire • Han empire ended – China broke into 17 kingdoms • Warlords fought each other for control • General Wendi – founded the Sui dynasty • Wendi’s son – Yangdi – Grand Canal (links the Chang Jiang River and the Huang He River) • Shipping products thru the canal improved economy • Rebellion killed Yangdi • ___________________________________________ • Tang dynasty – begun by one of Yangdi’s generals • 300 yr rule – brought reform to government • Taizong – powerful Tang ruler – reinstated the civil service exam • Empress Wu strengthened China’s military • expanded Chinese empire and regained power in Asia • Tang dynasty weakened and fell – Turks took control of the Silk Road – damaged economy • ____________________________________________ • Song dynasty was established • China prospered – cultural advances • Moved capital to Hangzhou • Lack of soldiers = loss of power. The Sui dynasty Reunites China The Tang Dynasty The Song Dynasty

  4. Buddhism Spread to China • Brought to China during Han dynasty A. D. 150 • Idea that to find truth – give up all worldly desires • Tang dynasty supported building of Buddhist temples • Allowed people to practice Buddhism • Monasteries provided – meditation, worship, services • As this belief became more popular – Tang dynasty felt threatened • Ordered temples destroyed – A. D. 845 • Spread to Korea and Japan Chinese Buddhism Life of Buddha Chinese Buddhism Spreads East

  5. New Confucian Ideas • Idea – have duty to family and community to bring peace in life • Taught people to take part in life and help each other • Believed followers needed to be talented and wise • Civil Service Exams – based on Confucian ideas – tested job seekers about their knowledge • Song dynasty adopted Neo Confucianism philosophy – reduced Buddhism popularity Neo-Confucianism Scholar-Officials

  6. Section 2: Chinese SocietyChina - 2 • Vocabulary • porcelain • calligraphy • People and Places • Changan • Li Bo • Du Fu

  7. Economy • Tang dynasty strengthened economy • Farmers --irrigation, grew new crops, developed new rice, grew tea • Tea became popular drink • Increased trade – Silk Road, waterways • Items traded – tea, steel, paper, porcelain, silk,

  8. What is porcelain?

  9. New Technologies • Tang and Song dynasties • Coal used for heat • Fe and C from coal produced steel • Steel – weapons, stoves, farm tools, drills, sewing needles . . . • Printing press –block print, character carved to wood . . . Pi Sheng invented movable type • Gunpowder invented (The Invention of Gunpowder) • Sea travel began using rudders, sails and compasses

  10. Art and Literature • Changan – capitol city, where artists and writer were invited to live • Li Bo and Du Fu – popular poets • Tang dynasty is age of poetry…joy, sadness, nature. • Landscape paintings – living in NOT controlling • Porcelain perfected- makes cups, plates, figurines, vases

  11. Section 3: The Mongols in ChinaChina - 3 • Vocabulary: • tribe • steppe • terror • People and Places • Mongolia • Gobi • Karakorum • Khanbaliq • Beijing • Genghis Khan • Kublai Khan • Marco Polo

  12. The Mongols Mongols Rule in China Kublai Khan– 1260 became emperor Moved the capital from Karakorum to Khanbaliq (Beijing today) Mongols conquered China and ended Song dynasty Yuan dynasty began – ruled 100yrs. Mongols were Buddhists – tolerated other religions Marco Polo visitedKublai Khan – sent of fact finding missions Mongols conquered Vietnam, and N. Korea • Area of N. China = Mongolia • Lived in tribes - nomadic people • 1206 – Temujin – elected Genghis Khan • Empire divided into fourths • Large area Pacific to Eastern Europe and Siberia to Himilayas • Brought peace – encouraged trade. • Learned about gunpowder and weapons from Chinese

  13. Section 4: The Ming DynastyChina -4 • Vocabulary • treason • census • novel • barbarian • People and Places • Nanjing • Portugal • Zhu Yuanzhang • Yong Le • Zheng He

  14. The Rise of the Ming • Yuan dynasty lost power after Kublai’s death • Chinese wanted their own groups – rebellions drove out Mongols • 1368 – Zhu Yuanzhang – became emperor of China – set Nanjing as capital – founded Ming dynasty • Hong Wu – leader ---Yong Le – his son took control after his death –built the Forbidden City • Restored Civil Service Exam • Economy grew, increased farming and trade, artisans and merchants supported, novels, dramas on stage.

  15. China Explores the World • Ming dynasty built fleet of ships to explore • Seven voyages from 1405-1431 – Zheng He (Muslim, court official) took ships to India, Arabia, Asia, East Africa. • 1514 – Europeans (from Portugal) arrived in China • Chinese thought Portuguese were uncivilized – wanted others to become Christians • Chinese let Europeans set up trading posts • Jesuit missionaries tried to convince Chinese to become Christian • Manchus from Manchuria invaded and weakened the Ming—captured Beijing.

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